The Scarlet Deep Page 77

Oleg and Anne were speaking in a booth while Tywyll watched from a distance. They were speaking low enough that Murphy couldn’t hear them, but judging from their body language, Anne was trying to convince Oleg of something the Russian wasn’t very happy about.

He sat down next to Tywyll.

“When did he approach you?”

“Just last night. Anne sent him a message, and he wanted to talk in person. I’ve had dealings with him in the past. I trust him as much as I trust any fire vampire.”

“They’re the least dangerous to our kind.”

“Oleg is dangerous to everyone,” Tywyll said, watching Murphy from the corner of his eye. “You’re a smart lad and a good fighter. But Oleg? Steam. Any water you sent against him would be nothing.”

Murphy watched his mate and the Russian.

Oleg leaned forward, listening intently, but he made no move to touch her, nor was his body language aggressive. If Murphy had come upon them as human, he’d assume the two were colleagues of some kind, which confirmed what he had suspected after his flair of jealousy had calmed. Oleg was one of Anne’s patients.

So the Russian saw a shrink? That might explain why Oleg was considered one of the more well-adjusted despots in their world.

He was shaking his head, pulling back, but Anne caught his hand and placed her palm on the back of it.

Was she pushing?

Murphy wanted to scream no, but he didn’t want to give her away either. If Oleg even suspected Anne of using any mental manipulation on him, she’d be dead. Murphy tried to reassure himself that Anne would never push a patient to reveal their secrets to others; she told him she only used it to reinforce suggestions for their mental health.

Murphy still waited breathlessly until Oleg’s face softened just a hint and he began nodding. His face was grim, but he was nodding and he’d taken Anne’s hand and held it affectionately.

And if Murphy had the inclination to be jealous, he would have been jealous of that look. Because for a short moment, he saw the buried longing on the Russian’s face. He did want Anne. He also knew he couldn’t have her.

Anne turned her eyes to him and nodded silently. Murphy walked over and slid into the booth next to his mate as Oleg released Anne’s hand.

“Oleg,” he said. “I hope—”

“I offer my felicitations on your reunion, Patrick Murphy. Anne is a good woman and a powerful vampire. She will make a wise and excellent consort for you.”

Murphy slid his hand to Anne’s and clasped it. “Thank you, Oleg.”

“It is only because of my respect for her judgment that I will share this information with you. I trust Anne will share it only with those for whom that information is necessary. I trust your mate to make that determination.”

Anne said, “You honor me with your trust, Oleg.”

The Russian’s eyes glinted. “I know a good friend when I have one. Should… certain things come to light, I expect you will be a friend then, as well.”

“I understand your motives, Oleg.”

“As few do.” Oleg looked at Murphy. “Anne shared with me that the American tells you Zara is behind the shipments of Elixir coming out of the Black Sea.”

“He implied that she’s running Istanbul and the Bosphorus.”

“The American is correct. I have been forced to contend with her for two years now. There is no need to detail how successful that has been. Zara hates me. Most sincerely. Luring Laskaris into an affair was a very effective revenge. I had no quarrel with the sleepy Greek until Zara started whispering in his ear.”

“Oleg, surely a lover’s quarrel—”

“She was not his lover, Patrick,” Anne said. She looked at Oleg. “Please?”

Oleg growled, “Zara is my daughter.”

Murphy blinked. “All reports I’ve been able to find since I talked to O’Brien say she is a water vampire.”

“She is a water vampire.”

“But you’re sired from earth—”

“Did you know I had a mate once?” Oleg said, eyes falling to their clasped hands. “I envy you, Patrick Murphy. For my mate was not as yours is. She was quite insane.”

“Oleg,” Anne said, “I don’t think you need to talk about Luana. We really only need to know about Zara.”

“Zara is a water vampire,” he said, “because my mate, Luana, was a water vampire. Though it is rare, when two vampires exchange blood—and Luana and I exchanged much blood—a vampire’s child may be sired to their mate’s element. This is why many people misunderstand our relationship, which I have done nothing to clarify. Zara was a favorite of Luana’s when she was human. Luana asked me to sire her plaything.” Oleg shrugged. “It was not the wisest decision. But then, many of my decisions with Luana were not wise.”

“So Zara is your daughter, but she is a water vampire,” Murphy said, ignoring the truly twisted dynamic that made a vampire sire a child to be a lover or “plaything” for their own mate.

Oleg raised the pint of lager he’d been drinking. “A stroke of luck, I thought at first. My mate is happy her favorite is of her own element. Zara is very powerful. And after some time, I thought she could run my ports on the Black Sea. The council in Athens is entirely water vampires. They have always preferred working with their own kind. I thought Zara would be an excellent intermediary.” He took a long swallow of the beer, then shoved it to the side with a curled lip. “Why is there no good vodka? I do not understand England.”

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