Wolf Unbound Page 51

He chuckled and looked around at everyone. “What? You tell me what man can resist such a lovely woman? I have a thing for redheads, just ask Carla.” Tegan shook her head, Carla Mancini was a lovely woman who’d rip the throat out of any female who had designs on her man. She’d also written one of the kindest condolence notes Tegan received after Lucas had died, she’d never forget that.

Tegan inclined her head and tilted it to the side, baring her neck to him. “Alpha, it’s an honor.”

He kissed her forehead. “So, come and talk with me. Jack will be networking and I’m totally bored. Everyone else here is so uptight they look like they have a stick up their ass, don’t they?”

He held out his arm and she took it. It wouldn’t do to seek permission from Melissa.

This was the National Alpha and if she refused for safety reasons, she’d be insulting his promise of safe passage.

“You’re a very naughty Alpha, Mr. Mancini,” Tegan murmured as he led her away.

“Why, ’cause these wolves expect me to let them paw at me and slobber on my shoes?” He snorted. “Carla’s down the hall, I promised her I’d bring you by,” he said in an undertone.

He opened a door and Carla Mancini stood up with a big smile. “Come in here! Let me hear all about your new husband. I hear he’s quite handsome.”

Tegan let herself be enveloped into a hug and put on the couch next to the female Alpha.

“Carla, before you start in on the girl, let me say my bit and then you can natter on.”

Templeton patted his wife’s hand and she waved him off with an annoyed look.

“Go on then.”

“He’s here and he’s been seen last night with some of the Siskiyou wolves. Great Lakes is a no, Granite are with you as well. I need to get back out there. Carla, bring this fine young girl back when you’re finished interrogating her about her mate. And Tegan, I sure am glad you got another chance. Does my heart good to see you happy. The last time I saw you, you had heartbreak written all over your face.”

Choking back emotion, she nodded, trying not to blush. He actually came to the funeral at the military cemetery, bringing Jack with him. A great honor but he hadn’t made a big deal of it at all. He just did what an Alpha did.

Carla saw and hugged her around her shoulders. “It’s very cute isn’t it? When they get all sweet? He’s a great big teddy bear sometimes. Now, tell me all about Ben. I’ve seen his picture, I do like the salt and pepper thing at his temples. Is he as gruff as he looks?”

Tegan laughed and visited with Carla for several minutes more and then Carla took her back to the others with a kiss on the cheek. It made it look as if they had attempted to work Cascadia on behalf of Pellini so she expected they’d get some looks.

“Let’s get this party started then, shall we?” Jack addressed the group. The guards moved back to flank the room while the various Inner Circle members sat.

“First I want to note Gina Sorrano’s presence here. It is not normally our way to have Enforcers attend but Great Lakes’ Third is just about ready to give birth so she received a special dispensation to attend in her place. For the purposes of this Council, Gina will have the rank of Third.”

Tegan took note and mentally shrugged. Great Lakes had a lot of power, they got to bend the rules and that’s how their world worked. Templeton wouldn’t have chatted up just any wolf in that room either. But she was a Warden and a Cascadia wolf and she got to break the rules too.

“The Council was called to bring to the table, the manner of replacing the National Pack’s Mediator. Gabe Murphy has recommended one of his staff, a very strong, very able wolf with great experience. Naturally, as Gabe held the position of Third in this Pack for so long and as he was the Mediator, his opinion holds high value with us.”

Melissa shifted in her seat and the tension in the air began to build as the real issue surfaced.

“At the same time, we have another candidate, William Reed. He’s not currently in the area but he’s got strong backing. He’s currently Sixth in Memphis and he’s got a law degree. We’re here to decide the issue between the two.” Jack smiled benevolently at the group.

“Ah, here everyone is.”

A cold finger drew down Tegan’s spine as none other than Warren Pellini strolled into the room. She growled, as did many others. It was a violation of the rules of the National Council for any Alphas other than the National to attend. It was also only open to attendance from the top five Packs who made up the National Inner Circle.

“Now, now, it’s not polite to growl at me, is it, Tegan Warden?” Pellini turned to her and she stood tall. He wasn’t a power like Cade or any of the other Alphas who commanded the Packs in the room. She had no reason to act subservient to him. He wasn’t even part of a recognized Pack.

She moved forward to Melissa’s chair, standing with one hand on her shoulder. Dave followed with Eric. In fact nearly all the guards in the room had moved likewise.

“Stand down,” Templeton ordered and reluctantly, Tegan moved back, but only two steps. She’d take a bullet for Melissa if she had to and she wouldn’t give more than the steps she’d given. If Pellini could just walk into the meeting, things were spinning quickly out of control as it was.

“We are only here to speak in support of our friend, William Reed for the Mediator spot.” The smile Pellini gave was oily.

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