This Man Confessed Page 138

To my agents, Andrea Barzvi and Kristyn Keene of ICM Partners. When I walked into your offices, I knew that I’d landed where I belong. For the first time I felt excited, rather than overwhelmed, and you made that happen. I’m eternally grateful.

To Beth and Selina of Grand Central Publishing, for your faith in me as a debut author. I’m overwhelmed by the potential of my future—a future that you have offered to support and champion. Thank you.

To the bloggers who work tirelessly to promote and support authors, and to my crazy, Jesse obsessed ladies, who bring a whole new meaning to the word enthusiastic. I love having you around, so please don’t ever leave! I plan on capturing your vivid imaginations for years and years to come, and I can’t wait!

So much has happened since the publication of This Man and Beneath This Man, too much to quite comprehend, but it’s happened, and it has happened to me—this little British girl who had a lingering idea that I just couldn’t shake off. And I’m so glad I didn’t shake it off because if I had of, then there would be no Jesse Ward, and there would be no trampling or countdowns, or fingers dipping into peanut butter. These are just a few of the addictive things that have impacted on my wonderful readers—that and the crazy, passionate love of two people.

The pressure to deliver in Confessed is immense, and I so hope that I have. This is it—the conclusion, the final part of Jesse and Ava’s story.




