The Best Kind of Trouble Page 97

So she’d gone with I love San Diego. Hope you have a great show.

The tension of it, especially after they’d had such ease with one another, was awful.

The next day, he’d sent her a picture of the ocean.

Vaughan dragged me here so he could surf. I did, too. Got my ass kicked like a newbie.

But she made herself respond because she didn’t want to let go. And it got a little easier each time.

You can take my place windsurfing with Tuesday, then.

Will you be watching on the shore?


More had followed. Just a few a day, but each time she responded back, things got a little better between them.

* * *

“SO ARE WE going to the Rose Garden shows?” Tuesday asked her at dinner a few days later.

The first show was the following night and while she knew Paddy had wanted her to go, he’d done his best not to pressure her.

Ezra would be playing both shows. She knew he was buzzing with excitement, and she knew he and Tuesday were back to circling each other, though neither of them said much about it. Natalie had the feeling both of them were waiting to see how this thing between her and Paddy worked out before they finally just jumped on one another.

She’d been tied up in knots over this decision. At first it was a total no. She’d just deal with him when he got home. And then she’d thought to go the last night and sit in the audience, but the shows were sold out. So then she thought she’d go backstage but just the last night.

“Ezra would love it if we went.”

Natalie raised a brow. “Are we allowed to discuss this Ezra/Tuesday thing? Is there a this to discuss?”

Tuesday sighed. “I don’t know what there is. But I can’t seem to stop thinking about him. And before you ask, no we have not made the sex. Yet. It feels like there’s a yet. But anyway, I think we should go. To both shows. So I can look at Ezra when he’s being a rock star because as you’re aware, it’s really hot. And because I think Paddy is trying, and you want him to succeed.”

“Okay. We’ll go.”

“Good, because I’m going to give you a manicure after dinner. Obviously not a pedicure because we know you’re weird about that. But your nails should look nice.”

“Yeah, I’m sure Paddy would be scandalized if I had a chip in my polish.”

“You hush.”

“You hush.”

“Very mature.” Tuesday sniffed, but a smile lurked at her mouth.

“You’re the one all ‘hey, ask Ezra if he likes me but don’t tell him I asked.’”

“I know Ezra likes me, Natalie.” Tuesday’s arch look made her giggle.

“He wants to touch your boobies. Just be careful. Those Hurley boys, you get a taste, and they’re trouble. Sharon was right when she said they dig in like ticks, and it’s too late.”

“The best kind of trouble, though. I mean, if Ezra f**ks anywhere near as well as he kisses, I’m in.”

“I can’t speak to Ezra’s sex prowess, but I can, of course, testify as to Paddy’s. He gets an A. Also he’s...” Natalie shivered, remembering. “So. Dirty.”

Tuesday laughed. “Awesome.”

“Not in a gross way. I don’t know how he manages to be so filthy and yet not icky or predatory.”

“I don’t know. Ezra is outside my normal experience with men. As is Paddy. They’re just oozing with something compelling.”

And when it was all focused on her...Paddy had made her feel special in a way no one else ever had.

She blew out a breath. “Okay, so you choose what I’m going to wear so the nail polish can match.”

“I love it when you give in to the inevitable so early. It’s really easier that way.”

“I’m perfectly capable of dressing myself and looking nice.”

“You totally are. You’re cute. You work that and keep it classic and pretty all at once. But I can make you look fabulous and sexy without looking like you’re trying too hard. It’s a gift, Nats.”

“I feel bad you have such a problem with your self-esteem. You should do those affirmations in the mirror.”

Tuesday tugged her arm and got her up. “Let’s go look in your closet.”


“HEY, BOBBI, WHAT do you have for me today?” Natalie would work awhile that morning before she headed to Portland with Tuesday later on. It’d keep her mind busy instead of thinking about seeing Paddy and how it would go.

Bobbi waggled her brows. “Spice doughnuts.”

“Get out! Really? You’re so awesome I could kiss you for that. I want them all and a mocha, too.”

“I’d prefer that if you’re going to hand out kisses, they’re all for me.”

Heart in her throat, she turned to find Paddy standing there.

“What are you doing here?”

He took three steps and stopped, just shy of touching her. “Missing you so much, my heart hurts.”

Slowly, he cupped her cheek. “Natalie Clayton, right? We met before. You worked at that dive bar.”

“I have to go to work.”

One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Are you saying you don’t remember me?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I thought I knew you.”

He frowned a moment and got a little closer, his chest against hers now. “I’m Paddy Hurley, and I’m the man who loves you.”

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