Take Two Page 62

Maddie shook hands with Lance and Kelsey.

Then she faced Micah. God, oh, God, he was hotter than she wanted to remember. He still hadn’t shaved his scruff, but it was trimmed and more groomed than he had worn it for the film. His eyes were bluer and deeper, was it possible? And his lips, curved down slightly, taunted her with memories of sweet kisses. Just being near him made her heart pound faster and her eyes misty.

“Of course you already know Micah,” Richard said.

Micah took her hand in greeting. The familiar electric spark from his contact surged through Maddie’s body, and her knees buckled. Thankfully she had her other hand on the back of a chair so that he wouldn’t notice. Though something in his expression said he knew anyway.

“I met Micah quite some time ago,” Richard said, pulling Maddie from the thick haze of Micah to the reason for their meeting. “And told him we were looking for something just like your film. I was surprised when he brought us your project.”

“I have to admit,” Maddie said, “I was surprised too.”

Micah pulled out a chair for her and she nodded politely as she moved to sit. He leaned in as he pushed her in to the table. “I would have told you if you’d answered my calls,” he whispered in her ear.

Maddie shuddered at the feel of his breath on her skin. “Voice mail works for more than just pining,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Touché.” He sat next to her, then leaned in again, a broad smile on his face. “You’re going to be awesome,” he whispered. “This is your moment to shine. Enjoy it.” He squeezed her knee under the table, which turned her belly to molten and made goose bumps run up her arms. But it also gave her the confidence she needed. He believed in her. He was there because he believed in her.

Richard ran the meeting. He expressed the elements of her film that he and his partners liked the most as well as concerns they had going forward. He worked through all of her budget items, suggesting adjustments and additions. Then he asked Maddie about her vision and ideas for the movie. Occasionally, Kelsey and Lance interjected, adding their own thoughts. When Beaumont had invested in her film, he just handed her a check and expected her to deliver. Maybe, with their guidance, she could actually pull this off.

Micah sat quietly, only speaking when directly addressed. His presence was never forgotten by Maddie, though. The hair on the right side of her body, the side closest to him, stood on end. She wondered if he might touch her again, perhaps bump her under the table. After his knee squeeze, however, he kept his hands to himself.

When the meeting ended, nearly two hours later, Richard announced that they would commit seventy-five percent of her needed funds and would leave all creative control to her. “Don’t think that means we wouldn’t like to give input. Please come to us often. We want to build this with you, if you’d let us.”

“Yes!” Maddie almost squealed. “Yes. Thank you and yes.”

Micah cleared his throat. “Maddie, you know I love your film, and I understand if you don’t want me on the team—” He paused, making sure she knew exactly what he was saying, letting her know she didn’t have to include him on the project. Then to the rest of the room he said, “Since I’m only a silly actor, after all.” Richard and Lance chuckled. “I certainly couldn’t add the production expertise that Richard and Lance and Kelsey could. But I’m more than committed to providing the additional twenty-five percent.”

He met Maddie’s eyes. “I’d even be a silent partner, if you prefer.”

No, she didn’t prefer. She loved his thoughts about film and the ideas he’d given her over the last several weeks had been amazing. He’d been invaluable, stimulating her creatively, inspiring her daily. For a moment, she let herself fantasize about working with him again.

But working with him would only make her want him. And she didn’t need to revisit the list of reasons why that would end in heartache. The heartache she was feeling was already worse than she could ever imagine. Spending more time with him could only make it worse.

She put on a smile, mostly for the rest of the room. “I want you on the team,” she said to Micah. “But could I think about the silent partner part?”

“Of course.” But she saw Micah’s eye twitch as he spoke and knew her response hurt him.

Well, too bad. She hurt too.

“Great!” Richard exclaimed. “I’ll have the papers drawn up and a check ready for you by the end of next week.”

Maddie exchanged an excited glance with Bree. It was happening—really happening. A real company was making her movie.

Her mind was dizzy as Richard wrapped the meeting up. Goodbyes were said and next thing Maddie knew, she and Bree were stepping in the elevator with Micah.

Then there was a whole other reason to feel dizzy. Because now she was in a tight space with Micah with only Bree as her safeguard. And Bree had already sold her out with Micah once that week. She braced herself for awkward to set in.

The minute the doors shut, he turned to her. “We need to talk.”

No, not here, not now. She chose to divert him. “Yes, we do. Thank you, Micah. I’m so incredibly grateful that you hooked me up with Thr—”

“That’s not what we have to talk about.”

“Micah…” She didn’t know how to handle him, particularly with Bree there.

“I’m not letting you out of this elevator until you agree to talk.” He moved toward the electrical panel. “I’ll pull the emergency button if I have to.”

She put her hand out to stop him. “No, don’t do that.”

“Then you’ll talk?”

“I—” She wanted to talk, she did. She missed him. She had so much she wanted to say to him. She just didn’t know if she could bear what he’d say in return.

“You promised, Maddie,” Bree hissed at her. “You promised if you had the chance—”

If Maddie didn’t agree, Bree would tell Micah all her thoughts and feelings for her. “Fine. We can talk in the valet lounge. Bree, I’ll meet you at the car.”

“I’ll drive her home,” Micah said.

“No, I’ll meet you at the car,” Maddie growled, making sure Bree understood and didn’t drive off without her.

Bree nodded as the elevator doors opened to the parking garage. “Take your time,” she said over her shoulder as she walked toward her car.

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