Unveiled Page 22

‘Nice chap.’

My forehead wrinkles at his observation. Gregory is a very nice chap, but I sense William isn’t simply intending on heading down a road of flattery. ‘He is a very nice chap.’

‘Ambitious, smart . . .’

‘Wait!’ I skid to a halt and throw disbelieving eyes at William. Then I laugh. Uncontrollably. I’m in pieces. The distinguished, suited man is rendered speechless and wide-eyed as I fall all over the hospital corridor, tittering to myself. ‘Oh God!’ I chuckle, wiping under a leaking eye as I glance up at William. He’s looking around us, clearly uncomfortable. ‘Nice try, William.’ I march on my way, leaving William tentatively following behind. He really is desperate. ‘Sorry to disappoint you,’ I call over my shoulder, ‘but Gregory is gay.’

‘He is?’ His stunned reply makes me turn on a smile, keen to see the formidable William Anderson’s surprise. Not much fazes him. But this has, and I’m rolling in the delight it has brought me.

‘Yes, he is, so you can save your breath.’ I should be fuming at his continued efforts to put me off Miller, but my enjoyment won’t allow it. Miller, however, won’t take it too kindly if he gets wind of William’s relentless interfering.

Leaving William to regain his composure, I rush into the ward, heading straight to the bay where I know Nan to be. ‘Good morning!’ I chirp, finding her sitting in her chair, adorned in a floral dress, her hair styled perfectly. There’s a tray on her lap and she’s poking at what looks like an egg sandwich.

Unimpressed old navy eyes beat down my breeziness in a flash. ‘Is it?’ she grumbles, sliding the tray onto the table.

My heart sinks as I take a seat on the edge of her bed. ‘You’re in the best place, Nan.’

‘Pfft!’ she sulks, brushing her perfect curls off her face. ‘Yes, if I were dead, but I’m perfectly well!’

Not wanting to be condescending, I force my eyes not to roll. ‘They wouldn’t keep you here if they thought you were perfectly well.’

‘Do I look like that?’ She swings an arm out and points her wrinkled finger to the old dear in the opposite bed. My lips straighten, not knowing what to say. No, she looks nothing like the poor woman who’s dozing across the way, her mouth dropped open. She really does look dead. ‘Enid!’ Nan hollers, making me jump. ‘Enid, dear, this is my granddaughter. Remember I told you?’

‘Nan, she’s sleeping!’ I hiss, just as William rounds the corner. He has a grin on his face, no doubt after hearing the spunky Josephine causing havoc.

‘She’s not sleeping,’ Nan argues. ‘Enid!’

I shake my head and look to William again with pleading eyes, but he just maintains that amused smile, shrugging his shoulders. Both of us cast a sideways glance when coughing and spluttering emanates from Enid’s direction, and I find her heavy eyes looking around, bewildered.

‘Yoo-hoo! Over here!’ Nan waves a deranged arm in the air. ‘Put your glasses on, dear. They’re on your lap.’

Enid pats around on the covers for a few moments, then slips her glasses on. A gummy grin materialises on her pasty face. ‘Sweet thing,’ she croaks, before her head falls back, her eyes close, and her mouth drops open again.

I make to stand, alarmed. ‘Is she OK?’

William chuckles and joins me on the bed in front of Nan. ‘It’s her medication. She’s fine.’

‘No,’ Nan jumps in. ‘I’m fine. She’s on her way to the pearly gates. When are they releasing me?’

‘Tomorrow, or maybe Friday, if the consultant agrees,’ William tells her, bringing a hopeful smile to her face. ‘If the consultant agrees,’ he reinforces with a certain look of knowing.

‘Oh, he’ll agree,’ she replies, too confidently, her hands resting in her lap. Then silence falls and her navy eyes travel between me and William a few times, curiosity rife on her round face. ‘How are you two?’

‘Very well.’

‘Fine.’ My answer clashes with William’s, and we both look out the corner of our eye at each other.

‘Where’s Miller?’ she goes on, pulling our attention back to her demanding presence.

I keep silent now, thinking William will answer again, but he remains quiet, leaving me to speak up. There’s a tension between us, and Nan’s clearly picking up on it. We’re not helping matters in the slightest. I don’t want her to worry about anything other than getting well. ‘He’s at work.’ I start faffing with the water jug on the cabinet beside her bed, anything to instigate a conversation change. ‘Shall I get you some fresh water?’

‘The nurse did it before you arrived.’ She’s speedy with her reply, leaving me redirecting my attention to the plastic beaker sitting next to it.

‘Clean cup?’ I sound hopeful.


I deflate and confront her curious face. ‘Do you need any clean clothes or underwear? Toiletries?’

‘William saw to that yesterday morning.’

‘He did?’ I throw a surprised look at William and get flat-out ignored. ‘That was thoughtful.’

The strapping man rises from the bed and dips to kiss my grandmother’s cheek, and she accepts on a fond smile, lifting her hand and patting William’s arm. ‘Do you still have plenty of credit?’ he asks.

‘Oh yes!’ Nan scoops up a remote control and points it at the television. It springs to life and Nan settles back in her chair. ‘Marvellous piece of equipment! Did you know I can watch any episode of EastEnders from the last month at the touch of a button?’

‘Incredible,’ William agrees, flicking his smile to me.

I’m stunned into silence as I watch Nan and her daughter’s ex-pimp converse like family. William Anderson, the lord of the underworld, doesn’t look like he’s shaking in his boots right now. And Nan doesn’t look like her spunk is about to be unleashed on the man who sent her daughter away. What does she know? Or what has William told her? They don’t look like there has ever been any animosity or bad feelings between them. They look comfortable and cosy. I’m confused.

‘I’d best be off now.’ William’s soft announcement breaks into my conflicting thoughts and puts me back in the stifling hospital ward. ‘Be good, Josephine.’

‘Yes, yes,’ Nan huffs, waving him away with a flap of her hand. ‘If they set me free tomorrow, I’ll be an angel.’

William laughs, his liquid grey eyes sparkling affectionately at my beloved grandmother. ‘Your freedom banks on it. I’ll pop in later.’ His tall body turns to me and his smile widens at my evident bemusement. ‘Ted will be back to collect you once he’s dropped me at the Society. He’ll drive you home.’

The mention of William’s establishment halts my instinct to refuse as flashbacks of the opulent club start to creep to the front of my mind, making me clench my eyes shut in an attempt to halt them. ‘Fine,’ I mutter, standing and plumping the redundant pillow on the bed so I don’t have to confront the stern look that’s pointed at me for any longer than I have to. The chime of my iPhone is timed perfectly, allowing me to re-focus my attention on seeking out my mobile once I’m done toying with the pillow.

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