Talania: A Trip down Memory Lane Page 36

Doctor Z. nods his head in agreement. “Yes, it is Tristan, but this is the only way. Cancer is very dangerous and very tricky. It can be so resistant to treatment that you will want to yell at the top of your lungs or bang your head into a wall. It is best to start treatment quickly and aggressively. The quicker we treat Evelyn, the better her chances for a full recovery.”

Tristan seems all right with this answer and so he asks another. “What should I expect after her first session and those that follow?”

Again, my doctor is pleased that Tristan is asking reasonable questions.

“Very good question Tristan,” he says as he grins. “After this first treatment she will be very tired and probably nauseated. This will worsen and her body will weaken as it fights off the cancer. Each treatment will leave her weaker than the last. Normally, when treatments aren’t so aggressive, these symptoms would lessen, but we are starting her treatments full force. We are not taking any chances, not giving her any time to rest in between sessions, but this is because we want fast results. She wasn’t in remission very long. I am not going to beat around the bush and lie to you. It’s not a good sign that she has relapsed so quickly.”

Tristan goes completely still and sucks in a breath. I need to ease his mind a little, so I tease him. “You’re not getting rid of me so fast. I’m strong enough to fight this.”

“Yes, you are,” Dr. Zelanburg agrees.

“What about radiation treatment?” It seems that Tristan has a lot of questions fighting to get out of his head.

“I think you should keep this one around Evelyn,” Dr. Zelanburg jokes. “We have Evelyn on a very strict schedule. She will receive one week of chemo. Then she will only rest for two and half weeks before her next round is due. If chemotherapy is not having the effect we want, we will move onto doing both chemo and radiation at the same time. Her cancer is just too aggressive for just radiation at this time, so we are starting with the chemotherapy. We would really like to avoid radiation all together. Did I answer your questions?”

“No, well yes, but I have one more. Why are you trying to stay away from radiation completely?”

“You’re very smart Tristan. Evelyn still might have some fertile eggs that survived her previous treatments. We can’t be sure and there is no time to do tests to find out. The less we do the better chance she has at a miracle pregnancy.”

“Dr. Zelanburg doesn’t mess around. He will not lie and promise me babies. Did you notice how he said miracle pregnancy? He just wants that chance for a miracle to occur. The less my body goes through now, the greater chance for a miracle later.” I grin at Tristan.

Tristan grows quiet for a few moments as he thinks about what Doctor Zelanburg just said. “Remember, I told you adoption is an option when we’re ready,” he says as he smiles.

My heart pitter-patters with his repeated assurance. God, I love this man!

“You keep this one for good, you hear me dear?”

I nod at my doctor, grinning like a person who won ‘the hot guy with a heart’ lottery. Yes, I totally won that one!

“I promise,” I whisper.

“Evelyn, are you okay if I leave you alone with Tristan?”

I look from Tristan and back to my doctor.

“Go call the wife and those beautiful grandbabies I know she’s spoiling.”

He stands up, rolling the wheelchair back to the counter.

“You call my cell if you need me. Don’t hesitate little Beaumont.”

“Yes sir,” I salute with Tristan's hand still laced with mine.


Evelyn is now on her ninth treatment and she just keeps getting weaker and weaker. Never in my life did I suspect how hard this would be. I am not talking about taking care of her. I am talking about watching the love of my life, suffering day in and day out and there is not one damn thing I can do about it.

Her hair has already started falling out and she has lost so much weight I can carry her with one arm. Her small fragile body weighs nothing. Her eyes are sunken in her face and her hair is so thin I am afraid to touch it. She has been in the bathroom just standing at the sink for over an hour, leaning on the granite counter top for support. Her weak body is slowly wobbling back and forth.

“Evelyn.” I knock on the door, trying to give her some privacy. I hear her sniffling, so I open the door the rest of the way. “What’s wrong baby?” I think I know what the problem is. I just want to make sure I am right.

She holds out her hand full of hair. “It’s time Tristan,” she sniffles. She is talking about shaving her head.

“Okay, but I have to make a few calls baby, so don’t start without me.”

Evelyn has no idea what the group has planned for this exact moment.

“I promise,” she whispers.

I walk into the spare bedroom so she can’t overhear my phone conversation. I quickly dial Drake’s number.

“Yo bro, what’s up?”

“It’s time Drake,” I mumble quietly into the phone.

His sigh is so deep; I swear I can feel it. “We’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

“Yeah.” I hang up. My next call is to my parents who have been staying in a rental house down the road.

“Mom,” I whisper.

“Yeah son?” she answers back on the other end of the phone line.

“It’s time. Can you call her father please?”

She agrees. I can hear the tears forming and her voice breaking down.

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