Wolf Unbound Page 4

Ryan rolled his eyes and walked behind her, sliding the blindfold over her eyes and adjusting the straps to make it totally light tight before securing the Velcro.

The first hint of submission settled into her body. Calming and soothing her.

Ryan took her by the elbow and led her into the play room. She scented the man there. Smelled soap and clean skin, a hint of leather, his shampoo. Just clean, hard man.

Nothing better.

She felt Ryan move away and the other man touch her with surety. Not rough, not presumptuous. Sure.

“You’ve got a beautiful body.” His voice was hoarse as his hands stroked over her bare shoulders and down her arms. “I want to see your back bare.”

She knew Ryan had specified just play and not sex so she nodded, giving him permission to remove her vest.

“I’m Ben.” His hands worked the lacing up the front of her vest and she felt the cool air of the room as he slid it from her body. He hummed in satisfaction. “I’m going to love how pink your ni**les get from the flogger.”

She shivered and a low sound broke from her lips. God how she craved this, craved being taken in hand. Craved having a man like this one, like Lucas looking at her, finding her beautiful.

“Tell me your name.” He circled her, she felt the heat of his body as he did.

“Tegan.” Her voice sounded breathy, like a low purr.

“Unusual and beautiful, like you are. I love redheads, Tegan.”

She heard the slither of the tails of a flogger and she arched her back. He chuckled.

“You like that? Good. I like it too. I like watching your ni**les tighten as you anticipate where I may touch you first.”

Lightning quick the very tip of the tails licked her ni**les and she moaned at the bright, hot sensation that stole over her. Her knees nearly buckled and her pu**y bloomed.

Three more times in quick succession the tails bit into her br**sts with expert precision. Not too light, not too hard. It was more the sound than the actual feel, the air as it rushed ahead of the leather of the flogger, the scent of the leather, the creak of the handle in his hand.

He moved around and the flogger found her back as heat spread, narcotic and sensual, over her skin.

After a time she was aware of nothing more than his presence and the slither and snap of the flogger, the heat of her body as the flogger warmed it and the heat of his body as he moved.

She began to sway as the sensation hypnotized her.

“Good God, you’re f**king amazing.” She heard him lay the flogger down and his hand was at the small of her back like a brand. “I’d like to do more. See what shade of pink your ass turns.” He waited for her response and she struggled upwards through the layers of serotonin to answer without a slur.


His hands moved to the front laces of her pants and he bent her forward, gently. A sturdy padded table sat in the middle of the room. She’d been in there before so she wasn’t surprised to feel the edge of it dig into her stomach as her br**sts touched the cool of the leather. She felt him pull off her boots and then her pants followed. He left her thong on but she felt more naked than she’d been in a very long time.

“Your skin is so pretty.” His whisper was like sandpaper dragged lightly over her skin as he trailed the flogger over her ass and thighs. “I think you might need a little restraint.”

She wanted to say sure but all she could do was whimper and make it sound affirmative. How this man affected her so deeply she didn’t know, but he did. She might have been scared if she weren’t already on the edge of subspace, if it hadn’t been so long since any man had made her feel so alive.

As he leaned over her body, she felt his c**k at her hip while he used a wrist cuff to attach one hand and then the other to the table legs. Hard and thick. Her mouth watered and her pu**y clutched.

Before she could be ashamed at the wantonness of her response the blows began to rain on her ass and thighs. At one point he used the toe of his boot to spread her legs wider and she moaned and then hissed at the sharp pleasure that radiated when he flogged her pu**y like a f**king expert.

She wanted to writhe and beg but the top half of her body was fairly immobile and she didn’t want to move her legs lest he stop. The heat spread up into her cunt. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth until she tasted blood.

Until orgasm hit her so hard and by surprise her head shot back and she cried out.

Dimly she heard his intake of breath and the tails of the flogger continued to tease the wet seam of the thong between her thighs.

“God damn, so f**king beautiful,” she heard his astonished whisper.

She wanted him to ask for sex. She would have agreed in a heartbeat. Wanted to feel his c**k slide into her, wanted to please him.

But he didn’t. Instead, he murmured to her softly as he undid her wrist restraints and helped her to stand.

Gently, he led her to the bed in the corner of the room and lay down beside her, letting her lay on her stomach as he rubbed scented oil into her skin, soothing the burn.

Tears pricked her lashes and she stayed face down, trying to hold it together. How long had it been since anyone had made her feel this way? Beautiful and desired? The times before when she’d sought out the hands of other men to satisfy her need to be dominated it hadn’t felt deep or intense. Sometimes she’d felt really good, most of the time it felt like eating fast food, she was satisfied but an hour later, empty again.

She felt the movement as he undid the blindfold. Swallowing her tears, she turned to look up at him. His eyes were a startling blue, almost a steely gray. His features were intensely masculine, nearly feral. Sharp nose, beautiful lips, chiseled chin and sharp cheekbones. A scar marked the skin just above his left eyebrow. Salt and pepper hair that was just a bit too long came to his collar with a natural wave.

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