The Collector Page 123

“Ash, stop. You promised you wouldn’t. He won’t.” As if panicked, Lila held out her hands in appeal to Vasin. “He won’t. He’s just upset. He blames himself for Oliver.”

“Damn it, Lila.”

“He needs to understand, that’s all, baby. He needs to end it, and fix it. And—”

“And you, Ms. Emerson. You condone his brand of justice?”

“I . . .” She bit her lip. “He needs to be at peace,” she said, obviously reaching. “I . . . I can’t live always being scared she’s going to be there. Every time I close my eyes . . . Then we’re going away. First to Bali, then, maybe, I don’t know . . . wherever we want. But he needs to be at peace, and I need to feel safe.”

Shiny fish, she reminded herself, and reached for Ash’s hand. “I want whatever Ash wants. And he wants what I want. I mean, I have a career, and he believes in me. Right, baby? He’s going to make an investment in me, and maybe I can get a film deal. Moon Rise could be the next Twilight or Hunger Games.”

“There’d be blood on your hands.”

“No.” She jerked straight, eyes wide. “I wouldn’t do anything. I’m just . . . I’m with Ash. She hurt me. I don’t want to live closed up in the loft anymore. No offense, but I don’t want to live the way you do, Mr. Vasin, where we can’t go out and have fun and see people, go places. You’d have what you want, Ash would have what he needs. We’d all just . . . be happy.”

“If I agreed, how would you do it?”

Ash looked down at his hands—strong, artist’s hands—then back into Vasin’s eyes, the implication clear. Lila immediately looked away.

“Please, I don’t want to know. Ash promised we’d never have to talk about it again after this. I just want to put it all out of my mind.”

“Bloodlines,” Ash said simply. “What would you do to the men who killed your ancestors if you had the chance?”

“I’d kill them, as brutally as they did mine. I’d kill their families, their friends.”

“I’m just interested in one. I don’t care about her family, if she has one. Just her. Yes or no, Vasin. Time’s running out. Once it does, neither of us gets what we want.”

“You propose an exchange. Value for value. When?”

“As soon as possible.”

“Such an interesting proposition.” He reached under the arm of the chair. In seconds the door opened to Carlyle.


“Have Jai brought in.”

“Right away.”

“Oh.” Lila cringed back in her chair.

“She won’t touch you,” Ash promised.

“You have my word on it. A guest must never be harmed in the host’s home. It’s not only bad manners, but bad luck. I will tell you, if this deal is struck and you, like your brother, aren’t true to your word, Ms. Emerson will be more than harmed.”

Ash bared his teeth. “Threaten my woman, Vasin, and you’ll never fill your trophy case.”

“Terms, not threats. You should understand what happens to those who renege on a deal, or provide unsatisfactory service. Come,” he said at the brisk knock on the door.

Jai wore black—snug pants, fitted shirt, tailored jacket. Her eyes gleamed at Lila. “How interesting to see you here. Both of you. Mr. Vasin told me you were visiting today. Should I show them . . . out, sir?”

“We haven’t quite finished. I’m told you and Ms. Emerson have met.”

“A brief encounter in the market.” Jai skimmed her gaze down. “You’re wearing better shoes today.”

“And again, another encounter you didn’t include in your report. Where was this, Ms. Emerson?”

Lila only shook her head, stared at the floor.

“In Chelsea,” Ash said. “A couple of blocks from the gallery that shows my work. You held her at knifepoint.”

“She exaggerates.”

“You failed to mention this encounter to me.”

“It was so inconsequential.”

“I hit you. I punched you in the face.” Lila let the show of bravery dissolve as Jai stared at her. “Ash.”

“I count on details, Jai.”

“My apologies, sir. An oversight.”

“Yes, an oversight. As your phone call to Ms. Emerson was, I’m sure, an oversight. Mr. Archer and I have reached an agreement as regards my property. Your assignment in this regard has concluded.”

“As you wish, Mr. Vasin.”

“You failed to do as I wished, Jai. This is very disappointing.”

He drew out the Taser. Her reaction was swift, the weapon under her jacket nearly in her hand. But the shock hit, and shuddering with it, she fell. From his seat, he gave her a second jolt, then with absolute calm pressed under the chair arm again.

Carlyle opened the door. Her gaze flicked down to Jai, rose again impassively. “Have her taken out and secured. Be certain she’s relieved of all weapons.”

“Of course.”

“I’ll show our guests out. Ms. Emerson, Mr. Archer.” Lila’s legs wobbled. She felt as if she was walking over a layer of mud as they crossed the pristine floor, descended the graceful curve of stairs.

“Tonight would be best,” Vasin said conversationally. “We’ll say two A.M. A quiet spot, don’t you agree? Considering Jai’s skills, the sooner the exchange is made, the better for all.”

“Your time, my place. My representatives meet yours, two A.M., Bryant Park.”

“Considering the value, it’s best if you make the exchange personally. The temptation for a hireling to walk away with the prize would be great.”

“Maddok’s of equal value to me. Will you bring her, personally?”

“Her only use to me now is your desire for her.”

“The egg’s only use to me is yours for it,” Ash countered. “It’s down to business, nothing more. Once I have what I want, I intend to forget you and the egg exist. You’d be wise to do the same about me and mine.” Ash checked his watch again. “You’re cutting it close, Vasin.”

“Two A.M., Bryant Park. My representative will contact me at two-oh-five. If the egg isn’t delivered, as agreed, it won’t go well for you. Or yours.”

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