Star Struck Page 59

Seth took a step toward her. “I was going to tell you.”

“Tell me what?” She drew the sheet up over her na**d br**sts. For some reason, she felt the need to hide. “Did you…did you get offered a job as a P.D.?”

“No.” He took another cautious step toward her. “I…I’ve been a Production Designer since I’ve met you.”

Her brows furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

“I can explain,” he said again.

“Then start explaining. Please.”

Seth tightened the towel at his waist. “I haven’t been honest with you, Heather.” Normally, she would be beyond excited to see him standing in her bedroom wet and near naked. Now, it felt awkward. She wished he were dressed. He shifted his weight and she suspected he felt the same.

“You haven’t been honest…” she prodded.

“And I’m so, so very sorry. I didn’t set out to lie. You assumed I was a carpenter and you were so turned off by that and I was so proud of where I came from so I decided not to correct you. Then it snowballed and I actively had to lie to keep it up. By the time I realized I had to tell you the truth, I couldn’t find the words or the right timing no matter how many times I tried.”

Her mouth went dry. His monologue hadn’t been that long, but Heather felt overwhelmed by the information. She couldn’t be hearing what she thought she was hearing. It was a misunderstanding. Clearing her throat, she clung to what she knew as truth. “But you’re a carpenter on Girl Fight.”

“I am. I used to be a carpenter. I pulled strings with a friend to get that job. To be near you.” He met her eyes. “I did it for you, don’t you see?”

“No, I don’t see.” Although, she actually was beginning to see. She sat forward, pulling the sheet even higher. “So you’re saying that you’re not really a carpenter? That you’ve been a P.D. this whole time?”


“And you pretended to be a carpenter because you…you what?” Rage seeped into her now and showed itself in her tight voice. “You wanted to put me in my place?”

“No.” He looked away. “Not exactly.”

“Then you pulled strings to work with me? In a job you don’t even do? That’s not just creepy, Seth, it’s sick.”

“Heather—” He took another step toward her.

“Don’t!” Heather scrambled out of the opposite side of the bed, taking the sheet with her. What the f**k had just happened? She’d spent the most amazing night ever with the man she loved—loved—and now she’d found out that their whole relationship was based on a sham.

She paced as her mind sorted through the last few weeks, piecing together holes in conversations, realizing the full extent of his lie. Was this really happening? Had she really opened up for him? “I trusted you,” she said, her voice breaking. “I gave you all of me. I made myself vulnerable. For you.”

“I know.”

“And you lied to me!” Angry tears burned her eyes. “No, this is bigger than lied—you deceived me. You betrayed me. You convinced me to be honest about everything I am while you were actively lying to me? You f**ked me over, Seth!”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“Sorry I feel that way?” As if he didn’t think she had a right to feel exactly the way she was feeling. “I let you in, ass**le. I don’t let anyone in. I let you in and you betrayed me!”

“I understand why you’re upset, but—”

“This isn’t upset, Seth. This is beyond anything even close to upset. I…I can’t even look at you right now.” She turned away from him, so furious, so hurt, she didn’t know what to do with herself, with him.

“Come on, Heather.” She hadn’t heard him come up behind her until his arms were around her and his voice was at her ear.

A part of her—a big part of her—wanted to fall into his embrace, to let him love the pain away.

But how could he love the pain away when he was the cause? She struggled to get out of his arms, one hand still holding tightly to her sheet. “Let go of me!”

She managed to slip free of his hold, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back toward him. Facing her, he clutched at her elbows. “We can work this out. Give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

Heather continued to fight, putting all her resentment into the battle. Surrendering her hold on the sheet, she pounded at his na**d chest. “Let me go! Let me go, you f**king ass**le!” Tears poured down her cheeks, blurring her vision.

Seth held her firmly, taking her assault as though he barely felt it. “Heather, I love you. You love me.”

She continued hitting him as well as she could with him restraining her. It was no use, though. He was stronger than she was and he’d hold her as long as he wanted. Exhausted and overcome with gut-wrenching sobs, she collapsed against his chest.

Seth wrapped his arms around her whispering apologies and I love yous that she didn’t fully register. It was as if she’d put up a shield of armor and everything he said bounced off her and fell away like her tears.

She let him hold her while she cried out the worst of it. Eventually her peripheral mind realized they were both naked, Seth having lost his towel in the struggle. Wasn’t there some rule about fighting na**d because you can’t stay angry then?

But though Seth was naked, she was still angry. Still very angry. Very angry and very hurt.

With a new rush of fury, she pushed him away. “Get your hands off of me!” she screamed.

Startled, Seth let go. When he reached for her again, she shouted, “Don’t touch me! Don’t you dare touch me ever again. Get out.” She darted past him and gathered his clothes from the floor where he’d left them the night before. “Get out of my house.” She threw his phone and clothes at him, aiming his shoes at him with force, hoping the impact would hurt. “I don’t want to see you. Ever!”

Seth caught his shoes, which only fueled her rage.

“Get out!”

“Okay!” He put his hands up as if in surrender. “Okay, I’m leaving. I’m leaving.”

He gathered his clothes and walked out of her room, still naked. She watched after him as long as she could before her vision clouded with a new set of tears and her voice became too choked to call him back.

This wasn’t over. Seth wasn’t giving up on her. He’d f**ked up, big, and he’d known his deceit might lose her. But he wasn’t ready to let his stupidity wreck them for good. Not after all they’d shared. Not after he knew she loved him.

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