Tri Mates Page 12

“You got it. Are you going to be all right?”

He paused for a long moment. “Yes. Thanks for asking, beautiful.”

“Anytime. Cade?”


“I love you. It’ll all be okay.”

He sighed. “I love you too.” And hung up.

The rest of the negotiations went by rather quickly. Gabe kept an iron grip on the proceedings and hammered out a deal to enlarge the buffer between the two Packs that worked for both and capitalized on the goodwill between Pacific and Cascadia.

While at the table, Tracy kept up her place as a member of the Cascadia Pack. She’d continue to do so until she officially joined Pacific. She didn’t feel pressured to do anything else. Her heart would always be with Cascadia, it was the Pack of her birth and her family ruled it. She’d join Pacific because that’s where Nick held position as Second and she’d give them her loyalty.

By two the papers had been signed and agreed to.

Lex stood and shook hands with Nick. He smiled at his sister. “I know you two are anxious to go to the Pacific Pack house. Would you like Milton to stay with us while you do that?” He turned to Nick. “Of course, with permission, we’ll stay here and Cade and Mom and Dad will join us for the joining ceremony.”

Tracy realized then just how much her life had changed in just a few hours. Everything had changed. It wasn’t that she was unhappy. Quite the opposite. For wolves, finding a mate was the moment they looked forward to. Her connection to Nick filled her up and brought her joy and satisfaction in ways she hadn’t even known were possible. But she’d have to build a new life and a new home with Nick.

“Joining ceremony?” Nina looked confused.

Tracy squeezed her sister-in-law’s hand. “Now that Nick and I have bonded, I’ll become a member of Pacific. I’ll be taken into the clan and given status as Second.” The look of sadness, brief before Nina smiled to cover it, made Tracy feel better.

“Of course you have permission to stay. Who is Milton?” Nick couldn’t stop himself from touching Tracy. His fingers traced through her hair and she leaned into his touch.

Tracy laughed. “Milton is my dog. He’s a lab and a real sweetie. I have to tell you that he comes with me everywhere.”

Nick winced as he thought of his expensive apartment and the furnishings. “I don’t think my building

allows pets.”

“Well, we’ll be moving, won’t we?” She said it with a raised brow and annoyance flashed through him.

“We’ll have to figure it out. I mean, my apartment is so nice and it has a great view and…”

“Okay, this is something we should work out in private,” Tracy cut him off, seeing Lex’s agitation out of the corner of her eye. He’d begin to feel protective of her and things would be unpleasant.

“You’re right, of course.”

“We’ll just stay here then, in the bungalow we’re already in. Call us when you’ve got details, Tracy.”

Lex tried not to scowl.

Nina hesitated but went ahead and brought up the issue that had been weighing on her mind. “Uh, one thing and well, I know this probably isn’t my business but as it was sort of sprung on me I think it’s a serious issue—the tri-bond.”

Nick stilled for a moment and Tracy blushed. “Damn. I hadn’t thought about that. I’m Ben’s anchor but he can’t do it and I don’t have any unmated male relatives.”

“Well, we’ll have to call someone in then.”

“What? Like a personal ad? Do they have space for that in Craigslist?” Panic edged through Tracy. She knew they’d have to do the tri-bond but it hadn’t quite hit her until that moment. She’d have to have sex with a stranger. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they’d fly someone in? Like a pinch hitter?

The problem was that the higher up a male was in Pack hierarchy, the fewer his choices for the anchor bond. Because Nick was Second, he could only have an Alpha, or an equivalent wolf who had higher rank, or a relative. It didn’t happen all the time, most wolves weren’t high in Pack ranks. But it happened often enough that the National Pack kept a database of willing wolves who’d be called upon in such situations.

“What else can we do, Tracy? I’m sorry. I know this is hard on you but we can’t avoid you needing the tri-bond. There’s no way around that.”

“I know.” But she’d have to let another wolf come inside her. That seemed so intimate with a stranger.

Yes, wolves didn’t have to worry about STDs and she was on birth control pills, but it made her feel so uncomfortable. She supposed it was also because the anchor bond would be a part of their lives forever.

He’d be an honorary member of Pacific and hold a special place of power and honor. Almost like extended family was to humans, or even as an in-law.

Gabe saw her distress and felt for her. He also outranked Nick and it certainly wouldn’t be a chore to make love to Tracy. Most wolves at his rank would serve as anchors at some point and he felt like he could make that commitment to Tracy and Nick without hesitation. “Well,” Gabe cleared his throat. “I’m unmated and I outrank you. If you’d be willing, I’d be honored to be Tracy’s anchor.”

Tracy looked to Nick and then to Gabe. Relief rushed through her. “You would? You’re sure? Oh thank you!” She felt comfortable around Gabe. Perhaps it was his air of professionalism or maybe it was

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