Blood and Sand Page 93


One minute, she was sitting quietly, watching him practice his martial arts forms itinigmbp:pagen that steady, meditative rhythm, the next, everything happened at once. Baojia spun around and picked her up in one swoop, carrying her to the tunnel so fast the world around her blurred. He was speaking to Tenzin in rapid Chinese as they raced toward Tulio’s cavern.

“Stop!” she finally yelled. “English, please! I don’t know what’s going on!”

“They’re on their way. The girls are in a large delivery truck and they’ll be here in a few minutes. We have to hide and hope they don’t sniff too closely. I didn’t think about the danger of us camping here. Our scents could be everywhere. If the driver is a vampire—”

Carwyn broke in. “Father Andrade mentioned a human driver to me. So did the girl. I think we’ll be fine, but we need to get everyone inside so we’re not seen. How long do we have after the women are dropped off?”

“Tulio said an hour, but I don’t know. His sense of time is not all that accurate.”

Natalie was dumped in the tunnel while the others raced around, tidying up their little camp and trying to erase any evidence of their existence.

“Too lax,” she heard Baojia mutter once when he dropped off a shirt Brigid had draped over a bush to air out. “I have been too lax.”

Everything around her turned into a blur.

Vampires were coming. Fast, inhumanly strong vampires, hopped up on some vampire drug that made them irrational and bloodthirsty. And those vampires were going to kill Natalie, Baojia, Ben, Tenzin, Carwyn, and Brigid unless they killed them first. Everyone around her was pulling out swords and guns, strapping them to arms and waists and thighs in strange holsters that curled around their bodies like deadly ribbon. Even the teenager, Ben, had more weapons than the average SWAT officer. And Natalie had… a stun gun.

What the hell had she been thinking?

She was desperately trying not to throw up when Baojia—the vampire who, two nights before, had basically proposed to her—pulled her hand and tugged her farther into a deserted alcove off the main cave. He straightened her shoulders and Natalie stared at his chest, still bare and exposed to the night air. There was a light sheen across it, almost as if he’d been sweating. She frowned. He didn’t sweat.

“You’re scared,” he said.

“Yep. Terrified.”

He nodded. “Good. Be scared. Use it. It’ll make you more aware. Don’t take chances. And make sure you stay with Ben.”


“And when we get out of here, we’re getting serious about your self-defense lessons.”


“And we’re going to get out of here.” He tipped her chin up so she was forced to look at his dark eyes. “Do you understand me?” He was all calm and cool collection in that moment. Confident. Sure. The only rock-solid thing in this pile of crazy she’d landed in weeks ago.

Only weeks? It seemed like a lifetime.

“I love you, George.” Her voice broke. “I’m really happy all this happened. No matter what.”

He shook his head. “Don’t act like that. We’re going to be fine. You’re going to be fine. Stay with Ben and trust me.”

She nodded, trying to smile. “Okay.”

“You have your guns?”

She nodded, patting the holster Brigid had brought for her. She wore two and had a small duffel with the rest that she’d take with her.


“Uh huh?”

He paused for a moment, looking nervous for the first time that evening. “We only have a few minutes before the girls get here. I can hear the truck. I need to know… You shouldn’t be hurt. I have every confidence you won’t be, but if you are… I need to know if… if you want—”

“Want what?” Her heart began to pound. “For you to make me a vampire?”

He shook his head. “Not me. If I did—”

“I don’t want you to!”

“I won’t.” He swallowed. “But someone else… someone else could.”

The heart that had pounded now felt like it would fly out of her chest. “I don’t know!”

“You have to know.”

She felt the tears prick the corners of her eyes. “But I don’t.” She blinked them away. “I don’t know, Baojia. How can I know that?”

He looked away, toward the flurry of action at the mouth of the cave. “I can’t lose you.”

“Then don’t let them get me.” Forcing a calm face, she took a deep breath and tried to stop the shivers that wanted to take over. “Don’t let them get me, Baojia. Give me that time.”

He gave her a quick nod, then leaned down, pressing his lips to hers in a toe-curling kiss before he pulled away and put his arm around her, guiding her back to the others.

The drivers were human. There were two drivers and twelve girls, leading Baojia to speculate that the SUVs carrying the hunters would hold twelve vampires. Good. Twelve was better than sixteen. The drivers forced the crying girls to the center of the crater at gunpoint. Some of them screamed. Some wailed. Others begged. But a few stood stoically, arms crossed as they glared at the humans who backed away and spun out, leaving the girls alone in the middle of the desert night.

The smell was overwhelming.

The sweet, heady scent of blood washed up the edge of the crater and down the tunnel, carried on the breeze that was growing ever more laden with moisture as the storm approached. He heard a high, whining sound and turned to see Brigid biting her arm. Carwyn stroked her short cap of hair back, soothing his mate as she forced herself to remain still. Carwyn’s eyes met Baojia’s in the darkness. He glanced at Natalie.

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