Blood and Sand Page 84

“Your reason.”

Natalie blinked and turned her head. “That sounds crazy.” Still, she couldn’t help remembering how she’d felt earlier in the evening, leaning against his side as they munched on popcorn, brainstormed about the case, and swapped jokes. She felt the most uncanny sense of peace. The look on her face must have given her away, because Beatrice gave her a knowing grin.

“Trust me, I’ve heard crazier.”

She must have fallen asleep in the library because the next thing she remembered was strong arms lifting her from the couch. She nuzzled into Baojia’s familiar scent and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Where did you go?”

“The training studio,” he said softly. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“"18e dNeeded to hit something?”


“Did you?”

“Many times,” he said, sounding amused. “It was highly satisfying. We need to be better about you sleeping. Your body needs more rest than you’re getting. And food. You haven’t been eating enough. You’re getting too thin.”

“I’m fine.” She could feel him walking down the stairs. “Really, don’t worry about me. Do you believe me about Rory?”

Natalie felt the minute hitch in his step. “I do. I did. Please don’t think I doubted you. That’s not why I left.”

“Okay.” She sighed and burrowed into his chest. “Why do you smell like smoke?”

“Long story.”

She heard the door creak and the familiar scent of his room. Maybe she was becoming a vampire by osmosis. She seemed to notice how things smelled all the time. Or maybe she was just more conscious of it. Or maybe… she was exhausted and a little nuts and needed to go to sleep.

Baojia laughed. “I think sleep is a good idea.”

“Did I say that out loud?”

“Yes. And I’ll join you. It’s almost dawn.”

He stripped off her jeans and the soft shirt she was wearing, peeling back the layers until she was naked and tucked under the covers, pressed against his long, cool body as his amnis washed over her like an embrace.


“You should sleep.”

“I’m sorry about your brother.”

His arm reached around and hugged her. “I’m still hoping there is another explanation, but I think you’re correct. I’m worried about Paula, mostly.”

She hadn’t even thought about that, but he had. Of course he had. It was just who he was.

“I love you,” she whispered. There was silence in the room. She hadn’t expected him to say it back, but it still hurt a little. The hurt was wiped away when she heard his voice.

“Thank you,” he said, almost reverently. As if her love was the greatest gift she could give him. A prize beyond worth. Natalie blinked back tears when he kissed the back of her neck. “Thank you, Natalie.”


The irritating former priest was singing—actually singing—in the car on the road to Ensenada. The fact that it wasn’t off-key was somehow more annoying than less.

“You seem to be in a much better mood tonight,” Baojia remarked as he steered the car south.

“I am, thanks. Being in my wife’s presence tends to do that. I’m in a better mood even when I’m mad. Odd, that…” The singing stopped for a blessed moment before it started again. Baojia gritted his teeth and tried to ignore it. They were headed south to speak to Father Andrade, whom Carwyn had confirmed was part of the network of priests the Vatican used. The members of that network were well aware of the existence of vampires. The fact that the church in Rome used clergy around the globe to keep tabs on the immortal population didn’t surprise Baojia in the least. It had impressed him.

Finally, a few miles south of Tijuana, he’d had enough. “Can you stop the singing, please?”

“You’re more prissy than usual,” Carwyn said with a gleam in his eye. “I’d have thought your lovely human companion would have loosened you up a bit.”

“Natalie is none of your business. And I’d simply prefer time to think.”

“You don’t like being away from her, do you?” There was a smug tone in his voice. The priest continued, even though Baojia ignored him. “I met her when the girls were in school. Did you know that? She’s a fun girl. Very smart. Not surprised she caught your attention.”

Fun? What did fun mean? Baojia felt his lip curl up. Had the blasted priest—

“A harmless flirtation,” Carwyn said with a laugh. “Nothing more. Very focused on her studies, Natalie was. And she didn’t know anything about our sort, of course.”

“No.” He tried to will his fangs to retract. “She was completely unaware until she was pulled into this mess.”

“She’s doing all right, though.” Carwyn nodded. “I like the two of you together. She’s a bit wild, always has been. A bit of a crusader. Doesn’t think about her own safety at all.”

“I’m well aware of that, thank you.” Would this trip never end? And how did he get nominated to drive Carwyn? And what was Natalie doing while he was gone? If she left the house—

“So, you’ve had more than a bit of change, haven’t you?” Carwyn had slumped down in his seat, trying to cross his leg over his knee in the cramped car. The man was huge, well over Baojia’s average height, and he seemed to fill the car. No wonder he preferred a motorcycle. “Have you had time to process all this? Thought about where you’ll go? What you’ll do?”

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