Tri Mates Page 20

I need you. I love you.”

Reaching up, she sifted fingertips through his hair. “One step at a time. I’m no longer contemplating calling my grandma to ask her if those stories about magic to break a mate bond are true. I want you too.

I love you. But I’m not sure about anything past that.”

“What do you mean?” Despite the serious nature of the discussion he was hard and found himself wanting her yet again. Wanting the lovemaking to heal the rift.

“I mean that if I join Pacific I have to pledge an oath to the Pack and to the Alphas and I can’t pledge anything but that I want to pull that fake blonde hair off that bitch’s head.”

“Wow.” He fought a grin. She was so pissed off and jealous. It affected him in a very primal way. She was a vicious little wolf and his wolf liked that.

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help a little roll of her hips. “Don’t tell me this whole girlfight thing is making you hot.”

“No, it’s not about her. It’s about you being so willing to kick the ass of anyone you think is threatening your bond with me. Which you’re totally wrong about, by the way. I happen to like long, lean, lithe women with tattoos and wicked tempers.”

“Do you think flattery is going to get you out of this?”

He laughed. “You’re a hard case, Tracy. So you won’t kill me in my sleep and you’re willing to stay and be my mate?” He suspected that part of why her feelings

were so intense was the lack of the tri-bond. He hoped that after it was in place she’d feel more centered and sure. The idea of him wanting Sarah over her was ludicrous. He was sure he wouldn’t have thought so a week ago, but Tracy cast a deep shadow, there was no comparison.

“And we are going to start looking for a house tomorrow.” Tracy’s look dared him to argue.

He was no fool. Nodding, he agreed. “Okay. And the joining?”

“I don’t know, Nick. I can’t swear fealty to her. I can punch her, though.”

His mind raced at how he’d deal with this situation. She’d mortally offend the Pack if she refused the joining. But knowing her, she’d say exactly why and the Pack would be angry with Sarah and Nick as well. And Ben would be left holding the bag and trying to figure out how to fix it all. Plus, damn it, he wanted her in his Pack not Cascadia. He wanted to share his rank with her, wanted her in his family.

“One step at a time, baby. For now, I have a suggestion.” He raised his eyebrows at her and she laughed but didn’t stop him when his hands pushed the front of her robe open.

Chapter Three

Gabe had been awake since five, when his dreams of Tracy Warden ended and his thoughts of her


He loved the whole concept of the anchor. Over the years he’d had the opportunity here and there but had said no. He most definitely wanted to be someone’s anchor but he’d always felt like the woman would have to be someone very, very special to him.

Gabe readily admitted to himself that his offer to be Tracy’s anchor was self-serving. He wanted her.

Had wanted her since the first time he’d clapped eyes on her in that room the morning before. Instantly, the sight and smell of her had shot to his gut.

Because she was mated to Nick, he’d certainly not have the opportunity to see her naked in any other way. And admittedly, that was frustrating. If there was no mate bond, Gabe would have no problem whatsoever doing whatever he could to grab Tracy for himself.

But he hadn’t expected to want to be anchored to a woman like Tracy. His attraction to her, the depth and intensity of it surprised him. Shocked him even. She fascinated him. Wound her way into his brain in a way no other female ever had. At first he’d surprised himself by offering to be their anchor. He’d said it without really thinking about it. The words just burst from him. He wasn’t sure why he felt as deeply as he did and now he really wasn’t sure if it was wise to be bonded to her in even an ancillary way. He was a man who valued control and his attraction to Tracy made him feel out of control.

He’d mulled it in his head, paced, and once in his bed, tossed and turned a long time. In the end, his decision was to roll with it. Because Gabe wanted to know Tracy more.

Sure, it was attractive that she came from a very powerful and revered family. As a human who’d been transformed and had been looking from the outside in for most of his adult life he had to admit that such things mattered in the world of wolves. Being anchored to a woman as powerful as Tracy Warden brought his status up as a former human. Even though he was one of the most highly ranked werewolves in the country, her coming from such a powerful family mattered in werewolf culture.

But that wasn’t it. Not even a small part. No, he liked the idea of being as special to her as she’d be to him. Having that connection to her made him warm inside. He’d been happy these last twenty years as a wolf, but he had missed that connection since his mentor had died.

He liked the Northwest and now he’d have a reason to visit more frequently. As her anchor, he’d be a part of her life forever, even after he himself bonded with his mate. As an anchor he’d be like a member of her family. He smiled as his body tightened in anticipation.

* * * * *

Over coffee several hours after Tracy and Nick had made up, they sat curled into each other on the couch, watching the morning out of the windows. “So, uh, I hate to bring this up and all, but isn’t Gabe going to be here soon?”

“Yeah, in about an hour.” He hated the idea of her with anyone else and knowing that the scent of her sex with another male would be in the air, he really hated the idea that it would happen there. Perhaps it was a good thing he’d agreed to move.

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