Talania: A Trip down Memory Lane Page 51

He looks puzzled. “How so?”

“You’re sitting here with your soon to be sister-in-law, lusting over a cancer patient. She is single I might add. Men are fickle creatures. I am not going to lie and say every man is like you and your brother, because they aren’t. You would probably make her day.”

Drake’s eyebrows pull together. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Go say hello. I have my book. I’ll be okay, promise.”

I watch as he nervously stands up, takes in a deep breath and rubs his palms on his jeans. The poor thing is nervous as hell.

“Go on,” I whisper to encourage him.

He nods and walks over to Selena and she looks up with her big blue eyes. He sticks his hand out to shake hers. She smiles and returns the gesture. Selena shocks me and motions for him to sit. I think he almost does a double take. She looks over at me with a wink. Ah, she is a smart one. You go girl.

He doesn’t come back until my chemo is over with.

“Well, how did it go?” I ask while I’m being unstrapped.

“It went good. I got her number. She has heard about you all over the chemo ward though, the miracle woman with the miracle baby. Damn Sunshine, she is so pretty, and her voice is sweet like honey. She’s nineteen, only about six months younger than me.”

I listen to him as he laces his arm through mine, walking me slowly back down to my Mustang. He loves driving my ‘Stang.

“Drake, I think you’re already addicted.”

“I’m so far gone already. Oh, did you know she is from South America? How cool is that?”

I laugh. He is really is gone.

“Yeah baby brother, I knew,” I giggle.

“I’m a pansy, aren’t I?”

I stop him.

“Drake, look at me right now!” I push him up against the wall and point my fragile finger like the mother I am. “Look at all your brother and I went through. Hell, what we are still going through. Did you think he was a pansy when we were younger? I sure hope not.”

“No Sunshine. I get it. I just never felt like this before. She was all I could think about before I even spoke to her. She calls to me, you know?”

I smile and pat his arm. I loop my arm through his and start walking again.

“I know. You call her and take her on a date. Keep the dinner simple, nothing too heavy just in case she nauseous, okay?”

“Thank you Sunshine.”

“No problem. Now take me home to my two favorite men.”

“What about me? Aren’t I a favorite?”

I laugh. “Honey, you’re my third favorite now.”

“I can live with that.”

I sleep the entire way home, exhausted. I hear Drake cursing next to me when we pull in the driveway.

“What?” I rub my eyes.

“I’m going to kill him,” Drake growls, taking off out of the car.

What on earth? I climb out as fast as I can without stumbling.

Crap! Evelyn, take it easy.

Whose car is this?

It’s a red convertible soft-top Mustang.

I shut my car door and slowly walk up the walkway.

I pick up my pace as I hear Drake screaming and yelling at Tristan. Seriously, what on earth?

I walk through the front door into the living room, stopping short once I take it all in. There is a beautiful brunette women standing in my living room. She is stunning in a halter dress and stiletto heels, with her hair flowing down her back freely.

“Tristan,” I whisper.

“Baby, it’s not what it looks like, I swear. You know I would never do something so stupid.”

“You lying ass sack of shit! I walked in on you two kissing, but it wasn’t what it looked like?” Drake screams.

“She kissed me! I was trying to tell her I am off the market and she attacked me. Baby, I swear I didn’t kiss her back.”

I can’t breathe. I let my purse fall to the floor and grab my chest.

“Drake, look what you just did! She’s in f**king chemo!” Tristan screams.

“I wasn’t the one who had my tongue shoved down someone else’s throat while his infinity was off getting drugs shoved into her body.”

“I didn’t kiss her back,” he growls. “Monica, you need to leave right now!”

She scurries past me as Tristan Jr. starts crying.

“I’ll get him Sunshine,” Drake whispers.

“No, I need to get my son,” I whisper, walking shakily to the steps.

“I’m gonna rip you to f**king pieces,” Drake growls.

“I didn’t kiss her back! You think I am a f**king idiot? She came back from Europe and thought I was still single. She wouldn’t hear me out!”

I let his voice trail out of my hearing as I enter my son’s room.

I stand on wobbly legs and change his diaper. I pick him up and walk over to the rocking recliner, covering my shivering legs with a blanket.

My thoughts are running rampant in my mind. Why would he do this? Does he not want me anymore? Am I to much to handle with being sick and everything else? Maybe he is tired of explaining our memories to me.

I silently sob as I rock my son.

“Baby,” he whispers. I didn’t even hear him come in. I don’t wanna look up.

“Evelyn, baby, look at me.”

I don’t even bother shaking my head no.

“Please,” he begs.

I close my eyes as I hear the hurt mirroring off his voice. I finally look up.

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