Worth Forgiving Page 34

“And how do you want me?”

“I…I…”she hesitates briefly. Then she reaches down somewhere deep and surprises me, “I want to ride your cock.”

That a girl. The only thing better than hearing those words from her lips is her actually doing it. In one swift motion, I lift her and pull my sweat pants down enough to accommodate her request, freeing my rock hard erection. I sit her back down, my c**k pushing up against her, but I don’t put myself inside of her. I want her to do it. However she wants it.

She looks down and licks her lips. I nearly explode just watching her mouth. I love that she salivates at the sight of me. It makes me want to beat my chest and yell from a f**king rooftop somewhere.

“Go ahead. I’m all yours,” I offer as I stroke my cock. It’s already hard as stone, so it’s hardly necessary. But something tells me she might like to see me touch myself as much as I’d like to see her. She looks down and gasps. Without hesitation, she wraps her hand around mine and together we stroke up and down a few times. Then she lifts up, allowing enough room to position my broad head at her opening. She circles her hips around a few times, coating my head in her slickness. It feels incredible, all I want to do is ram inside of her. But it’s her turn now and I’m not going to rush it. We’d had the talk the other night and I knew she was on the pill. Recent checkups and mutual trust cleared the path for future barrier free encounters, but I’d left it up to her to decide if she was ready. It’s a gift that she’s decided to give. And it means more than just the physical pleasure it brings. There’s a trust and it means a lot that she’s giving it to me now.

A tremble rocks through her body as she holds herself high above me. Ready to take me, she looks down at me with lust filled eyes. Ever so slightly she allows herself to drop, sheathing just the crown of my aching cock. She waits for a long moment. I have no idea if she senses my impatience or her own is just too much to bear. But instead of doing what I think is going to come next, inching me in a bit at a time, teasingly slow, she puts her hands on my shoulders and slams down on me, taking me in fully in one long stroke. It’s f**king incredible and exactly what I needed. To fill her, be inside her, skin against skin.

I try hard to steady myself, allow Lily to set our pace – give her the control this time. But her rough plunge down unleashed something primal inside of me. Without the barrier between us anymore, I feel exactly how hot and tight she is, the sensation overwhelms me. I’m desperate to come inside her, claim her as mine.

I give in to the relentless urge in my core to dominate her, she can have control next time. Grabbing her firmly at the waist, I take over. Lifting her, raising her up all the way, till the tip of my c**k is just barely inside her. Then I slam her back down hard. It only takes a few strong thrusts, I watch as her face changes. Her lips part, breathing hitches faster and her jaw goes slack. And I’m right there with her. Together we come hard and fast. The feeling of me spilling inside of her is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

We both catch our breath and a goofy, yet incredible smile forms on Lily’s face. It makes me forget anything and everything else in the world exists. With all the excesses I’ve grown up with around me, I realize, I’ve got all I want right here.


Later in the afternoon, we lay spent on the couch after two more turns exploring. The latter two slower and more passionate, but no less mind-blowing. I flick on the TV and a commercial comes on advertising the MMA Open in three weeks. A picture of my new found brother flashes on the screen. It’s a tradition that the current champion hosts the tournament. My finger rolls over the channel button, quickly responding to my innate reaction to avoid anything to do with my father and his spawn.

“I guess I’m going to meet your brother soon.” Lily says quietly.

I don’t really want to talk about my brother at all, or any member of my family as a matter of fact, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings by shutting her out completely. Especially after I upset her this morning. “You have entries in the Open?”

“Yes. We’re also sponsors.” She pauses. “Can I ask you something?”

I nod.

“Did your brother know about you?”

“As far as I know, he was as surprised as I was.”

“Have you ever met him?”


“How did that go?”

“Not too good, considering I was hitting on his girlfriend.”

“You hit on your brother’s girlfriend?” Lily’s voice raises and eyes flash wide.

“I didn’t know she was my brother’s girlfriend. Hell, I didn’t even know he was my brother at the time.” I chuckle thinking back to our first meeting. I was at an MMA fight and ran into a reporter who had just done a story on my family. A very pretty, sweet reporter. I leave that part out and continue, “I had no idea at the time she was writing an investigative piece on my father and his illegitimate child. Her paper broke the story a week after we met.” Lily’s brow furrows…it’s a hard story to follow. Goes to show the old saying is true, what a tangled web we weave…

“So how did you happen to come across your brother’s girlfriend if you didn’t even know he existed at the time? That’s a pretty big coincidence.”

“His girlfriend is the reporter. She was writing an expose on my family and my father’s secrets.”

“His girlfriend is the one that broke the story on your dad?”

“No. She actually buried the story.”

“I’m confused.”

“I was too for a long time. After everything came out, I had a friend do some digging for me. Turns out, Olivia, his girlfriend, and Vince had history together. She uncovered that Vince was my father’s child, but lied to the newspaper she was working for about it. I think she lost her job over it. Vince found out and got her job back by giving her paper an exclusive on the story.”

“He sounds like a stand up guy.” Lily’s not half wrong. I just never let myself give him any credit. I’d basically blamed him for being born. Being the spawn of Satan doesn’t automatically make you Satan. At least I hope not. I kiss her lips softly for reminding me I’ve let my judgment be clouded about a lot lately.

She smiles. “What was that for?”

“Just for being you.” Another soft kiss and then, “Tell me about your family.”

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