Blood and Sand Page 83

Tenzin shook her head. “But you are known for your loyalty, Baojia. I don’t think anyone would believe you would ever turn on Ernesto or work against him.”

“You’ve also been gone,” Beatrice said quietly. “Someone might have seen that as an opportunity.”

“Rory,” Natalie said, even when she felt Baojia draw back. “I know you don’t want to believe it, but it makes the most sense. You were away. They needed someone unhappy. Ivan organizes these fights to infect vampires with Elixir. He and Rory dump the bodies on Ernesto’s land. Mexico City looks like they can’t control their vampires and Ernesto looks weak because he’s letting this go on in his backyard. Everyone is pointing a finger at someone else, then the humans get involved. It makes the news. No hiding it at that point.”

Giovanni gave her a smile. “Very good, Natalie.”

She shrugged. “Hey, politics is politics. I’ve been covering stuff like this for years.” She turned and looked at Baojia. He was doing the blank face again, but by this time she knew him well enough to realize it was because he was shocked. And hurt. She went over and gave him a hug, which he didn’t return. “I know he’s your brother, but you have to see we’re right about this. What’s the other explanation?”

Baojia nodded stiffly and pulled away, turning to leave the room. And with the loss of his presence, Natalie felt a hint of panic. “Baojia?”

He paused at the door. “I realize you’re probably correct. Please… I’ll return shortly. Just stay here.”

He left, and Natalie sat down on the couch, suddenly exhausted. Giovanni and Beatrice exchanged a few words, then he and Tenzin left too while Beatrice settled next to her.

“He’ll be fine. He’s not mad at you, Nat.”

“I told him I loved him, but he didn’t say it back.” She squeezed her eyes shut and wished she could take back the words. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be talking about this right now.”

“Of course you should. And I think he loves you very much. I think he loves you so much he doesn’t know what to do with it yet.”

She swallowed and blinked back the burning at the corners of her eyes. “So why leave?”

“He’s hurting, and you want to help because you love him. I don’t think he’s used to that. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t need it, just that he’s not used to it.”

“Is it worth it?” she asked quietly. “Are you happier now? Did you become a vampire to be with Giovanni?”

Beatrice sighed. “I became a vampire for a lot of reasons. And yes, he was one of the main ones. But not the only one. And he didn’t really want me to turn as soon as I did. I did it without him knowing. You think Brigid thd yes, hand Carwyn were fighting? He was furious. It doesn’t even compare.”

“So why—?”

“I was in this world, and I knew it was my life. I knew it. And…” She frowned a little, a crease forming in her otherwise perfect forehead. No wrinkle or line would ever mar it, Natalie realized. She was slowly aging, but her friend would not. “I didn’t want to be the weakest one. I wanted to be something feared, not protected.”

“Did you ever want kids?”

“No, but that’s an important question. I think Gio wanted me to. I think he wanted me to have kids and then turn later—he likes kids, even though he’s kind of cranky sometimes—but I didn’t want that.” She took a deep breath and leaned back. Natalie mirrored her movements; her eyes felt like they were weighted. “I don’t think Matt or Dez would ever become vampires. They don’t want that kind of life. They want a normal lifespan. To watch their kids grow up and watch each other get wrinkles. It’s different for everyone. You have to make that decision for your own reasons.”

“It’s a lot to think about.”

“I know.” Beatrice leaned over and gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Love is never easy. Not the real kind, anyway. Look at Carwyn and Brigid. They fight all the time. They adore each other, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have problems. They’ll figure it out. You and Baojia will too.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” She wished she felt as optimistic. “I really can’t go back to my old life, can I?”

Beatrice eyed her cautiously. “Harsh truth?”

“Harsh truth.”

Her friend slowly shook her head. “No. You’re a reporter, Natalie. No vampire would believe you’d never write anything about our kind. I can protect you some, but unless you want to be under my personal aegis, which means I’d drink from you and you’d basically live here, I can’t truly keep you safe. If you went back to San Diego, Ernesto would take you. He’d try to wipe your memories. If that didn’t work, I don’t know what he’d do.”

“He’s your great-grandfather.”

“Doesn’t mean I trust him.” The look in her eyes was grim. “He’s a very cunning vampire, and his interest is his own.”

Her head fell against the back of the couch and tears came to her eyes. “Shit. How did I end up pulled into this?”

Beatrice said, “I’d stop trying to figure it out. There’s no way of knowing. But I do believe things happen for a reason. Maybe Baojia is yours.”

“My what?” she snorted. “My vampire? My… boyfriend seems like a ridiculous term. He’s my what?”

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