Uncivilized Page 77

“But… but…”

“But nothing,” Randall scoffs at me. “I know you aren’t solely responsible for the amazing transformation I’ve seen in Zach these last few weeks, but you are hugely responsible. Zach has opened himself up to the possibility of staying in this world. He’s given this old man a chance, and he had every reason to hate me. You helped to make that happen.”

“You’re wrong, Randall. Zach isn’t open to the possibility of staying here. He told me as much this morning.”

Randall appraises me a moment, and then walks to my bedroom door. Just as he opens it, he turns to me and says, “Zach is absolutely open to the possibility of staying here. I see it every time he looks at you. I know you two think you were keeping a great secret from me, but I saw it right away… what you have found in each other. And besides that… you two aren’t exactly quiet at night.”

My face heats up so hot that a tiny sheen of sweat breaks out on my face. Randall gives me a grin and says, “So, you two get packed up and enjoy your weekend at your sister’s. I’ll see you both on Monday.”

Randall leaves and shuts the door behind him, leaving me standing there with a red face and my jaw hanging open.

Chapter 23


Moira’s given me the silent treatment almost the entire trip to North Carolina. I was waiting outside her room when Randall exited.

He gave me a smile and clapped me on the shoulder. “She’s a special woman, Zach. Tread carefully with her.”

I merely nodded at him in understanding, feeling pretty f**king low about myself. I breached Moira’s trust in me by revealing our secret, but I was so tired of hearing her fears. I knew Randall wouldn’t care and would even be happy about it. But I couldn’t get her to see that, so I took matters into my own hand. And I knew she was going to be pissed at me, but I did it anyway.

Randall’s words to me… to be careful with Moira… punch me in the gut, because the thought of hurting her shreds me from the inside out. I know I hurt her just now, and I know I’m going to hurt her when I leave.

But I have to return to Caraica. There is nothing for me here. Nothing except Moira, that is. But what is she going to do? Take care of me? Let me live with her in exchange for providing her orgasms? I have nothing to offer her. Nothing that I’m good at except hunting and raiding, which are skills that are absolutely useless here in this society.

I entered her bedroom to find a suitcase on the bed and her putting clothes in it. For a brief moment, I thought maybe she was still going through with her plan to quit but then, in a clipped voice, she said, “You should go get packed if you still want to go with me to visit Lisa.”

The grin that popped out on my face was spontaneous, so relieved I was that she wasn’t quitting her job.

Quitting me.

She glared at me in response.

“How long are you going to be mad at me?” I asked.

“I haven’t decided,” she sniffed, and my grin got bigger. I’d let her have her pique for now, but if she wasn’t talking to me by the time we went to bed tonight, I’d f**king demand that she forgive me. I figured I’d f**k her back into line if I had to, just so I can have her smile and laugh again.

I’ve tried several times to strike up a conversation with her during the ride, asking her more about Lisa and her family. Her words were short, but she wasn’t about to be totally rude to me. So she gave me some minimal information, but managed to still radiate angry vibes toward me.

My c**k was hard half the time, thinking about getting into her pants so I could make her warm up to me again.

When she pulls into her sister’s driveway in Wilmington, in front of a cute beach cottage of gray shingles and white trim, I turn toward her. She shuts the car off and starts to grab for the door handle. My hand snakes out and I let my fingers slide along her jaw, where I grip it firmly. Turning her face toward me, I wait until I have her attention and say, “I’m sorry.”

She glares at me, so I pull her face toward me and slide my lips along hers. “I’m sorry,” I tell her again… sincerely.

Stiffness radiates off her, and I know I’m not forgiven just yet. I kiss her again and say once more, “I’m sorry.”

Pulling back, she looks at me with accusing eyes. “You could have ruined my career, Zach. You put this entire project in jeopardy.”

Anger surges through me because I’m tired of being considered her test subject. I know she certainly doesn’t feel that way when I’m lodged balls deep inside of her. “Oh, for f**k’s sake, Moira. I don’t give a damn about your project, but I knew Randall wasn’t going to be mad and I was right, wasn’t I?”

“That’s beside the point,” she sputters, and I kiss her again to shut her up.

When I pull away, I clasp her face. “I’m not your pet project anymore. I don’t f**king need you to help me adjust because let’s face it… I’m doing just fine here. I’ve played by all your silly rules. I eat with my f**king utensils, and I don’t go around killing people on a whim. I understand your rules, and nothing about this world freaks me out. And I was tired of f**king hiding what we have. Do you know how much it kills me not to be able to touch you when I want, or to keep my eyes averted for fear someone might guess that we’re f**king each other? I was sick of it, and I’m glad I did it, and I’d do it again. So be pissed at me if you want, but I’m f**king the remaining bitterness out of you tonight.”

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