Sugar Daddy Page 51

Before JT can answer, I tell her. “JT’s mistaken. I’m not a Sugar Baby. I’m Beck’s girlfriend.”

“But Beck paid for your college, right?” JT says, and it irks me that he knows that. Irks me a little that Beck told him that, which makes me feel less than what I’d believed I was to him.

“Yes, but we did away with our agreement,” I say, my voice slightly shaking in anger and embarrassment.

JT shrugs again and turns to Amelia. His hand drops to her thigh, which is more than adequately covered by her sedate skirt that doesn’t even have a slit in it. His gaze roams over her face and his hand slides higher up her leg. He leans over, whispering in her ear still plenty loud enough for me to hear. “You look beautiful tonight. New blond highlights?”

His hand slides up a little higher and Amelia’s face goes red. Not sure if it’s from his creeping hand or the compliment he just paid her hair, which seriously…what guy ever notices shit like that?

Amelia nervously pats the back of her chignon and nods. “I did in fact get new highlights. I’m glad you like them.”

JT’s long fingers grip into her thigh, his hand resting practically near her hip. He growls seductively at her and murmurs, “Well, you know I love blondes.”

My lips curl in absolute disgust. I can tell that JT doesn’t have an ounce of attraction toward Amelia other than perhaps wanting to fuck her tonight because she’s handy and available. I imagine it will be quick and focused only on getting his rocks off, and I’m sure he’ll leave her the minute he pulls out. Watching Amelia blush again and then give a little sigh of appreciation makes me even more sad for her.

I start to turn my head to look out the window, but JT’s gaze snaps back over to mine, halting me. He stares at me a moment and then his lips curve upward. “You know, Sela…I think you’d make a terrific-looking blonde.”

My gut churns, and is it my imagination, or is that a taunt?

“I mean…you’re stunning as a brunette, but I think blond would look more natural with your skin tone. Of course, I can’t say what Beck’s preference is. He’s an equal opportunity man…fucked blondes, brunettes, redheads. He loves them all.”

His direct attempt to make me jealous is almost pathetic because he rattled me enough with the blonde comment and it wasn’t needed. I can’t tell to what extent JT is fucking with me, and I’m wondering if he knows who I am. I can’t imagine it. He’s too self-centered to recognize the woman he destroyed all those years ago. I’m sure of it.

Amelia makes a sound of dismay deep in her throat, because she’s not missed the seductive nature of JT’s tone when he told me I would look natural as a blonde. She sniffs and says, “Honestly, JT. That’s crude to say right in front of your date.”

“It’s not a date, Amelia,” he says, his eyes still trained on me. “It’s a favor owed to my mother. Don’t make it more than what it is.”

I wince, because that was harsh.

Amelia gasps and her face flames red. “Well, I don’t think this night is exactly what I had anticipated, so if you don’t mind, I’d like for you to just take me back—”

JT spins on her and his hand flexes, digging down into her thigh. Amelia’s mouth snaps shut in surprise and she even leans back a little from JT when he presses toward her. His voice is soft, low, and rich with promise as he plays her right into his hands. “But relax, Amelia. I’m sure it has the potential to be so much more.”

And just like that, she melts into him. I see the fantasy of the engagement ring getting bigger as her hand covers his on her thigh and she sighs like a lovestruck puppy. Just like that, JT managed to insult her and then have her practically spreading her virgin legs for him.

It sickens me, and the bubbling in my gut burns hotter.

Thankfully, I’m spared any more of JT’s mind fucks as the limo pulls up in front of the restaurant. JT turns to me, nods with a condescending smirk, and I curl my fingers into my hands to stop my own fantasy made real of clawing his eyes out.

Then the door is opening and I see Beck standing there beside the driver, his eyes warm upon me. He extends his hand and I take it, letting him help me from the car, where he pulls me right into an embrace.

“Hey,” he says, snuggling his face into my neck before pulling back and giving me a soft kiss on my lips. “You look fantastic.”

“Thanks,” I murmur as he pulls me back a few steps so JT and Amelia can get out of the car. “You look amazing too.”

And he does, the dark gray of his suit setting off those light blue eyes as they stare at me with happiness.

“You okay?” Beck asks as he looks down at me.

“Sure,” I say with a smile, trying to relax my facial features that still may have been holding some disgust over JT’s behavior in the car. “Just happy to see you.”

Beck likes that…I can tell because he gives me another kiss as his hand squeezes my waist reflexively. Then he releases me, turns to Amelia, and bends over to kiss her cheek. “Amelia…good to see you.”

I’m not surprised Beck knows her. I knew JT’s and Beck’s mothers ran in the same social circles, so I figured they were all just one big, happy clique of rich friends.

Then Beck reaches his hand out toward JT. “Thanks for picking my girl up.”

JT takes Beck’s hand and gives him a warm grin before pulling him in and giving him a half hug while they clap each other on the back. “What are friends for?” JT says as he squeezes Beck in a brotherly embrace.

My eyes trail up to Beck’s face, and I almost reel back from what I see.

Beck beaming pure happiness to be here with his buddy.

Grateful his friend looked out for his girl for him.

Beck completely stoked with the new “JT” and completely oblivious to the fact his friend and business partner is a douche and a rapist.

Willing to let him back into his life as if there’s nothing to worry about and all of the shitty things JT’s done are simply forgiven and forgotten.

The burning in my stomach turns hotter.

Chapter 24


“Good morning,” Linda chirps as I walk by her desk.

“Morning,” I grumble, completely not feeling her sunny attitude.

She stands up from her chair, grabs some folders off her desk, and follows me into my office. “Well, you’re all bright and chipper this morning,” she says sarcastically.

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