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She shook her head. “How can you say that?” she asked, bewildered. “What was it all for then, if not to achieve your goals? To realize your dreams?”

Ian caressed her cheek. “Because I realized that since I met you my goals and dreams have all changed,” he confessed. “Before I met you, I lived and breathed work, devoted myself like a slave to the company, thinking it was all I needed in my life. But that all changed when you came into my life, Tessa. Having you gave me a completely different purpose, filled a void in my life that I’d stupidly tried to compensate for with work. And when Gilly came along, it only strengthened that purpose. The two of you are everything to me, Tessa. Far, far more important than any job. And the very thought of not seeing both of you for a week or two at a time wasn’t up for negotiation.”

“It wouldn’t have been that way all the time,” she argued. “You said so yourself, that after the first few months things would settle down and be more or less as they are now.”

“That’s true. More or less, anyway. But, darling, what you haven’t considered is that I’ve got zero desire to put myself through that sort of ordeal ever again. You’ve traveled with me often enough to know how hectic our business trips can be. Imagine doing that three weeks out of four, for several months in a row. During the years I worked as the unofficial corporate troubleshooter, it felt like I spent ninety percent of my life in airports, on planes, living in hotels. I hardly had a minute to myself, no time to spend with my family or friends, and you know the impact it had on my relationship with Davina. And I flat out refuse to go back to those days, which is exactly what would happen if I took Hugh’s job. So you may think that I turned the job down solely because of you and the children, but that’s really only part of the reason. I also turned it down for me.“

Tessa flung her arms around his neck, hugging him close. “You’re sure?” she asked almost tearfully. “Really, really sure? Because I don’t ever want you to have regrets about this, to realize that in six months or a year you missed this opportunity.”

“No regrets,” he insisted. “No missed opportunities. My life is in San Francisco, or here at the beach house, with you and Gilly and soon our son. And it’s a good life, Tessa. The very best one I could have ever imagined. So I’d have to be a fool to give up such a life, wouldn’t I?”

She nodded, giving him a lingering kiss. “And since you’re the smartest man I’ve ever known, Mr. Gregson,” she told him with a dazzling smile, “you’d never do something so foolish, would you?”



Chapter Twenty-Two

Christmas Day, England

“Well, she’s just like a little queen holding court among all her doting subjects, isn’t she?”

Tessa laughed at her mother-in-law’s observation. “It does seem that way, doesn’t it? And here I was afraid she’d be intimidated with so many boys running around, and her being the only girl. But she seems to be having the time of her life.”

Joanna smiled fondly at the sight of her only granddaughter virtually surrounded by her half dozen male cousins. Gilly seemed quite content to be the lone female of the bunch, and played happily with the boys.

“She is just precious, Tessa,” murmured Joanna in an emotion-laden voice. “Absolutely precious. And I just knew somehow, that first time I met you in San Francisco, that you would be the one to finally give me a granddaughter. After growing up with three brothers, giving birth to three sons, and then having two of the three only produce grandsons, I’d given up hope of ever having a little girl in the family. And you’ve done such a marvelous job in bringing her up, dear. Such a little lady already, and the sweetest little angel besides. I’m looking forward to visiting you in San Francisco when the new baby arrives so that I can spend some quality time with my granddaughter.”

Tessa placed a hand on her mother-in-law’s forearm. “We’re all looking forward to your visit, too. And I can’t thank you enough for coming out to help.”

“We wouldn’t miss it,” assured Joanna. “And since Edward will be fully retired by then, we can stay longer than we did when Gilly was born.”

“It will be good for both of you to have him at home full time,” replied Tessa. “And, well, I haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, but I am sorry that Ian decided not to take the job. I know how much it would have meant to you to have him back in England.”

Joanna nodded. “I confess that I was disappointed to hear the news, but not all that surprised. I could tell how much he loved being in San Francisco, and that he’s made a good life for himself there with you and Gilly. Besides, when he turned down the job it meant Colin could move into the position, and it will be good for him to return home. I know he’s been lonely over in Hong Kong, especially since it’s such a long distance away and a completely different culture. So at least I get one of my boys back. And with Edward finally retiring, we’ll be able to visit you in California more often. Or perhaps meet up somewhere in the middle for vacations.”

“We’d love that,” said Tessa earnestly. “It’s so important to me that our children spend time with Ian’s family. Especially since I have no one on my side.”

Joanna gave her hand a little squeeze. “I never knew her, of course, but I’m certain your mother would have loved Gilly,” she told Tessa softly. “And she would have been very proud of you, Tessa. But we’re all your family now, dear. We’re always here for you and consider you one of us.”

Tessa nodded. “I know. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. I never had a family of my own until I met Ian, never enjoyed holiday gatherings like this one. And I’m thrilled that my children will always have wonderful holidays, always have a big family around them at times like these. Gilly absolutely adored going to the Winter Wonderland. Not to mention Hamley’s Toy Shop. Though I’m afraid her daddy went a bit overboard buying her things there.”

Joanna laughed. “Ian likes to spoil his girls,” she chided. “And I see she’s abandoned the princess bear he bought her for that little lamb she takes everywhere.”

“Lambie is definitely her favorite,” agreed Tessa. “And speaking of favorites, I adore that dress she’s wearing. Though you really didn’t need to send her four different Christmas dresses, Joanna.”

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