Worth Forgiving Page 43

“Not as much since I saw Jax sparring with Marco the other day.” He sighs. “Plus Brad Pitt can do no wrong.”

I smile. “Fight Club it is.”

We settle in our usual position on the couch. Him sitting up with his legs sprawled out across the coffee table and me with my head on his lap and the blanket pulled up to my nose. Advertisements for movies we’ve both already seen play on the TV.

“So what’s going on with the sale of Joe’s half of the gym?”

“It looks good. Everything seems to be going smoothly. The bank that the investors are using for their financing is the same as our bank, so it saves us some time in doing verifications, Jax said.”

“And Ape boy has been keeping away still?”

“Haven’t seen him. Although his fight with Jax is this Wednesday. I feel sick even thinking about it.”

Reed sighs loudly. At first I think it’s his response to my mention of the looming fight between Caden and Jax. But then I realize the movie has started and Brad Pitt’s face on the screen has stolen his attention away from our conversation. Reed’s eyes stay glued to the shirtless fighters for most of the movie. I, on the other hand, find it hard to concentrate on a movie about fighting, it only reminds me of what is to come in four days.


I showered and changed into a different sweatshirt, the new one still plucked from Jax’s pile he left at my place. Reed had just left a few minutes ago and I’d eyed the movies he’d left on the floor next to the DVD player just before the knock at the door came. Scooping them up, I unlock the top latch and swing the door open. “Forget something?”

Jax’s mouth widens into a smile. “Nice sweatshirt.”

“I didn’t expect to see you so early,” I stammer, taken aback momentarily by his appearance. And what an appearance it is. Dressed in a navy suit with a pale blue tie that brings out the color of his eyes to the point that they almost don’t look real, he looks completely edible.

“So you answer the door like that for just anybody?” One eyebrow arched, there’s a hint of what could be jealousy in his tone.

Forgetting I have no pants on, I look down to find his sweatshirt is barely covering my panties. “I thought you were Reed.”

“Not even sure I like you answering the door for Reed like that.” His eyes draw a slow sweep up and down my bare legs before he captures me by the back of the neck and kisses me senseless.


His mouth curves into a wicked smile. “You going to invite me in, or do I have to feel you up right here in the doorway.”

We spend a few minutes just inside the door, with me pushed up against it. Breaking for air, I whisper, “This is a nice surprise. You’re back early. I didn’t think you’d be back till late tonight.”

Jax’s hand travels under my sweatshirt, I haven’t yet put on a bra after my shower. He groans finding my bare skin. “There was no reason to stay.” He lifts the sweatshirt, exposing my swollen ni**les and takes one between his teeth. “And every reason to come back.”

My heart swells thinking I’m his reason to come back early. Pressing his body gruffly against mine, he pins me to the door with just his hips as he takes my mouth in another deep kiss. I quickly become lost in him. A loud knock quickly brings me back.

“Who is it?” I question, my legs not yet sure of themselves, I sway a tiny bit as Jax releases me from his grip.

“It’s me,” Reed says from the other side of the door. I reach for the lock and Jax puts his hand over mine stopping me.

“Go put pants on,” he says sternly.

“But, it’s just Reed.”

“I don’t care who it is. Go cover up.”

Pouting, I stomp back to the bedroom to throw on some pants and come back.

“I forgot the DVDs,” Reed says with a knowing grin on his face. He eyes Jax with delight, and I’m not sure if it’s because he’s happy for me or just likes what he sees. Either way, it warms me to see the approval on his face.

“I’ll see you two Wednesday,” he waves and practically runs out the door.

“Wednesday?” I crinkle my nose not remembering any plan I had made with Reed.

“I invited him to the fight,” Jax says nonchalantly as he closes and locks the front door.

A nauseating feeling of dread consumes me. I’d managed to forget about the fight for a few hours this morning. The thought of watching Jax get hit in the ring with Caden sickens me. It’s not that I don’t have confidence that he’ll win, but the fight is essentially my fault and I know I’ll be feeling guilty with every strike.

Attempting to put the thought out of my head, I change the subject. “How was the party?”

“A joke,” Jax grumbles, raking his fingers through his hair.

“I’m sorry,” I offer, not knowing what else to say.

“Me too. He couldn’t even let her have a night without making it into a public relations event.”

Lacing my fingers with his, I raise his hand to my mouth and kiss each finger tenderly. He takes my other hand, weaves our fingers and cradles it against his chest. The intimate exchange seems to soothe him, a small but real smile creeping onto his face.

“I missed you,” I blurt out, offering the truth, even though admitting it makes me nervous.

“I missed you too.” He grins, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. “I really do like you in my sweatshirt,” he says in a throaty voice as he reaches for the hem and pulls it up over my head.

“I thought you said you liked me in it,” I tease.

“I do.” His head lowers, he buries his face in my neck and breathes in deeply. “You can wear it later.”

“Later?” I repeat mindlessly, not really asking a question.

“Much later.” He takes my mouth in a passionate kiss, our hunger quickly igniting. “Need you now,” he growls, lifting me at the knees and carrying me to the bedroom.

Laying me down centered on the bed, my eyes hooded with lust, he hovers over me still fully dressed while I’m stripped to only my panties. I lean up and press a trail of kisses to his throat, feeling him swallow beneath my lips. My touch is gentle, but it elicits a response from him that is anything but. Groaning, he cups my head, holding me in place while he kisses me mercilessly.

“Your shirt. Please take off your shirt,” I tug desperately at the tails freeing them from his slacks, but I can’t open the buttons from my position. I need to feel him without a barrier. Now.

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