Star Struck Page 68

Her knees were shaking and her stomach fluttering with butterflies, but she knew what she had to say next. Because of him, she knew she had the strength to say it. “So, could we put this whole thing in our past and move on? Because I really don’t think I can stand another minute of not being in your arms.”

His brows rose in surprise. That was the last thing Heather registered before they were holding each other, their lips wrapped around one another, their tongues sliding together. She dove into his kiss, drinking the taste of him as if she’d been parched. And she had been—she’d been completely dry of his love and now that she’d rediscovered the oasis, she drank him in gulps.

She curled her fingers in his hair and tugged him closer, letting out a moan as her pelvis ground against his. God, she was happy just kissing him, being in his embrace, feeling his hands on her body. But the moisture between her thighs and the thickening bulge at her belly told her that they’d need more of each other. Soon.

“Take me to my hotel?” she asked against his mouth.

“Uh huh.” He lingered a moment more in their tongue tango before he pulled away. “Wait a minute, I haven’t shared my prop.”

She pursed her lips. “Is it a drill?”

“No, princess. We’ll save the drill for the hotel. For now, I have this.”

Her brows furrowed as he reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out a three-fold paper. She took it from his outstretched hand and scanned it, only needing to see the words DEED and San Gabriel Mountains before she understood what it was. “You bought it!”

“Yeah. I figured if you were able to stop looking in the past, it was time for me to look to the future.” He cupped her face in his hands, stroking her jaw with his thumbs. “Because my future is with you, Heather. At least, I hope it is.”

Her throat tightened. “It is.” A tear slid down her cheek. “It is.”

Then they were kissing again, a sweet, slow kiss that spoke of building cabins and wedding rings and swollen bellies. A kiss that not only looked into the future, but sealed it.

After they’d made promises with their lips and shared a lifetime of dreams with the caress of their hands, they drifted apart, ready to move on—with their life, with their relationship. To the hotel.

Heather gestured toward the deed still clutched in her hand. “You know this is really too small of a prop to show up on stage. You need something more substantial. Something that can be seen from the audience.”

He cocked a brow. “Do you have something in mind?”

“Let’s just say I might have a pair of fur-lined handcuffs in my purse.”

A sexy smile spread across his lips, burning her skin and making her thighs twitch. “Heather, can I take you back to my hotel room and handcuff you while we have wild monkey sex?”

“You mean you want to go play rough?”

“Always.” He nodded toward the door, holding out his hand for her.

“Oh, tool boy,” she said, putting her hand firmly in his. “You know all you ever had to do was ask.”
