Tri Mates Page 21

Tracy told him about the whole tri-bond fiasco between Nina, Lex and Cade.

“Well, as a human, I’m sure it was harder for Nina at the time. I understand why it has to happen and on that level I’m okay with it. I want to protect you. I need to. But there is this sliver of unease inside me at the thought of my mate with someone else.”

“How can we make this easier for you?” She wished she could forego it entirely, seeing how he felt about it. But she also felt herself slipping a bit as the time passed. Felt the encroaching dark place. “Do you want to be in the room? In the apartment? Do you want to go for a workout and then come back afterwards?”

“Part of me wants to be far, far away but another part of me knows I’d imagine all sorts of things if I wasn’t here. I do think I need to not be in the room though. It’s going to be an issue that he’s not related to me and that he outranks me. I’ll work in my office. When it’s over, we have to talk about the joining.”

Tracy stiffened. “What is that all about? You’re pissed because of the tri-bond and you bring that up to get back at me?”

He turned and looked her in the eyes. “No. Tracy, I am not passive-aggressive. If I have an issue you’ll know it. But we do have to talk about it and I’d like to see if perhaps you’ll be more…adjusted after you have an anchor.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you suggesting that I’m overreacting to my mate sneaking out of bed at four a.m. to call another woman who he professed to have deep feelings for?”

“I’m not saying you’re wrong for being upset. It was a mistake, I admit that and I’ve apologized for it.

But I do think your reaction was rather severe and I’m hoping that after the tri-bond you’re more centered and we can pick it up again. In any case, we’ll have to because the joining is tonight.”

“Scheduled for tonight, that is. And I’d like to know how you’d react if our positions were reversed.”

He got quiet as he thought about it.

She got up and kissed him on the top of his head. “I’m going to take a shower and, uh, prepare for Gabe.”

He stood and trailed after her into the bathroom.

She laughed as she slipped out of her robe. His hands found their way to her body again. “Don’t start anything right now. You’re the reason I have to shower again as it is.”

He hopped up on the counter and watched as she got into the glass enclosure. “Tracy, I’ve been thinking, and I want you to let go and enjoy yourself with Gabe. I mean, it’s the last time you’ll ever have sex with someone other than me and I want you to get off.”

She wiped her hand through the steam and looked out at him.

“I’m serious. I want you to have this. I don’t want it to be clinical and uncomfortable.” What he didn’t

say was that Ben had said the same thing to Sarah and had gone to another part of the house, leaving her with Nick. And it had been even more special because of that. He wanted Tracy and Gabe to have that connection. And it was easy enough to say because Gabe didn’t live in the same city, much less the same state. Yes, Gabe would be a part of their lives forever, but it was easier with some distance.

“Well, we’ll see.” She sounded dubious.

After she got out of the shower she stayed in a robe and changed the sheets in the guest bedroom and tried not to show how nervous she was as Nick watched her.

She brewed some coffee and he helped her make a nice breakfast and set the table as she bustled around.

They both jumped when a knock sounded on the door and Nick squeezed her hand before going to answer it.

Gabe was there in jeans and a black cashmere sweater, looking suave and effortlessly, classically handsome and Nick only barely stopped himself from narrowing an eye at him.

Instead he stood back and motioned Gabe inside with a sweep of his hand. “Gabe, good morning.

Please come in. Tracy is just finishing up the crêpes.”

Gabe’s eyes widened a bit as he came into the apartment. “Crêpes? I do believe you’re even luckier than I’d thought.”

Tracy laughed as she heard that comment, putting the crêpes on the table with a tea towel covering them to keep them warm.

“Hi, Gabe. Please sit down.”

He went to her and kissed her cheek and it sent a shiver down her spine. He smelled good and he was warm against her body.

“Thank you, Tracy. This all looks marvelous.” He pulled out a chair, careful to avoid the one at the head of the table, and sat down.

“Please, help yourself to coffee. The different fillings are all here in reach.” She blinked quickly, nervous beyond belief.

He reached out and grabbed her hand. “Tracy, this is going to be all right. We’ll just take it slow and step-by-step. The three of us will work this through.”

“Thank you.” A blush crept up her neck and Nick smiled at her, relaxing her a bit.

Gabe filled his plate and tried not to look at her too much. She was alluring there in her robe. Her hair curled softly about her face and shoulders and unless he was wrong, there was not a stitch beneath the silk of the robe.

After a leisurely breakfast, where the three of them got on quite nicely, he put his napkin on the table and

looked at Nick.

“How shall we proceed?”

“I’m going to finish up some work in my office. If I need to, I’ll duck out. I’ve discussed with Tracy that I want this to be a pleasurable experience for her so take it for what that’s worth.”

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