Claim Page 122

“Of course it’s not. Ian is a wonderful father, just as you said. But he’s also a wonderful husband, and it’s very obvious how much he loves you, Tessa,” pointed out Joanna. “There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make you happy. And knowing how protective he is, it doesn’t surprise me at all to think that by being such a good father to his own child he’s also trying to compensate for everything you missed out on growing up.”

Tessa nodded, brushing away a lone tear that was beginning to trickle down her cheek. “I don’t mean to be so emotional,” she told her mother-in-law. “All of these extra hormones floating around inside, I expect. But sometimes, when I watch Ian cuddling our little girl, when I see how sweet he is with her, I can’t help getting all weepy and mushy.” She reached over to give Joanna a quick hug. “Thank you for having such a wonderful son. For raising him to be the man he is now. The best man I’ve ever known.”

Joanna patted her on the back. “You’re welcome, darling. And now, let’s go round everyone up for dinner, shall we? Otherwise, you’re going to make me start to cry, too!”


“You know, Ian, I’ll never figure out how you got this damned lucky,” groused Colin. “You were always such a picky bastard when it came to women, hardly giving most of them the time of day. And then when you finally do decide on one, she turns out to be the top of the line. Look at her. Even six months pregnant, Tessa is hotter than ninety nine point nine percent of the female population. It’s not fair. Just not fair.”

Hugh nodded. “Victoria’s had four children, and I must say she never looked quite that good during any of her pregnancies. Though I’ll warn the two of you now,” he threatened his brothers darkly. “If you even hint to her that I said such a thing, I’ll call you both damned, dirty liars.”

Ian laughed. “I wouldn’t dream of spilling secrets to either of your wives,” he assured. “But I can’t very well deny that my own wife does look particularly delectable this evening.”

His gaze lingered lovingly on his wife, who was sitting on the other side of the room talking to his mother. Pregnancy definitely agreed with Tessa, who looked more beautiful than ever in her sixth month. The silky sapphire blue dress she wore gently outlined her growing baby bump, and clung to the fuller curves of her breasts. The color flattered her eyes and hair, and made her already glowing complexion look even more so. The sapphire pendant and earrings were the ones he’d given her on their first official date, and he knew they were her favorites of all the jewelry he had gifted her with over the years.

The topic turned next to Colin’s house hunting excursions thus far in London, and what neighborhoods he and Selina were hoping to live in. He was currently training the employee who’d been chosen to replace him in Hong Kong, and hoped to be living in London by the end of January.

“How is Selina going to cope with all of the traveling you’ll need to do during the first few months?” inquired Ian.

Colin shrugged. “The same way she copes with any challenge life throws her - grappling it by the throat. Selina’s not the least bit worried about being on her own with the boys at times. And since she’s decided to hold off on finding a new position here in England for a time, she and the boys are going to travel with me as much as possible. And then, of course, the three of them will also be spending time visiting her father in Paris and her brother in Brussels, plus my father-in-law will be staying here with them on occasion.”

“Don’t forget that the additional travel is only going to be part of it,” cautioned Hugh. “Working at corporate headquarters will also entail you having to attend more social events than you’re currently used to, as well as other company functions.”

Ian nodded. “All the more reason, then, that it was the right decision for me to turn down the job. With the baby due in March, there’s no way I could have coped with all the travel and social engagements. Plus, as I told both of you, Tessa and I are very happy out in San Francisco. And, well, ours is the first real home she’s ever known, the only time in her life when she’s had a sense of security. I want her to keep feeling that way, want her to be happy.”

“We get it,” assured Hugh. “After what she’s told us about her life, that’s perfectly understandable. And while Mother is crestfallen that she won’t get to spoil her only granddaughter on a regular basis, she is happy that this one is coming home.” He jabbed Colin good-naturedly in the ribs.

Colin grinned. “I hate to break the news to you, mates, but I was always her favorite. Seriously, though. I do owe you a huge debt, Ian. When you turned down the job, and Father called to offer it to me, I was ecstatic. Selina and I have felt rather isolated over in Hong Kong, especially since her brother moved to Brussels and her mother passed away. This way both of us will be near our families, and the boys can grow up with their cousins.”

Ian waved a hand dismissively. “You don’t owe me a thing. I think the case of brandy you sent was thanks enough. Not to mention that rocking horse you sent Gilly. That’s the only thing she wanted to play with for days. Tessa had to drag her away when it was time to leave for her swimming lesson.”

“Ah, and speaking of our budding equestrienne,” joked Hugh. “It appears that someone is looking for her Daddy.”

Ian glanced up as his daughter toddled over towards him, patting him on the knee to get his attention, and then holding up her arms. He lifted her onto his lap, smiling indulgently as she instantly cuddled up against him.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he crooned. “Too many boys at one time for you?” He pressed a kiss to the top of her curly head.

“Lambie,” pleaded Gilly, pointing at the beloved toy that she’d left earlier by Ian’s feet.

Colin picked up the stuffed lamb and held it out to his niece. “Can Uncle Colin get a kiss first?” he asked teasingly.

Sweet-natured Gilly puckered up her rosebud mouth and gave her uncle a tiny kiss on his cheek, then quickly snatched her lamb out of his clutches, causing all three men to roar with laughter.

“Apparently she doesn’t trust anyone but her father to watch over that lamb for her,” joked Hugh. Tenderly, he brushed his knuckles against the delicate skin of her cheek. “She’s a beauty, Ian. Just like her mummy. This one’s going to break an awful lot of hearts in her day.”

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