Sugar Daddy Page 50

“Knew Beck was at work. He said you were taking a cab to the restaurant, so I had my driver stop by and figured I’d offer you a ride. We still have to swing by and pick up my date, of course, but she’s just a few blocks down.”

The room spins a little at the prospect of sitting in a car with this man, but I can’t think of a sane reason to decline his invitation. It would be utterly ludicrous for me to insist I take a cab, and the only thing it would serve would be the fact it would make a very clear statement that I detest him. While I’m not in the slightest bit worried about hurting his feelings, I also don’t want to make this evening any more unpleasant than I already know it will be. If I antagonize him now, I know the type of person JT is. He’ll make it rough on all of us tonight.

And besides…I promised myself I’d never, ever do anything to let him know that I fear him. Because I don’t. I detest and hate him. Loathe him so much that periodic flashes of murder will still pop within my mind. I know Jonathon is the type of man who likes to intimidate women. It makes him feel better about himself, so I’ll be damned if I’m ever going to help him do that.

So I take a deep breath and decide the sooner I get this evening started, the sooner it will be over, and I can do this for Beck.

“Let me grab my purse,” I say, my voice sounding frosty and not the least bit grateful, so I make a concerted effort. “Thank you for thinking of me.”

I turn to the foyer table, pick up the black clutch I bought this weekend with some of my own money. It matches the black cocktail dress I have on, also bought with my money. I turn to JT and find his gaze lowered, clearly having been staring at my ass as I turned around. At this moment I wish my gun were in my purse, so I could pull it out and shoot him in the balls before putting a bullet in his brain.

His gaze comes up my body lazily and he gives me a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”

Not sounding the least bit apologetic.

I don’t respond but brush past him, pulling the door shut behind me.

I’m silent as we make our way down to the lobby and I’m relieved when I see a driver standing next to an open door of a limousine with his hand extended to help me in. I’d hate for JT to get an attack of gentlemanly airs and try to give me assistance. As it is, I can feel his eyes on my ass again as I get in, which ensures the simmering anger continues to froth and bubble within my stomach. I wish I’d thought to put a pack of Tums in my purse.

JT thankfully takes the seat opposite of me and we pull away from the curb. He sits with his legs spread slightly and his hands resting on his thighs. He looks at me appraisingly, and says, “I don’t think you’ll like my date, or have much in common with her.”

I blink in surprise, his voice sounding aloof and with airs typical of someone of his breeding. I cock at eyebrow. “Oh, why’s that?”

I’m not imagining the slight curl to his lip, and while his voice is mild and pleasant enough, his snub is clear from his words. “It’s just she’s from money. Very old San Francisco money. Has the requisite blue in her blood, a fancy degree from Brown, and probably saving her virginity for marriage. You two would have nothing in common.”

And in this moment, it’s clear to me that not only is JT a rapist, a vile human being, and an abuser of women and his friends, but that he clearly doesn’t like me at all. In fact, I’d even say there’s a level of jealousy within his voice that speaks to his concern that I might turn his close friend and business partner against him.

This flushes me with power and I just smile at him sweetly. “It’s true…I lost my virginity a long time ago.” To you, you fucking slime-sucking piece of shit. “But Beck certainly likes what he sees in me.”

“I’m sure,” he says with a polite smile on his face, but his words are dry as the desert earth.

The limo comes to a slow halt in front of an expensive condominium and I can hear the driver get out. JT just stares at me across the expanse of the interior, and I turn my head to look out the window at the entrance doors.

“Aren’t you going to go up and get her?” I ask as I swivel my head back to look at him.

“I had the driver call her when we left your place,” he says with a wave of his hand. “Besides…I don’t want Amelia thinking this is anything more than an arranged dinner between our meddling mothers. She’s got marriage stars in her eyes and I don’t want them getting any brighter.”

What an asshole.

The door opens and I see a petite blond woman walking toward the car, a beige clutch in her perfectly manicured hand. She’s got on a beige skirt and matching suit jacket with big black buttons that run up the side, and a pair of black heels that I’m betting cost more than my entire wardrobe. Her hair is done in a perfect chignon and her makeup is flawless. Large diamonds wink in her ears that I’m betting are no smaller than four carats.

The driver helps her into the car as JT slides over, and she sits down beside him, shooting me a quick glance.

She leans over and offers her cheek to JT. I’m wrapped up in a cloud of her perfume as I watch him kiss her cheek before turning to me.

“Amelia…this is Beck’s date tonight, Sela Halstead. Sela, this is Amelia Baxter.”

I smile and extend my hand across the limo. “Hello. Nice to meet you.”

She offers a return smile that’s neither warm nor cold, but merely accommodating, and shakes my hand. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

Amelia then turns from me and bestows a gorgeous smile on JT. “And how have you been doing, Jonathon? I can’t tell you how excited I was to get your call inviting me out tonight. I know our mothers have been trying to throw us together for years, so I hope this wasn’t their doing and that you’ve finally come to your senses.”

She gives a tinkling giggle and slaps her hand playfully on his chest. She stares at him with bright, earnest eyes, hoping beyond hope that she may have caught more than just a dinner date tonight. I can practically see her fantasizing about the size of the engagement ring she’ll put on her finger, and it makes me feel incredibly sad for her.

JT shrugs carelessly and turns his gaze to me while answering her question. “It’s just dinner, Amelia. So I can spend time getting to know Beck’s new Sugar Baby.”

While I can tell Amelia is immediately stung by his snub, she turns her head to me with eyes wide. She takes a cursory glance at my outfit, and then wrinkles her nose in distaste before turning back to JT. “She’s a Sugar Baby?”

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