Chased Page 14

“Wow. Well, if I may direct you to a statement you made to me in this very booth nearly two years ago now. You said, when a man like that falls, he falls hard and all the way. There’s no middle ground for a guy like Shane. Now, I think you can turn that around and say the same of Marc. If he says he wants more, I believe him. He may be a randy little dude, but he’s a good-hearted, honest man. And he wouldn’t pursue you if he didn’t think he could give you what you want.” Cassie grabbed a fry and popped it in her mouth.

“He’s not offering marriage. He’s wooing me. God help me, that’s enough.”

Maggie waved that away. “None of these men are going to offer you marriage from date one. Well, maybe Roger if you buy him some goat chow. But what if?

What if this could develop into something real?”

“Goat chow, you’re a laugh riot. And I don’t know. I’ve had my heart trampled on and I don’t want to go back there again. I’m afraid.”

Cassie put her arm around Liv’s shoulders. “Ah cupcake, I know that feeling. But you say you want to find something real. Someone real. You’ll never know if you don’t let it happen. He won’t cheat on you. He’s too honorable for that. And he’s, well I’ve seen him in his swim trunks out on my dock swimming in the lake and when I say little dude, I’m just being affectionate. I don’t think it’s an accurate way to describe his body at all.”

“Don’t I know it? Good gracious, when we’re running and he takes off his shirt to wipe his face? Oh, I want to lick him. But he’s so young. I feel like a cradle robber.”

“Will you quit it with that already? Not quite six years’ difference. You’re hot, he’s hot for you. What’s the issue? He’s certainly old enough to knowingly consent. And here’s the thing, go out with him and see. If it’s not a love match, keep with your plan but you have to date to find Mister Right anyway, don’t you?” Maggie sipped her soda and smiled.

* * *

Marc saw her come in and nearly ripped the felt with his cue. She was all leggy grace and energy and he loved the shiny lipstick she had on. Reminded him of raspberries.

“Holy moley she looks good enough to eat,” he murmured. Matt chuckled and took his turn. “How goes the woo?”

“She got all stuttery when I brought her the muffin on Wednesday morning and I had lavender sent to her office today. She said it was stressful because it was budget time. Lavender is good for calming and relaxing. I thought it might help.”

“Oh that’s good. Damn, you’re diabolical, little brother.” Kyle looked over at the three women gathered in their usual booth. “She sure is pretty.”

“She’s beautiful. I love her laugh. And she’s cocky, I like that. Called Sarah Scott a giggly bottle blonde.”

Matt laughed. “Well she’s spot on there. Sarah still trying to get you in her bed, Marc?”

“She’s too damned young. She might be twenty-two but mentally she’s about sixteen. I don’t need that kind of trouble. Never have. No, I prefer trouble with inky black hair and brown cat’s eyes.”

“You know, if you really want to increase your chances of making this work, you should enlist Momma’s help.” Shane’s gaze drifted to his wife’s and Marc felt that tug between them.

“That’s true. Neither of these two knuckleheads could have landed such fabulous women without Momma’s interference,” Matt said.

“Well, certainly not Shane but I landed Maggie myself,” Kyle mumbled but Marc ignored him.

“Two steps ahead of you. I just happened to mention to Momma that it had been some time since Liv had been to Sunday dinner. Course Momma gave me grief for bringing it up on a Friday afternoon but agreed with me and said she’d invite her for this Sunday. Do not, however, tell Momma I’m interested in Liv. I want to do this my own way and Momma will get up in my business.”

“I don’t know how you could talk about her that way, Marc. Momma just likes to help.” Matt snickered.

“You wait, Matt Chase. It’ll be your turn one of these days. And I’m gonna laugh and laugh.” Marc grunted once he’d made his shot.

After a few games, it was time to get going. Kyle and Shane wanted to get home with their wives and Matt had a date to meet across town.

“Liv, can I drop you home?” Marc asked as he caught up with her outside The Pumphouse.

Liv turned and smiled at him and he felt it to his toes. Damn.

“Marc, thank you for the lavender. It was very thoughtful. I walked here. Hope that’ll get me some extra credit with my personal trainer. He’s such a hard ass.”

She winked. “Anyway, I was just going to walk home. It’s not far and the night is pretty warm. Thanks anyway.”

“I’ll walk with you then.” He caught up to her and easily kept pace as they strolled down Main.

“Your mother called me a few minutes ago. I can’t believe she has my cell phone number.” Liv laughed.

“Momma’s got everyone’s number. You’d do well to just accept it. So what’d she want?”

“She invited me to dinner Sunday. Well, no. Invited means I had the option to refuse, I suppose. This was an order, only said in that pretty, pushy way she’s got. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth but it was still an order. Plus she added a twist of guilt. You know, it’s been so long since you’ve had dinner here. I’m beginning to think you don’t like us anymore. ”

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