The Scarlet Deep Page 49

“I’ve been drinking animal blood…” She turned her face away. “It’s like nothing. It only makes me hungrier.”

“This comes to an end tonight. You will stop starving yourself.”

She could hear the fear behind his anger, but she still resisted. “Murphy, I’m too close. Get me a bag.”

“I don’t have a bag. I’ll hold you. Drink.”

“Too close.”


Murphy shoved Ozzie’s wrist in her face, and Anne lost control. She struck without a hint of finesse. She felt the human flinch, but he didn’t jerk away. Murphy held her neck, palm against her throat, gently stroking the nape with his thumb as she reveled in the feeding. The human’s blood was like swallowing warm silk. It wrapped around Anne, her amnis awakening.

For the first time in weeks, her mind was clear. Her senses on alert. Her heart beat. Her blood moved. She felt Murphy’s body beneath her, felt him begin to respond to her energy, to the scent of blood spiking the air.

“Enough,” he finally said, his voice rough as he pulled her back with his gentle grip.

Anne forced herself to let go. Ozzie withdrew his arm, and Murphy leaned forward, capturing Anne’s lips with his own, tongue licking at the hot blood that still stained her lips. She groaned into his mouth, even as he banged a fist on the front seat. Anne heard the divider going up and Murphy pushed her back, curling his body over hers in the car, caging her in while the engine rumbled.

Anne reached up and gripped his hair, pulling him closer as she parted her thighs, eager for the heavy weight of his body over hers.

“Anne,” he gasped, pulling away. “We need to get back.”

“No.” She was still hungry. “I want you.”

He groaned and kissed her again, his tongue curling around her fangs, stroking down each slick length as she shuddered beneath him. His hands tugged at her coat and she arched up, wishing they were alone, wishing the car…

“Oh bollocks,” she blinked back to reason. “We’re in a car.”

Murphy dragged his fangs across the hypersensitive skin of her throat. His hand was gripping her thigh where he’d torn the stocking away to reach her bare flesh.

“I know,” he panted. “Don’t worry, the windows are blacked out.”

“And I just fed from the driver.”

“He’ll be fine. You didn’t take too much.”

He was still breathing against her neck, and each warm breath sent a shiver of excitement through her system. She was primed for him. Aching for it. There was no way he’d be able to ignore her acute arousal. She didn’t want him to.


A low stream of curses cut her off as Murphy took a deep breath and pulled away from her. “We can’t do this now.”


“We should head back.” He shifted to the side and knocked on the partition while Anne attempted to straighten her clothes.

The driver called back, “Yes, boss?”

“You good to drive, Oz?”

“I’ll be fine. We’re not going far, and I already drank some juice.”

“Good man. Get us home.”

“Is Dr. O’Dea feeling better?”

Anne wanted to dissolve into the seat. “I’m feeling much better, Ozzie. I appreciate your assistance.”

“Anytime, miss.”

“Get us back to Terry’s,” Murphy said as he straightened his tie.

“Yes, boss.”

They drove in silence as Anne tried not to think of her earlier actions. She had no excuse. She’d known she was on the edge, and she went out into town. If Murphy hadn’t followed her…

“Thank you,” she said quietly. “I was not in control of myself earlier. I would have regretted that. I appreciate your intervention.”

“No more than you did for me countless times, Anne.”

“Still. I thank you.”

“At least I could finally be useful.”

She blinked. “What does that mean?”

He pulled his lip back and she watched as he deliberately retracted his fangs. “Nothing. I’m out of sorts. Could use a swim is all.”

“Why did you say that?” She knew he wanted her to drop it, but she was too disturbed by his statement. “‘Finally useful?’ What does that mean?”


“When did I ever imply that I had no use for you, Patrick?”

He slammed his hand down on the door, and she could hear the leather rip. “You didn’t have to. You’re one of the most bloody self-contained women I know. I’m just glad that for once you needed my help instead of me needing yours. I realize that’s probably very childish or regressive…” He waved a hand. “Fine. I have never claimed to be modern. Now, let’s get you back to Carwyn and Brigid’s room. I know they have extra space.”

Her mouth dropped. “Are you kicking me out of my room. My room? I don’t think so, Murphy.”

“I fecking hate when you call me Murphy, and you know it!” he roared as they stopped in traffic. “You need immortal blood, Anne. You need blood from someone we trust, because you won’t take it from me, and it’s the only thing I can think of that might keep you going until we figure out what the hell is going on. Your sister is too far away. It could take days to track down your sire, and you need something now. So you’re going to ask Brigid or Carwyn, or I will.”

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