Crossroads Page 22

“Yep. Your girlfriend was just helping me check on the food. We can eat whenever everyone is ready.”

He watched as Christi stepped forward, wrapped an arm around Bryce and then patted his stomach. “What are we going to do with you, Bryce?”

Georgina walked over, squeezed Christi in a hug. “This is a perfect day. I love having all my kids together, and it’s nice to have a good friend of Bryce’s here to enjoy it with us as well.”


“Wow, this is very good, Nick. You made this?” Bryce’s mom asked as they all sat around the large table eating.

“Thank you. I did. I’m glad you like it. I love to cook.”

Bryce sat between Nick and Christi, with his father at the head, his mom next to his dad. Mitch was at the other end, with Abbey at his side. Jamie sat across from Bryce like he always did, with Hope. “I’m going to get fat. He feeds me something good almost every day, and my fridge is kept stocked because of Nick. Beats the hell out of what I usually eat.”

Nick shrugged. “I’m used to making a lot of food. I always have leftovers or can bring things home from the restaurant. Makes it easy.”

“Are you married?” his mom asked, and Bryce held back a groan. He was pretty sure Nick didn’t want to talk about his ex-wife. Bryce didn’t know all the details, but he did know it hadn’t ended well.

“No, I’m divorced.”

“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Do you have any kids?” she questioned.

“Okay, Ma. Stop grilling him, please,” Bryce interrupted.

“I wasn’t aware I was grilling him. I thought I was making polite conversation.”

“It’s fine.” Nick nudged him and then turned toward his mom again. “No, we didn’t have any children.”

“If your mom is like me, I bet she’s dying for grandbabies.”

He fucking knew they would end up on this discussion.

“I have three sisters, and they all have kids. My mom spoils them rotten.”

“Lucky her.” His mom cocked a brow at Bryce, but he pretended not to notice.

Jamie saved them all by changing the subject. Once they finished eating, Bryce told his family he would take care of the dishes. Both Nick and Christi offered to help, but Bryce told them no. “Don’t let them torture him too bad, okay?” Bryce whispered in Christi’s ear before he went the opposite direction to the kitchen. It was a few minutes later that he heard someone behind him. His first thought was Nick. He wasn’t sure how comfortable the man was here, but when he turned, he saw that it was Jamie.

“How ya doing?” he asked.

“Um...fine?” Bryce replied. “Just doing dishes.”

Jamie started loading the dishwasher. “ does it feel to be in your first real relationship?”

Bryce turned to his brother. What the fuck was he talking about? “You know Christi and I broke up. Don’t you start in on me about settling down with her, too.”

Jamie chuckled and Bryce had the sudden urge to punch him.

“Let’s try this again... How does it feel to spend the day with your ex-girlfriend/best friend/woman your mother thinks you’re dating while pretending your current boyfriend is just a friend?”

The plate in Bryce’s hand dropped, clattering against the counter the same way his heart suddenly beat against his chest. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“It’s okay. It’s surprising, but okay. It’ll take Mom and Dad some getting used to, but they’ll come around.”

Bryce almost choked on his tongue. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding. “What the fuck are you talking about, Jamie? I’m not gay. Nick isn’t my boyfriend. Christ, where in the hell did you get that idea?”

Jamie took a step back and studied him. It felt like a week before his brother spoke again. “You’re serious, aren’t you? I thought you were hiding it for some reason, but you really don’t see it, do you?”

Bryce went off reflex and shoved his brother. “What that fuck are you talking about?” he asked again.

“First of all, if you ever push me again, I’ll beat your ass. Second, get a fucking clue. The two of you haven’t taken your eyes off each other all day. You constantly watch him, and he does the same with you. You defend him with mom for some reason, and you touch him more than I’m thinking you realize.  Every five minutes you’re making sure he’s okay or checking if he needs a drink, or whatever other excuse you can think of to be near him. I swear you look like you want to bite Christi’s head off every time she talks to him, and the kicker is, he’s doing the same thing with you. I’ve never seen you treat anyone else the way you treat him, not even Christi. You’re into him, Bryce. I have to admit, it’s strange as fuck, but it’s there. Now the question is, what the hell are you going to do about it?”

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