Crossroads Page 21

He kept one hand on Nick’s shoulder as they turned for the door. His family went on arguing, laughing and doing all the things Tanners did together as he led Nick outside.

“They’re a rowdy bunch,” he said as they got outside. When he realized he still had his hand on Nick, he pulled it back.

“I can see that. I’m used to it in some ways. I have three sisters and they’re all married, except they all have kids as well. My family’s a little different, though. We’re a little more....”

“Normal?” Bryce supplied, and Nick laughed.

“I was going to go with subdued.”

“You’ll get used to them. They’re a great bunch. Mom definitely runs the family. She likes to have a hand in everything, but she does it out of love. Dad’s quieter...a hard worker, but never at the expense of his family. Jamie and Mitch are great brothers, and I love their wives.”

“And Christi. She’s like family.”

“She is,” Bryce replied as they got to the car. He felt like he needed to say something, only he didn’t know what. Just as Bryce opened his mouth to make something come out, Jamie was jogging up to them. “You guys need help? I tried to send Mitch, but Mom said that makes me an asshole since it’s his birthday.”

Nick’s head whipped toward Jamie. “She really said that?”

“Yeah. What? Your mom doesn’t call you an asshole if you’re being one?”

Nick’s green eyes darted back and forth between Bryce and Jamie, as though he was trying to figure out if Jamie was giving him shit or not. He wasn’t.

“Okay, give him some space, asshole,” Bryce winked at Jamie. “Help us get this food into the house. Nick made it this morning. He’s an incredible cook. You guys are going to love it.”

Suddenly, Bryce felt like this might not be such a strange day after all.


“Hey. You doing okay in here?” Christi stepped into the kitchen with Nick. He’d disappeared a few minutes ago with the excuse that he needed to check on the food. Each course was heating in the chafing dishes.

“Yeah, I’m fine. They’re great people.” And they were. Nick liked all of them a great deal. Everyone was friendly to him and included him, but he still felt slightly like an interloper. It was Bryce’s parents, his brothers and their wives, Bryce and Christi, and then him.

“They are. I’ve always felt completely comfortable with Bryce’s family. They’re extremely welcoming people. Georgina loves her family something fierce. It can be a little overwhelming sometimes.” Christi leaned against the counter behind him. “She’s kind of like those exaggerated TV moms that are always in their kids’ business, but not usually in the same annoying way they make it for television. She loves them, worries about them, sometimes goes overboard or pushes the wrong thing, but I know she’ll always come around. She just wants her boys happy.”

Nick nodded, not sure why Christi was telling him all of that. He did appreciate it, though. He liked having more insight into Bryce’s family and was glad to hear she’d come around and not be too upset when she learned about Bryce’s split with Christi.

“How long have you known them?”

“Since I was fourteen. That’s when I met Bryce.”

Holy shit. That was a lot of history.

“That’s kind of why I’m just as nervous as Bry to tell his parents the truth. I know they had their hopes up...but it just never would have worked. I was worried about Bryce when...”

“When what? And why worried?” he asked when she didn’t finish.

She shrugged and gave him a smile. “When am I not worried about him? But yeah, it felt right at the time to give the relationship a try, but I think even then I knew it wouldn’t work. I’ll always love him, but I’ll never be in love with him. I just want him happy.”

Nick wasn’t so sure about that. Not that he didn’t think she wanted Bryce happy, he knew she did, but that she wasn’t in love with him.

“I’m glad he met you.” Christi nudged Nick’s arm. “You’re good for him.”

“Not sure what I really do for him, but thanks. He’s a good friend. He’s made this whole new transition in my life a little easier.” Less lonely as well. “The food is warm. We should tell them we can eat at any time.” He felt the need to change the subject. Christi nodded and stepped away.

“Let’s go.”

As soon as they made it to the living room, Nick saw Bryce walking their way. “I was just coming to check on you. Is everything okay?” He stood in front of Nick, looking at him as he spoke. When Nick glanced up, he saw Jamie and Hope watching them.

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