Uncivilized Page 101

Said heart seizes, constricting inward, and then bursting out in hopeful abandon. “It is?”

“You know it is,” he says with confidence. “I have fallen so deeply in love with you, that there is no where I can possibly be except by your side. Nothing means as much to me as you, Moira. Not Caraica, not Paraila, not the tribe. It’s you. It will only ever be you.”

Tears fill my eyes, because I am so joyful to be hearing those words from Zach’s beautiful lips. My hands come up and caress his face, pulling him down to me for another kiss.

It’s light and gentle, filled with love, care, and tenderness.

“Tell me you love me too,” Zach says urgently. “I only heard it once from you, and I need to know you still feel it… deep down here.” Leaning down, he presses a kiss over my heart.

“Yes, Zach,” I breathe out in a rush. “I love you so much. I nearly died when you left me. I was so crushed. Please don’t do that to me again.”

“Never,” he vows just before bringing his mouth down on mine for a punishing kiss. I groan and my h*ps arch up. His erection lays heavy against my lower belly, and I rub up against it.

Hissing through his teeth, Zach rears up, pulling me in his arms. He rolls so he’s underneath me and I come up on top, straddling him.

“Ride me, Moira,” he commands.

I swallow hard and place one hand on his chest for leverage and with the other, I grab onto his cock. I give it a hard squeeze, which causes Zach to moan, then I position it to my entrance and slide oh so far down his length.

I feel deliciously tight and full when I’m completely impaled on his massive shaft. Before I can start to move, Zach’s hands reach up to cup my face. He pulls me toward him and leans the rest of the way up, so our mouths can meet again. He kisses me once more, as if he can’t get enough of that intimate touch.

When he releases me, he lays back down flat and brings his hands to my hips. “Remember the first time we made love this way?”

I nod with a smile.

“You liberated me that day… made me see that I didn’t have to have absolute control all the time. You tamed me… showed me how to be a civilized man.”

I laugh low in my belly and rub my hands on his chest. “Silly man… I could never civilize someone like you. I wouldn’t want to.”

“I’m not that wild man you brought out of the jungle anymore. I’ve learned to adjust… to accept… to experience.”

“Because you are an amazing man, Zacharias Easton. Still wild… completely beautiful to me… and always evolving.”

Zach surges upward, wrapping his arms around me and driving his c**k in just a little deeper. I give a soft moan but focus on Zach, who brings his nose in so it’s almost touching mine.

“You are my life now, Moira. I will die before I ever hurt you again, and I will love you unconditionally for the rest of my days.”

I smile at him and nod my head. “I’ll love you right back.”

He gives me a stunning smile, and his eyes shimmer in the glow of the light as he lies back flat on the bed. “Excellent. Now… ride my cock, Moira. Liberate me again. Set me free from my old life, once and for all, and show me that you’re really mine.”

Placing my hands on his chest, I rise up, feeling his length slip along my passage until I can feel the swollen head almost break free, and then I push back down on him hard. Zach tilts his head back, closes his eyes, and groans.

“Yes,” he whispers. “Liberate me.”

I rise up and lower again, and when I’m sitting down on him hard and tight, I whisper back to him, “I’m not setting you free, baby. I’m bringing you home.”



I walk down the corridor of Brandon Hall, nodding at some of the students I recognize from my classes. I’m two weeks away from finishing my freshman year at Northwestern University, and I find myself amazed at where the time has gone.

My life in Caraica seems so far away from me. I still miss it with a vengeance, and I worry constantly about them. But I also know that I am where I’m supposed to be. There is simply no choice in the matter. Moira is what’s most important.

When I reach her door, I smile at the cheap, plastic plaque.

Dr. Moira Reed, Associate Professor

I’m so proud of my woman. So incredibly impressed and respectful of everything she has accomplished in life. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to declare anthropology as a minor to my business admin degree. It won’t be needed for my future course in life because I’m dead set on getting into Kellogg’s MBA program here at Northwestern. However, it gives me just one more thing I can bond with Moira over. And trust me… bonding with that woman gives me immense pleasure.

I knock lightly on her door and hear from within, “Come in.”

Pushing the door open, I immediately see her sitting behind her desk. Her office is small and cramped, with research books and papers littered everywhere. Even both of her chairs are stacked with materials.

“Hey,” she says in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

I step in and close the door behind me, surreptitiously turning the lock. She doesn’t even notice the faint click, but I think it’s masked from the sound of me dumping my pack onto the floor.

“Just thought I’d see if you were free for lunch. I have another two hours until my next class.”

Standing up from her chair, she smiles at me and says, “Absolutely. I’m just grading some papers.”

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