Tri Mates Page 14

He caressed the line of her jaw and drew his thumb over her bottom lip. “Of course it matters. I love you. You’re my mate and your happiness is very important to me. Not that I can change being her anchor.”

“I know. Thank you.”

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her.

“Nick! You tease, bring the girl up here so we can welcome her into the Pack!”

Nick pulled back with a groan. “And that is Ben, my brother and the Alpha. He’s…”

“Yeah, I have one too.”

He held out a hand and she took it and he drew her into the yard and toward the porch, where it looked like at least a dozen people were standing.

“Oh jeez,” she murmured under her breath. And damn it, did that Sarah have to be so damned beautiful?

She was the feminine type, with perfect creamy skin and big china-doll eyes. Knowing how Cade felt about Nina, she wondered just how deeply Nick felt for Sarah and jealousy knifed through her.

Ben came down the porch steps with a big smile on his face, and without a word to Nick, pulled Tracy into a big hug. He kissed both of her cheeks and stepped back, looking at her and then at Nick.

“Congratulations! And welcome. Welcome to Pacific and welcome to the family, Tracy.”

She couldn’t help but give the man a lopsided grin. He was so not suave like Nick. He wore jeans and a Trail Blazers shirt and his hair was sort of mussed up, but not in the intentional messy way that Nick’s hair was.

“Thank you. I take it you’re Ben.”

“Oh, yes. I’m sorry. Tracy, this is my brother, Ben Lawrence, the Alpha of Pacific Clan.” Nick raised a brow as his brother stared at Tracy.

“And I’m Sarah.” She came down the steps and gave Tracy an appraising look that put Tracy on edge.

“Nice to meet you, Sarah.” And she hoped she meant it. She wanted to fit into this family as well as she fit into her own in Seattle. She had a new Pack now and it would be a good thing if she had even a shadow of the connection with Sarah that she had with Nina.

“It’s more than nice to meet you, Tracy. I can’t be more thrilled that Nick has found you.” With that she leaned in and kissed Tracy’s cheek and stood back, her body against Ben’s. Tracy couldn’t quite get rid of the unease that slid through her stomach but chalked it up to nervousness.

The next hour went by in a blur of activity and new faces. She knew which females Nick had slept with by the looks they threw her. But Nick had eyes for her and her only. Ben and Nick’s parents were so happy to meet her.

“I really need to talk to my brother and my parents,” Tracy murmured to Nick as the evening set in.

“Oh, of course. How long have you been up? You drove down this morning, didn’t you?”

“Just before five,” she said, trying not to yawn. “And I’ll need to talk to Charity, she’s the woman who manages my store, to arrange for some more time, and I’ll have to figure out what to do with it and my house.”

Just how much she was leaving behind hit him square in the face. Her family, her friends, her house, her business, her Pack. All of that for him. A wave of tender protectiveness rose in him.

“Come on, baby, let’s get you home.” He stood and helped her up. “Folks, thanks for the evening but Tracy and I are going home now. We’ll see you all tomorrow night for the joining.”

Chris and Haley, Ben and Sarah’s children, got up and latched on to Nick. “Uncle Nick! Don’t go!”

He laughed and swooped both of them up into his arms, kissing them both soundly. “Got to, kiddos.

Tracy is tired and it’s my job to take care of her. Like how your daddy takes care of your mommy.”

“Ew! You’re gonna kiss on her all the time then?” Chris asked, disgusted by the very idea.

Tracy laughed. “I hope so!”

* * * * *

The drive to his apartment was quiet but relaxed. He was a little concerned that his brother had taken him aside and grilled him about whether he was sure Tracy was his true mate but they’d been friendly to her face and that was a relief. Tracy seemed far more at ease now than she had earlier as well. “Are you feeling better now?”

“Hmm?” She stretched and his heart thudded against his rib cage. “Oh, yes. Your family is lovely.”

Except for the women who’d hated her on sight and the Fourth who seemed annoyed that a wolf with an eyebrow ring was suddenly ranked above him. Oh and maybe Sarah, who sort of seemed to like her, but Tracy still wondered about her connection with Nick.

He pulled into the garage of a swank high-rise and up a few levels until he pulled into a spot near the elevators and turned off the ignition.

“Come on, baby. We’re home.”

She bit back her response, not wanting to fight. But he was going to have to accept that they needed a house with a yard for Milton.

He grabbed his briefcase and her suitcase and guided her into the elevator lobby with a hand at the small of her back. She watched as he keyed in a number on the pad near the up button. The doors slid open and they got inside the elevator car.

He hit nineteen and leaned back against the wall.

“So,” she said, turning to face him, “you think this elevator has a camera in it?”

“What? Why…oh.” He raised a brow and she stepped closer.

“I’ve never had sex in an elevator before.”

“Oh, you’re sin on legs, Tracy Warden. Or Lawrence. Whatever.”

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