Blood and Sand Page 94

“They’re going to know.”

Baojia nodded. There was no question. When the hunt started, the vampires were going to know something was wrong. There was no mistaking the smell of the girls. If anything, they smelled even more appetizing than the ones at Bar El Ruso had.

“What the hell are they putting in that Elixir?” he muttered, trying not to breathe through his nose.

“We have to keep at least a few of them there. Taking away the majority of them will still decrease the distractions we have to deal with and probably some of the bloodlust, especially for Brigid, but we have to have some of them there or they’re going to know.”

Natalie, finally catching on to what they were talking about, butted in. “But those girls are innocent! We have to get them out of there. They’re not bait.”

Carwyn snorted. “That’s exactly what they are, Nat. And you’ve volunteered to take their place, but you don’t smell like them. We need at least a hint of their scent in order for the hunters not to immediately guess that something is wrong.”

Brigid forced her head up, blood staining her mouth. “Keep to the plan. Pick a few of tickt the more defiant girls and give them stun guns. Leave them there with Natalie and Ben. It will be enough to draw the vampires without distracting all of us. The rest need to get as far up this tunnel as possible, or they’re just going to throw us off.”

Baojia nodded. “I was thinking the same thing.” He glanced toward the dark crater. The truck was no more than a retreating rumble in the night. “Let’s start rounding them up. Brigid, pick the girls you want to have stay.”

She forced a nod and started out of the tunnel, Carwyn close on her heels. Baojia stood and Natalie followed him, dogging his steps.

“You can’t let them use these girls as bait, Baojia. It’s not fair. They’ve already been—”

“Abducted. Kidnapped. Poisoned. Probably abused in other ways, too.” He kept walking, watching the girls cry out and run as they saw the shapes in the darkness. But there were two who didn’t run, and he turned toward them. “I realize all that. I’m not even going to mention that you forced me to let you use yourself as bait.”

“It was my choice!”

“And it will be theirs, as well.” He approached one girl who looked vaguely familiar. She was staring at him with furious eyes, chin up and mouth screwed into a sneer. “You!” he called in Spanish. “Is your name Carmen?” She looked like the girl who had come to the church. Enough alike to be sisters.

At the mention of her name, the sneer fell. “Who are you?”

“We’re friends of Father Andrade’s. And we’re trying to save your life.”

She shook her head. “Nothing is going to save my life. I saw what happened to Constantina. I know what’s going to happen to me.”

“Want to give Ivan’s men a surprise?” Baojia grabbed at one of the stun guns on Natalie’s belt and held it out. “You stay, you get a chance to hurt them.”

Carmen grabbed the gun. “I’ll take it.”

“And help us round up the girls.”

She gave him a quick nod and started running toward a group of girls Carwyn was trying to calm. Just then, Tenzin landed on a rock nearby.

“They’re close. Get these girls in the tunnel.”

He cursed under his breath. “That wasn’t an hour.”

“Nope. Looks like someone’s impatient.” She flew off toward Carwyn. Between the two vampires and Carmen, most of the girls headed toward the tunnel, with three others standing with Brigid as she gave them a quick lesson on stun guns, which Ben translated. Baojia turned to Natalie, who had been silent the whole exchange.

“Time for you to get in position,” he said.

She nodded, then reached for him. He let her pull his face down, and she kissed him hard as she gripped the hair at his nape. He breathed her in, memorizing her scent and taste, wishing she was a thousand miles away. Finally, she broke the kiss and patted his chest, right over his heart.

“I love you,” she said. “I’ll see you later.”

He swallowed, unable to say anything for a second. “Get a… get another stun gun from Brigid. Make sure you have two.”

She gave him a thumbs-up as she walked away. “I’m on it, George.”

Fucking hell. If the last time she ever spoke to him was to call him George, he was going to be pissed.

She and Ben were crouched in the center of the crater, backs to a large sandstone boulder that was ldehelp sheltered by some scrubby trees. The stars had slowly begun to disappear as unexpected clouds rolled in.

“Clouds.” She turned to Ben. “Clouds are good, right? Clouds mean rain, and Baojia—”

“Isn’t the only water vampire in the world, unfortunately,” Ben said. “But yes, better he has it as a weapon. We can just hope none of the bad guys are water vamps, too. Of course, it also means that Brigid is going to be screwed.”

“Shit. I hadn’t thought about that. Fire vampires get doused, huh?”

“There’s always a trade-off, Natalie.” Ben gave her a crooked grin. “To everything. And why do you call Baojia ‘George?’”

“Long story.” She glanced to her left and right where the three Mexican girls sat, new Tasers held out in front of them like shields. “Are they ready?”

Ben shrugged. “Point it this way. Fire it at anything with fangs. Let’s just hope they don’t shoot any of our people. It was the best we could do with the time we had.”

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