The Scarlet Deep Page 43

Anne surveyed the Viking marauders. “Her people don’t look any weaker.” Anne looked up at his continued silence. “What?”

Murphy glanced at her glass of blood-wine. “Appearances can be deceiving.”

She schooled her expression to remain placid. “What does that mean? Do you think there’s something wrong with Jetta’s people?”

Redirection didn’t work.

“How many glasses of blood-wine tonight, Anne?”

“None of your business. You like your whiskey; I like my wine.”

“You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”

Anne’s eyes searched the room. “I believe Gemma is calling me over. Excuse me, Murphy.”

“Anne!” He bent to her ear and whispered, “If you would take my vein—”

“I refuse to discuss this here.” She put a hand to his chest and felt the hard thump of his heartbeat twice. “I’ll speak with you later. Right now, I believe Gemma wants me to meet someone.”

She left him without another look and walked toward Gemma, who was standing near a boyish-looking vampire with tousled brown hair.

“Anne!” Gemma said. “Have you met my youngest brother, Daniel? He does this constantly, appearing out of nowhere.”

“I can transform into a bat,” the young man said in mock solemnity. “Didn’t Father teach you that trick, Gem?”

Gemma grinned and pinched his arm. “You’re terrible. Daniel lives near The Lakes, but he mostly rambles all over the place and climbs mountains. I had no idea he was going to be here.”

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Anne said.

“Gemma has mentioned you before. You live in Galway?”

“Galway County, yes. Almost into Clare, actually.”

“I love Clare. I haven’t climbed the cliffs in too long.”

“The cliffs? Of Moher?”

He grinned. “Yes, those.”

Anne laughed. “Are you allowed to climb those?”

“Probably not the parts I like.” He winked. “Luckily you can get away with a lot in the dark.”

“Well…” Anne had to smile at his cheek. “Welcome to the summit.”

“Oh no.” Daniel held up both hands. “I have absolutely no interest in politics. I simply wanted to catch up with Father and Brigid. I haven’t seen them in ages.”

As if on cue, something landed on Daniel’s back, causing him to stumble forward with an “oof.” A bright purple head appeared over Daniel’s shoulder.

“You’re here!” Brigid said with a grin, clutching Daniel’s shoulders as he held her up. “We didn’t know you’d be here.”

“Brigid”—Gemma broke in—“do try to avoid destroying any antiques.”

“Relax, Gem,” Daniel said. “And I didn’t know myself until Tavish mentioned it last week. How’ve you been, Mum?”

Brigid scowled. “Please stop calling me that.”

Large hands plucked Brigid off Daniel’s back as Carwyn joined the family reunion in Gemma’s front room.

“Good to see you,” he said, tucking Brigid under his arm and giving Daniel’s shoulders a back-slapping hug. “And you should absolutely call her Mum. Don’t be fooled. She loves it. She’s very sentimental—ow, stop pinching me!”

“He’s older than me, cradle robber,” Brigid said. “Don’t encourage him. The two of you are terrible.”

Anne heard Murphy come behind her and slip an arm around her waist.

“Then he’s learned from the best,” Murphy said, smiling at Carwyn. “Hello, Daniel. How are you?”

Daniel’s smile fell. “Murphy.” His eyes dropped to the arm around Anne’s waist. “Well, I see you’ve moved on from Emma, but don’t you always?”

Anne’s smile froze, even as Murphy’s fingers dug into her waist.

“That was a long time ago, Dan. She was just a human.”

“Typical.” Daniel’s lip curled. “And she was ‘just a human’ to you. She was my friend.”

Carwyn stepped between the two vampires. “Gentlemen,” he said, keeping his voice low, “this is neither the time nor the place. Daniel, Murphy is an invited guest. Do not bring shame on your sister’s hospitality.”

“It’s fine, tad. I’m leaving.”

Brigid said, “Daniel—”

“I’ve my own place in town,” Daniel said, dropping a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll be around. Anne…” Daniel turned, and his warm eyes almost caused her heart to thump. “It was truly lovely to meet you. I’ve heard so much from Gemma. I’ll look forward to seeing you again.”

“Thank you, Daniel. You too.”

Murphy’s fingers dug in again, and she felt her fangs drop. His possessiveness did not sit well with her, especially in a formal setting such as this. He was marking his territory like a neighborhood dog. She peeled his fingers away the moment Daniel was out of sight.

“Pardon me,” she said. “I have a message for Jetta that Mary wanted me to pass along.”

Chapter Eleven

MURPHY’S FANGS THROBBED as he watched her walk away. Gemma and Carwyn were silent. Brigid was glaring.

“What?” he asked them, sipping his drink.

“What was that?” Brigid said.

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