Chased Page 15

Marc burst out laughing. “I see Polly Chase isn’t the only one who’s got everyone’s number. But you said you’d go didn’t you?”

“You know I did. Is she in on your plan to woo?”

He put a hand over his chest in mock dismay. “Olivia Davis! I do not need my mother to help me woo a woman. I’m walking you home on a Friday evening. I’ve been watching you all night long. I don’t need her help, thank you very much. My family likes you, Liv. Including my mother. But I’m not going to complain that you’re coming to dinner on Sunday. I like looking at you.”

They stopped at her front walkway. “Marc, I don’t know what to say when you’re like this.”

“What do you mean? And you should invite me in. Be polite.”

She sighed. “If I invite you in, I’ll let you kiss me again and then… Well, anyway. It’s a bad idea. I mean, when you’re genuine I don’t know how to respond. You should just flirt with me and go out with giggle girl. I’m not for you.”

Marc took her hand and kissed it briefly. “Olivia, that’s pretty hurtful. I’m always genuine. Even when I flirt. I’m not shallow and it’s not fair of you to say that.”

She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry. I’m not saying you’re shallow. It’s just that when you’re flirtatious, you’re being lighthearted, silly. I can deal with that. Fling it back your way. But when you’re…” She pulled her hand away and shoved a curl behind her ear. “I don’t know how to say it. I just know how it makes me feel.”

Stepping closer to her, he took her hand again. “And how is that?”

“Off balance. Confused.” Her voice was no more than a whisper.

“And you don’t like not being in control, do you, sugar?” He cocked his head. He should feel bad for her but he had her on the ropes. She was going down and he wasn’t going to stop until she had no defenses left. “As for you not being for me? You know that’s a lie. Both of us do. You’re for me, Olivia Davis. All long legs and big brown cat eyes. Sex and sin and all sorts of mischief on your face. I like that.”

“Oh man. Stop it. This isn’t fair.”

“Nope. Not fair at all.” Quickly, before she could realize his intention, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. Just a feather light touch. His body zinged with her taste.

Blinking quickly, those sexy cat eyes looked up into his, surprise and a hint of arousal in them. “I have to go in.”

“Go on then. I’ll watch you until you’re safely inside. I take it you’re not inviting me so I’ll wait. Bide my time.”

He took in the way she had to swallow hard and then watched as she gathered her wits about her and took a step back, away from the heat they’d generated. Damn, when they made love the first time it was going to scorch the paint off the walls.

She quickly headed up her walk and rummaged through her bag for her keys. As she unlocked her door she looked back over her shoulder, not speaking for long moments. Finally she said, “Night, Marc. I’ll see you Sunday.”

He waved and loped back down the sidewalk, grin on his face.

Chapter Five

Liv knew what a mistake accepting the dinner invitation was when she stepped into the foyer of the Chase’s home. Marc greeted her, kissing her cheek. But not really her cheek, more like the outermost edge of her mouth. He smelled good. Different than when they worked out. Marc smelled like warm, sexy man with a bit of cologne. Not too much, but just enough to tickle her senses. And she still wanted to lick him.

“Come on through. Everyone’s just hanging out in the living room.”

As they’d done when she was with Matt. But for the first time since they’d broken up, she didn’t feel that loss when she entered the room where the family had gathered. When she saw Matt sitting there, feet up on the coffee table, she didn’t flash to the times they were together. Because Marc took up her thoughts. The way his body was wide at the shoulders but tapered at his waist. The curve of those buns. Yum.

“Hiya, Livvy. Glad you could make it.” Edward smiled at her from his recliner. She smiled back. It was hard not to. Edward Chase was just that kind of man. He smiled and you wanted to smile back as you basked in the warmth of his attention.

Polly moved to give her a quick hug and kiss and Liv settled on one of the couches next to Maggie.

“How’s it goin’, momma?” Liv touched her friend’s belly.

“So much movement now. He, or she is dancing around in there. Going to the doctor next week for another ultrasound. Since they couldn’t see the gender last time they’re giving me another look. I’m really excited. You’re still coming, right?”

“Dude, like I’d miss it? Has Kyle changed his mind yet about wanting to know?”

Maggie shook her head. “No. He’ll leave the room when they tell me. And you’re sworn to silence around him.”

“I want it to be a surprise. It’ll be cool, don’t you think?” Kyle leaned over Maggie.

“I’m not getting into this one. Uh uh.” Liv put her hands up.

“Smart girl. Let’s all go in to eat,” Polly called out from the doorway. The Kyle-Maggie baby gender discussion continued at one end of the table while Liv tried not to stare at Marc.

“It sure is nice to have you back at our table, Olivia,” Polly passed a platter of her famous smothered pork chops her way.

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