Uncivilized Page 90

“Hey… I’m sorry to show up unannounced like this, but do you have a minute to talk?”

Randall beams at me and beckons me forward. “For you, I have all the time in the world. Come on… let’s go back to my office.”

I follow behind Randall, my heart beating with fear and excitement. When I woke up this morning, still wrapped up sweetly in Moira’s arms, my decision was made. I was going to stay here… with her… and start a new life. A life maybe I was supposed to have all along. A life reclaimed.

I also knew, deep in my heart, this is what Paraila was hoping for me.

But I needed Randall’s help… so the first order of business was to swallow my pride and ask for it.

I had slipped out of bed gently, leaving Moira softly slumbering. I know I wore her out the night before, and after experiencing the most intense, most erotically overwhelming orgasm of my entire life, I was wrecked as well. I had never slept more deeply or more peacefully since the day I was born.

When I woke up, I knew that had nothing to do with the fact that I claimed Moira’s ass as my own last night. It had everything to do with the fact that she loved me, and I was pretty f**king sure that I would die without her. So I took a quick shower, got dressed, and made a call to Sam to ask him to drive me to Randall’s office in downtown Atlanta.

Randall leads me into his office, softly shutting the door behind us. He takes a seat on his leather couch, foregoing the formality of sitting behind his desk. I take a chair opposite, placing my hands on my knees… my body tight with anxiety.

“What’s wrong?” he asks with concern in his eyes. “You look about ready to explode.”

“I want to stay here… in the States. With Moira.”

Understanding laced with pure happiness seeps into Randall’s eyes, and his teeth flash at me. He claps his hands together once and says, “My boy… that’s fantastic news. I’m sure Moira is so happy. I knew there was something special between you two.”

“Actually… I haven’t told her yet. I need to get some things figured out first.”

Randall leans forward, his face dead serious. Leaning his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together, he asks simply, “What can I do to help?”

“I need a job… some way to…” But my words falter. How do I say this without sounding like a caveman? “I need some way I can take care of Moira. No… that’s not right, because she can take care of herself. I just… I need some way to contribute. To be useful. I need a job, and I’d like to work for you. Maybe in one of the stores… stocking shelves or something like that.”


It’s out.

I’ve asked for his help, and all I can do is wait to see what he’ll do for me.

“Zach… you have a place at Cannon’s. And I will have you start at the bottom and work your way up, so you can learn every facet of this business. Because if you stay here… and you work for me, I expect you will go places and be right at the helm with me one day. But for now… I don’t want you here.”

I blink in surprise at him, so sure he was going to immediately put me in the store that’s located in the mall not three miles from my house. “But… I need something now… a way to make money.”

“What you need is your education,” he says with a serious look. “I propose letting me help you get that. You’d need to get your GED first, and then you need to go on to college. You’re bright, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t flourish in an academic setting. You’ll be a little behind, but I’ll get a tutor to help you get caught up.”

“School? College?” I ask, dumbfounded. It had never occurred to me.

“Yes, and once you complete your undergrad, I’ll put you to work here. I’ll want you to go on and get your MBA, but you can do that and work part time.”

I appreciate the strong confidence in his words, but this just won’t do. I don’t have time for that. “I need to earn a living now. I need to be able to contribute,” I tell Randall with sincerity. “I cannot accept charity.”

Randall leans back in the couch and taps a finger against his lips while he appraises me. “How about this… you can work part time at Cannon’s while you get your education. It won’t be enough to cover tuition and books, but if you let me pay for that, the part time work can help you contribute to yours and Moira’s household expenses. I assume you will stay with her?”

“That was my plan. Which means I’ll have to go to school somewhere near her home if I can swing it. Or at least within traveling distance.”

“Trust me… I donated enough money to Northwestern when I hired Moira that I guarantee you’ll get a spot there as long as your grades are good.”

Good grades? Oh, f**k. Can I really do this? Can I really buckle down and actually go to college?

Fuck yeah, I can, roars within my head, because I’d do anything to make this work with Moira.

“I accept,” I tell Randall with a smile of thanks. “And I’ll pay you back every dime you invest in to me.”

Randall chuckles and stands from the couch. “Not necessary. I consider it investing in Cannon’s future. But I will accept a hearty handshake to seal the deal.”

I stand from my chair and reach out to Randall’s outstretched hand. On impulse, I step forward and wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a quick hug. “Thank you, Randall. This means a lot to me.”

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