The Promise Page 60

“ didn’t adore her because she was a great physician’s assistant or excellent nanny?”

He frowned darkly. “She was a terrific CPA and was going to manage my private practice—we looked forward to being partners. And she didn’t live long enough to be a great mother.”

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I meant no disrespect.”

“You better get some things straight, Peyton. It sounds like you think Ted used you when he said he loved you. It’s not a crime to praise someone with amazing talent—you’re not only a better PA than I can afford, you’re the best PA I’ve ever worked with. It’s an absolute crime to say you love someone when all you love is what they can give you. Or do for you.”

“I want what my parents have.”

“I spent only two days with Paco and Corinne. He is very proud of her. He brags about her cooking, her mothering, her gardening and her figure, but I don’t think he lusts after her for any of those reasons. And that Paco.” He whistled. “He’s filled with lust—for your mother, his farm, for life. You can have what your parents have. If you think you can have that with Ted, you can probably catch up with him. Or maybe not,” he said with a shrug. “I’m sure that Lamborghini really moves.”

“You’re angry,” she said.

He shook his head. “I want you to know something. I want you to think about this. There is nothing you have that I can’t live without, except you.”


Her cell phone rang.

“Go ahead and take it,” he said. “Ted showing up rattled me, too. I’m going to walk around outside for a few minutes. We need to get a grip before we say things we can’t take back.”

And with that, he turned and left the office.

She stared after him for a second, then looked at her phone, saw that it was Adele calling, and she picked up. “Hey, girl.”

“Peyton, I know this isn’t on your schedule. I’m sorry. But my water broke.”

“You’re early!”

“But not too early. It’s okay. I know you might not be able to come.”

“No! I’ll come! Are you in labor?”

“Nothing yet. But I’m going to be spending the night at the hospital.”

“Okay, darling, okay. I’m going to throw some things in a suitcase and start driving. We don’t exactly have hourly flights out of North Bend. I’ll be there in eight hours or so and will call you for updates when I’m on the road.”

“I’ll try to hold her back,” Adele said with a laugh. “Are you sure your doctor can spare you on such short notice?”

He’ll probably be glad to see me go, she thought. “It’ll work out fine. Love you, kiddo.”

Although there was a part of her that wanted to break into a run, to rush to Adele, another part hated to leave Scott like this. She went to find him. As she walked out of the office, she noticed the back door to the alley behind the small strip mall stood open. He was out there. He probably didn’t go out the front door for fear he’d run into Ted. And if he needed some time alone, he wouldn’t want to bump into his friends and neighbors.

She peeked out. He was pacing, head down. It made her smile. He didn’t have an easy time with being angry. And no matter what he said, she knew he was mad. “Scott?”

He stopped pacing and looked up. She wanted to smooth out those lines across his forehead.

“I’m sorry about what I said, what I asked, about your wife.”

“Forget it. I know you didn’t mean anything. Listen, I’m not trying to replace Serena. In fact, I didn’t think I could fall in love again. And I hoped if I did I wouldn’t fall for another woman who tripped over her own damn feet.”

Peyton smiled in spite of herself. She hoped Serena heard all that, knew that she had been loved even for her flaws. “I’ve been called a perfectionist, which I never took as an insult until my mother told me that perfectionists are very hard on the people around them.”

“And did she mention that perfectionists are rarely perfect?” he asked.

“Something else came up, Scott. It’s Adele. Her water broke. She’s going to be having that baby within twenty-four hours. She’s a little early, but not too early. If she doesn’t go into labor, they’ll induce, and if that doesn’t prove productive, they’ll do a C-section.”

“When do you have to leave?”

“I’m afraid I have to leave right away. Babies don’t watch our schedules. I promised I’d be with her. If it was anyone else...”

“Don’t worry. We’ll manage.”

“Devon made several appointments for me today.”

“The clinic has been operating on a best case schedule for the past year. I can’t be everywhere, every day. There have been times we’ve had to close up the shop and send our people to an urgent care or ER in the nearest town, just like before I got here. That’s how it is when you’re the only doctor in town. Go.” He reached out and touched her cheek. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“You can’t, Scott,” she said, shaking her head. “You have patients and kids and lots going on. You took four days last week and—”

“If you need me, I’ll find a way.”

She tilted her head and smiled. “You’re a dear, sweet man.”

He looked away from her, and she could see he was grinding his teeth. If he wasn’t angry, this was a very good imitation. “Scott?”

“I don’t want to be a goddamn dear man! I want to be the one you can’t break away from, the one you can’t resist, can’t leave behind. I want to be so far under your skin you can’t escape. I want to drive you crazy with want, with lust. I want you for a lot more than your PA training, and I want you to be completely unable to say no to me.” He pulled her up in his arms and held her tight, kissing her hard, invading her mouth, groaning against her lips. Her arms wrapped around him, her mouth yielding and even deepening the kiss. He bruised her lips with the fury in his kiss. They stood like that for at least a minute. His hand rose slowly until he captured a fistful of that soft black hair and held on. Then he eased his grip. He let go reluctantly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t lash out at you.”

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