Uncivilized Page 70

“Moira…” Zach lets out a low rumble of warning.

My eyes draw up lazily to his, and I’m overwhelmed with the almost insane look of need in them. For a brief moment, I think about rolling off him and letting him have his way with me. I know he’d be all over me in a heartbeat if I did so, but I push that thought aside. I’m not sure I’ll have another chance like this with Zach because I find myself living every day with him like it’s my last, knowing that at any moment, he can decide to leave to return to his home.

I lower myself onto Zach’s cock, slowly sinking on to him. My wet desire makes entrance easy and my flesh expands and forms around him, pulling him in deep and wrapping him tight.

He groans deeply… almost like an animal in pain… a sound such as I have never heard from him, and I watch as his eyes squeeze shut. I lower myself more, all the way, until he’s lodged deep inside of me and our pelvises are pressed tight against one another.

I hold still, I wait… just until Zach’s eyes open and he looks at me. I see need, craving, absolute desire. I pretend for a brief, foolish moment that his need is for me… for Moira, and not for just my body. I hold onto that feeling, even as I tell myself I’m going to get hurt by pretending he feels something that’s probably nothing more than a ghost of a fantasy for me.

When I can’t bear that look any more, I rise up and sink back down on him, watching the color of his blue eyes darken with pleasure and near relief.

I raise and lower, raise and lower, riding his c**k like he ordered me to. But I go slowly, drawing it out for both of us, showing him a different way to make love. Amazingly, Zach doesn’t hurry my pace, keeping his h*ps still with unbelievable power and control. There is no mistaking, however, the fact that he is enjoying this ride. His jaw is tight, his eyes are heated beyond nuclear as they stare at me, and his chest starts to heave.

I decide to change it up a bit and slam down hard on his cock, gasping at the fullness within me. Zach’s hands fly free from behind his head and clamp down on my thighs, his fingers digging in. I rise up slowly, and then slam back down again, overflowing with sexual dominance when Zach yells out, “Fuck, Moira.”

I do it again, and again, starting to not only pick up the power of my movement but the pace as well. I move above him, my br**sts bouncing and my legs quivering with fatigue. Reaching behind me with one hand, I cup his balls in my hand and massage them.

Zach’s h*ps buck violently upward, and he starts a holy chant. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

My movements become frenzied and, before you know it, Zach’s h*ps are thrusting counter to my every move, deepening within me and hitting me in just the right place. His hands snake up to my hips, and he uses his strength to grind me down hard onto his cock.

I feel his balls constrict in my hand, and I know he’s close.

“Give it to me, Zach,” I whisper as I bounce up and down on him. “Come for me, baby.”

Zach slams me down on him one last time and his head arches backward, his chest heaving off the bed, every muscle and vein in his neck standing out in stark relief. A vicious groan of release pours out of his mouth as I feel him start to jet inside of me. I watch, fascinated, as pleasure washes over his face and his harsh pants fill the room with the evidence of his stormy release.

I pull upward on his cock, push back down again slowly, and another violent shudder quakes through his body.

“Oh, God,” Zach groans as he trembles. “I’m still f**king coming.”

I pull up and push back down again, and his entire body jerks as another shudder rips through him.

“What the f**k are you doing to me?” he asks in wonder as his eyes open and he stares at me in disbelief, his chest still rising and falling as if he’s starved for oxygen.

I take my fingers and run them across his lips, staring at him contemplatively. “I’m liberating you, my uncivilized man.”

Chapter 21


My mood is dark and stormy. It sort of matches this stupid, f**king nightclub that Clint and Cara have dragged me to. Again, the invite was just to me, but I made sure to invite Moira. When we arrived and were shown to one of the VIP areas where Cara had directed us to meet them, I could tell by the look on her face she wasn’t happy to see Moira. By the way Moira stood stiffly by my side, I could tell she wasn’t happy to be in Cara’s presence either.

But there was no way I could bear a night with Clint and Cara without her by my side. No, that’s not exactly right. I don’t think there’s any way I could bear a night away from Moira, which is another thought that feels dark and stormy within me.

I’m suffering under a swell of emotions when it comes to the beautiful red-haired woman I’ve been f**king… and f**king well. She’s consuming me, and I hate it and love it at the same time.

Every morning, I wake up before her and because I’ve become accustomed to not only sleeping on a soft mattress, but also having her body wrapped up close to mine throughout the night, I take advantage of my morning wood and make sure we both start the day off with an amazing orgasm or two.

Because we spend almost every minute of the day and night together, I find myself becoming closer to her than probably anyone else in my life with the exception of Paraila. We have long talks about the amazing discoveries I’m making. Just yesterday, we sat outside a tiny, downtown Atlanta cafe where we sipped iced coffees and talked about terrorism. I’ve been reading up a great deal about the attacks on 9/11, a monstrous occurrence that appalled my senses. To think that something of that magnitude had occurred, and I had been blissfully unaware of it while sequestered in the sanctity of my tribal home, sort of puts things into perspective for me. This new and modern world I’ve been immersed in is bright and amazing, filled with wonder and potential.

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