Wolf Unbound Page 7

“Pellini has pretty much taken over Sargasso and Quinta. It’s very strategic, they’re both on the border and he can move drugs and guns through a lot easier now.” Ben sat back and took notes.

“He’s working on Michigan and Maple Leaf for the same reason. We need to move on him and soon. He’s like a cancer, the deeper he gets into the Pack structure the more dangerous he becomes. We can’t let it happen,” Cade added.

“We can’t move just yet. Not until we know if he’s got the virus, Cade. If he’s got the virus and we move prematurely we’re endangering wolves and humans alike. We have to take this slow.” Ben understood Cade’s wanting-to-get-in-and-end-it-now attitude, he felt the same way but the stolen lycanthropy virus was too big a threat. They had to be methodical and smart, too many lives were at stake to rush or be sloppy.

Cade sighed, sitting back.

The conference call lasted another twenty minutes before breaking up. At the conclusion, Megan stood and went to the door, looking outside and conferring with Dave, the other guard who’d come to escort Lex and Cade.

“Keep me apprised.” Cade nodded sharply at Ben who nodded back.

“You’d better be good to my sister. She’s been hurt and I’d have no problem ripping your head off and beating your body with your spine.”

Ben had been a cop for fifteen years; he knew when a man was telling the truth and Lex was not lying. He put his hands up.

“I’m not an ass**le and your sister is a werewolf, she can kill me herself if I get out of line. Now go on. I’m willing to talk with you in detail about Pellini but not about my love life.”

Megan reached in and yanked Lex toward the door and Ben heard Cade chuckle.

When they’d finally gone, Ben sat in his chair and looked at the stack of papers on his desk. He knew he should back off. Cade and Lex were going to be a big hassle if he continued to see Tegan but he couldn’t help it. There wasn’t anything he wanted more than to see her again.

Tegan knew they’d heard about her and Ben the minute she walked into the house.

They must have smelled her on him when they had their conference call.

Trying to ignore it, she checked in with Dave, who filled her in on all the details she’d need for the midnight to six a.m. shift. It wasn’t much. She’d spend most of that time as a wolf anyway, patrolling the grounds.

That’s why she took the midnight shift one day a week. It was solitary, she didn’t have to talk to anyone and she could be outside in wolf form. It was a nice gig.

But when Lex came around the corner wearing the big-brother-in-charge face, she knew she wouldn’t be able to get out the door any time soon.

“Good luck,” Dave murmured. “I’ll get Peter out on your patrol, you can do inside tonight.”

Damn. Stuck inside. With her brothers who knew she’d been rubbing up on Ben Stoner. Her heart sped as she thought of that kiss and the way he’d taken her in hand at the club. Thank goodness they didn’t know about that .

“Evening, Lex. It’s a bit late for you isn’t it?” She was almost amused by his frowny appearance.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Ben?”

“I just met him. I’m an adult, Lex, I don’t run home to tell you about every man I meet.”

“He’s human, Tee. It’s very complicated to date humans. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Lex, I like him.” She shrugged. “He’s funny and nice and very sexy. He asked me to dinner. He made me feel beautiful.”

“I’m just saying that perhaps dating wolves would be better. Safer.”

“Which must be why you did it, huh? Lex, I haven’t had a romantic thought about anyone in over four years. I have not been touched by a lover in all that time. Not kissed because I was so lovely he couldn’t stop himself. Do you know how lonely that is?

Tonight I met someone who made me feel alive after being numb for a very long time. I don’t care if Ben is a human or a wolf. He’s a nice man and we’re going out to eat. It’s not the prom, it’s just a date.”

He moved to her, hugging her, and for the first time since the weeks after Lucas’s death, she not only let him but she returned it.

“I just worry about you. I love you, Tee. I saw you nearly lose it after Lucas. I don’t want you to ever have to be hurt again. You’ve had enough in your lifetime. I’m going to try and not interfere too much. I said try. I just want to protect all of you.”

“Aw, Lex, you know what? Nina is the best thing that ever happened to you. And I know you want to protect us all. And I love you too.”

“Why does she get all the credit?” Lex teased as he stepped back, kissing Tegan’s forehead. “I was a fabulous guy before she came along.”

Tegan laughed. “Yeah. A fabulous control freak. But, since you’ve been together you’ve relaxed a bit.”

Cade walked in and put his arms around the two of them briefly. “We’re all getting better. I can’t say I’m pleased about this new development but Ben is a good guy for a human. And it’s so good to see the old Tegan again.”

“Older and wiser, with a few bumps and bruises but I’m trying. Lucas wouldn’t want me to just roll over and give up.”

“No he wouldn’t. So you like Stoner huh?” Cade sat at the table and looked at his sister.

“As I was telling Lex, I just met him tonight. He’s a nice man. Handsome. We hit it off and had coffee. He asked me to dinner. It’s just a date. Stop engraving the wedding invitations already. And what difference does it make if he’s human? Why are you both making such a big deal out of it?”

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