The Tycoon's Vacation Page 22

She slowly kissed her way back up his stunning abs and chest until she finally brought their lips back together. He kissed her gently; as his body was sated from the gift she’d given him. He brought his hand down to the outside of her silky panties and rubbed. He knew he couldn’t make-love to her but he could certainly pleasure her if he was very careful.

She started to writhe beneath his touch. “I can’t do that,” she started to say but as he slipped the panties away and touched her swollen nub, her protest stopped in a gasp of pleasure.

“I won’t hurt you but I need to touch you,” he said into her mouth. She moaned her acceptance.

He continued to kiss her, increasing her body’s pleasure, as he gently flicked his finger over her most sensitive area. She wanted so much more, she wanted him connecting their bodies together and it nearly killed her they couldn’t. Her stomach was quivering in pure pleasure as he continued rubbing his finger on the outside of her opening, flicking the most sensitive spot.

She jerked in surprise as the intense orgasm rocked her body. He slowed his rubbing down, as she continued to spasm in pure pleasure. He softened the kiss, as he helped her pleasure draw on and on. She finally collapsed against his chest in pure satisfaction. They both lay there together, feeling good they ‘d managed to satisfy each other and express their overflowing love.

He pulled her against him and rubbed her head, as she laid it there on his chest. She fell asleep to the sound of his beating heart and knew nothing could be as great as that moment in time. She had an amazing daughter who she couldn’t live without and an amazing husband who had made sure to keep them together.

Chapter Thirteen

Trinity couldn’t believe her daughter was going to be a year old already. The last year had flown by and she was happier than she could ever possibly imagine. Drew had some huge surprise planned for her and she was giddy as a school girl, trying to imagine what it could possibly be.

He had already given her everything she could ever imagine and couldn’t think of anything he could do for her that would top the past year. She had her own surprise for him as well. She rubbed her belly in anticipation. She’d just found out she was pregnant again. She knew it was too soon but she was filled with excitement she was going to have another child. She loved Stephanie so much and Drew was head over heels for her and she knew he’d welcome her news.

She’d been a bit saddened as Stephanie kept growing and would love to give her a sibling. She’d be happy to have as many children as the house could hold. She loved being pregnant and she loved having her baby in her arms. Her and Drew would constantly pick up Stephanie and she was quite the spoiled little girl. She was well loved. When her parents were not holding her close, then one of her Uncles were there to pick her up.

She’d noticed a slight change in Ryan lately and worried about him. He’d seemed more stressed out than normal and she wondered if maybe there was a woman causing those circles to appear. She and Jasmine were determined to find out what it was about.

He’d recently purchased a home near them and they were both thinking he was getting ready to settle down. They would most certainly figure it out. Jasmine stepped into the room with a huge smile on her face.

“Are you ready to go?” Jasmine asked.

“You have to tell me what’s going on. It’s a best friend’s code,” Trinity said. Jasmine had been as secretive as Drew and Trinity was going a bit crazy.

“I’m sorry but I can’t give it away but let me tell you I’m a bit jealous. You have a man who loves you very much. If I didn’t have my own amazing husband, I wouldn’t be nearly as happy for you,” Jasmine joked with her.

“I just want to let you know the next time you’re going crazy with anxiety, I’m going to sit back and smile,” Trinity said with a fake frown. Both women knew their friendship was solid. Trinity followed Jasmine out of the house and let her lead her away. She still had no clue where they were going, or what was going to happen.

They drove out of town and pulled up to a recreation hall and Trinity had no possible idea what could be going on but she stopped trying to figure it out and walked inside with Jasmine. When she stepped inside, she looked around in confusion and then to Jasmine’s face, which was beaming at her.

“What is all this?” Trinity gasped.

“Drew promised to give you a real wedding, so he planned it all out. I couldn’t believe you didn’t get at all suspicious when I was questioning you so much about your perfect dress, or what kind of place you’d like and then the fitting for the supposed ball dress, was priceless. Has anyone ever told you how gullible you are?” Jasmine said with a laugh.

“I had no idea,” Trinity told her with awe. She looked around the room, there were people everywhere. She was rushed to a huge mirror where a couple of people started playing with her hair and two other people started working on her fingernails and toenails. Within a couple of hours Trinity had been transformed and looked in the mirror at her gorgeous hair. There were diamonds dripping down and she was a bit afraid they may be real. She decided she wasn’t going to think that because it would make her paranoid.

Jasmine slipped behind her and placed the same tiara she’d worn in the hospital on her head and it made the look perfect. She would’ve been disappointed to not have that one piece of her first wedding there.

They walked over to a dressing room and Trinity felt tears fall as she looked at the gorgeous gown hanging there. It was perfect in every single way. Jasmine and Drew had done an amazing job to make sure her dress was everything she could ever possibly want and so much more.

Jasmine helped Trinity step into the luxurious gown and as the layers of silk floated over her body and Jasmine tightened it up, Trinity truly felt like a princess. She stepped into the exquisite heels and looked in the mirror, barely even able to recognize herself.

Jasmine stepped into her own beautiful gown and Trinity could hardly wait to get to Drew. She knew he’d look so incredibly handsome. The women stepped outside and Trinity gasped at the beautiful car waiting for them. It was a convertible Jaguar and there were bows all over it. The driver was wearing a tuxedo and top hat. She giggled at the romance of it all.

The two women were assisted into the vehicle and the driver made his way slowly down the road. It didn’t take long before they pulled up at a darling secluded church. It looked out of place in the middle of nowhere and Trinity wondered how he had found it.

“I hope you don’t mind but this is where I had my wedding. Derek had it fixed up for me and I thought you’d love it, as well. It’s a great place and will give you good luck,” Jasmine said.

“It’s perfect, Jasmine and exactly what I would’ve chosen,” she said, really trying hard not to let the tears start flowing once again.

The driver stepped around and helped them from the vehicle and Trinity couldn’t get enough of her surroundings. There was a large red carpet, leading all the way up the patch and over the stairs. There were also huge arrangements tiered down the steps and bows running along the banisters. It was amazing and she was completely awed.

Little Jacob stepped out of the building, looking very debonair in his own little tuxedo. He’d grown so much in the past year Trinity had known him and now was about an inch taller than her. She loved her sweet nephew.

“Hi, Aunt Trinity. You look pretty,” he said and bowed to her like a perfect gentleman. “I’d be very proud if I can walk you down the aisle to Uncle Drew,” he finished. She could feel the tears start to gather in her eyes again. Like the perfect gentleman he pulled out a handkerchief and handed it over to her. She dabbed at her eyes and smiled at Derek, who’d stepped out the door.

He put Jasmine’s hand through his arm and stood at the head of the church and waited for Trinity to get ready. She nodded at them and the music started and they made their way forward. Trinity took a deep breath and slowly followed them. She was very grateful to have Jacob walk with her. He was going to be a heartbreaker himself when he got older. He was certainly following in his uncles footsteps. She smiled at him, as they stepped through the door. She looked forward and all thoughts were tossed from her mind as she took in Drew.

He was so breathtaking in his tuxedo, with his father and cousin standing next to him. Jasmine and Derek were on the other side and the family made such a stunning vision, she felt like she couldn’t even breathe. She could not believe how lucky she was to have him and his family as a part of her life. It all seemed so much more real with her getting this dream wedding, too.

Their eyes were locked together as she made her way down the aisle and Jacob did such a great job as he placed her hand in Drew’s. She could barely breathe; she was so taken back by the sexiness of her husband. The preacher spoke words and she repeated where she was supposed to but she had no idea how she managed because she was almost faint with happiness.

Soon the preacher was pronouncing them remarried and Drew was pulling her into his arms. He kissed her with so much passion and longing, it felt like they really were marrying for the first time. Derek cleared his throat and Drew reluctantly pulled away from her. She blushed as the crowd broke into applause at the beautiful couple.

Drew slipped her arm through his and walked her down the aisle. He pulled her out the door and took her around the back of the church. The scene was breathtaking. He had huge tents set up and there was music playing. He pulled her straight onto the dance floor and took her into his arms.

“You’re so stunning,” he whispered into her ear, causing a shiver of desire to run down her spine. She loved him so much and couldn’t believe she’d ever fought her attraction to him. He brought his lips back down to hers and her stomach was quivering with desire. She couldn’t imagine ever getting tired of his body pressed up tightly to hers. He spun her around the floor and she noticed other couples had joined them.

She looked at Jasmine, who was wrapped tightly in Derek’s arms. The two of them looked like newlywed’s themselves, as he was spinning her around. She let out a giggle of delight at something he said and then blushed red and looked around. The two women’s eyes met and they shared a moment of pure delight.

“It’s time to cut the cake,” someone said and Drew led her over to a table that had a huge four-tiered cake with a waterfall cascading down from its layers. He sliced a piece off and gently fed it to her, even though the crowd was calling for them to get a little messier. He took the small piece of cake from her delicate fingers, then sucked her finger into his mouth to lick away the frosting.

She felt the pull of his lips deep inside her stomach and a shiver of desire raced through her. She watched Drew’s eyes narrow in passion and wanted nothing more than to get into a room alone with him. She didn’t even care where it was but she wanted her husband badly. He started to pull her away, when Ryan grabbed his arm.

“Not so fast there Romeo, it’s time for your toasts,” he said with a knowing smile. Drew growled at him but Ryan just laughed and took Trinity’s arms. She looked back longingly at her husband. Ryan and Derek said their toasts, which brought more tears to her eyes. Since Drew wasn’t able to drag her away, he pulled her back onto the dance floor and continued with the foreplay.

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