Claim Page 121

Joanna shrugged. “I couldn’t decide which one, and I figured she’d wear each of them at least once given all of the holiday events we hold here. But that one is my favorite, too.”

The little dress Gilly was wearing today had a long sleeved black velvet bodice, a white and black dotted taffeta skirt, and a red satin sash accessorized with a rose. Tessa had dressed her in white tights, black patent Mary Janes, and tied a black velvet ribbon in her blonde curls.

The entire family was gathered in the enormous drawing room of the Kent estate, enjoying pre-dinner drinks and appetizers. Christmas dinner was due to be served in just a few more minutes. Tessa was sitting next to her mother-in-law on a loveseat as they watched all of the children playing happily together.

“It’s good for Gilly to see her cousins like this,” commented Joanna. “I think she’s going to do just fine with the new baby, too.”

“I agree. She gets along beautifully with Julia’s boys, who can be little hellions at times.”

“And how is dear Julia feeling these days?” inquired Joanna. “When is her due date?”

“About six weeks after mine. So our second babies will be very close in age. And as you can imagine, she’s over the moon about having a girl this time. If anyone was ever meant to have a daughter, it was Julia. She’s already started buying every pink frilly thing she can find.”

Joanna smiled. “I can just imagine. After all, Julia does love her clothes and shoes and bags, doesn’t she? And I don’t even need to ask how you’re feeling, dear. You look more beautiful than ever, Tessa. You’re one of those women who bloom when they’re pregnant. Though Ian did mention he thought you’ve been overdoing it a bit.”

Tessa gave a little eye roll. “Of course he did. He’s always overprotective, of course, but especially when I’m pregnant. And I feel wonderful, even better than I did with Gilly.”

Joanna shook her head in wonder. “You’re a freak of nature, my dear. At the sixth month mark with each of my boys I vowed to never, ever get pregnant again. Apparently I didn’t learn my lesson until the third time.”

“I like being pregnant,” admitted Tessa. “It’s a very peaceful and serene time for me, knowing that I’m carrying a little person inside of me, nurturing it, helping it to grow. And I know I’ve been luckier than most, with practically no morning sickness or other symptoms. I’m just hoping that Ian will be agreeable to having at least one more child after this. After growing up as an only child, I’ve always wanted a big family of my own.”

The two women chatted amiably for a few more minutes, until Joanna gave her daughter-in-law a gentle nudge, calling her attention to Gilly.

“Looks like she’s tired of playing with the boys,” pointed out Joanna. “And abandoned them for her very favorite male.”

Tessa smiled fondly as she watched her daughter approach Ian as he sat conversing with his brothers. Gilly patted her father on the leg, then held up her little arms until he scooped her onto his lap. Instantly, she rested her curly blonde head against his chest, snuggling up to her handsome daddy contentedly.

“She’s a Daddy’s girl, that’s for sure,” acknowledged Tessa with a chuckle. “And she has him wrapped around her little finger, too.”

Joanna nodded in agreement. “And I think it’s just adorable how she calls you Mummy. I can’t believe how much her vocabulary has increased since we last saw her in August.”

“Ian and I read to her every single day, and always encourage her to learn new words. If Ian had his way, Gilly would be reading and writing complete sentences by the time she’s two years old. I just hope he doesn’t set quite as high a standard for our children as he’s always done for himself.” Tessa sighed happily. “But I shouldn’t complain. He’s the most wonderful father, Joanna, so devoted to Gilly. It brings tears to my eyes sometimes when I see them together. Like now, for example.”

Joanna patted her daughter-in-law on the arm reassuringly. “Well, of course he’s a wonderful father. Did you really expect my overachieving, perfectionist son to be anything but?” she teased.

Tessa laughed. “You’ve got a point,” she acknowledged. “Ian is the best at everything he does, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that he’s proving to be the most incredible father any child could ever wish for. He’ll be the same with young Liam here.” She patted her belly, which at the six month mark of her pregnancy was finally starting to show.

“Yes, he most certainly will,” agreed Joanna. “And of course I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to name him after my father. It’s a lovely gesture, Tessa. Even though I’m like Ian and would have loved to have another granddaughter.”

“There’ll be more children,” said Tessa confidently. “I’d ideally like two more, to fill up that big house of ours, and to have them all fairly close together in age. And as much as Ian loves his daughter, it would have been almost tragic for a man like him not to have at least one son.”

Joanna’s eyes misted over a bit. “You’re quite right, my dear,” she replied softly. “And I have this feeling that young Liam will be the spitting image of his father, in looks and personality.

Tessa grinned. “So I should prepare myself then for the legions of girls who’ll be flirting with my son from the time he turns, oh, let’s say eleven or so?”

Joanna winked. “At least. Perhaps even younger than that. And Ian will be having to keep the boys away from Gilly with a yardstick. I don’t envy the first young man who tries to take her out on a date!”

“Well, that goes without saying,” replied Tessa. “He’s already so overprotective of her - wanting to call the doctor if she has the tiniest sniffle, watching the instructor like a hawk when she has her swimming lessons, reading her a bedtime story every night. Gilly is the luckiest little girl in the world to have such a devoted father. Sometimes I think…well, never mind. It’s sort of silly, actually.”

“Tell me, dear. You know I’d never think that,” urged Joanna.

Tessa hesitated. “It’s just - sometimes I can’t help feeling that one of the reasons Ian is so attentive to Gilly is because through her he feels like he’s making it up to me somehow for not having had a father of my own. I know that’s silly, and that’s certainly not the real reason he’s so good to her.”

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