Star Struck Page 40

On the other hand, Dean was her father. The father she hid from the world. If she wanted him to stay hidden, he’d have to go quietly. Seth’s approach promised a whole lot of noise.

She bit down on her lip until she tasted blood. “Seth, it’s fine.”

“Heather…” His voice trailed off, his expression speaking volumes. You don’t have to go through this, it said. You don’t have to take this from him. Not anymore.

It was nothing she hadn’t said to herself time after time after time. But the words remained stuck in her head and shining in Seth’s eyes. She couldn’t act on them, no matter how convincing the argument. “I appreciate this, Seth, I do. But you can let him go.”

With a heavy sigh, Seth released his grip on her father.

“See?” Dean smirked with his victory.

“Daddy, you need to leave.” She wished she had more conviction. She so wanted to be in control of the situation.

And Dean fed off that. Fed off her doubts and inferiority complex. “I’m not going anywhere ’til we get what we discussed.” He said it with honey in his voice, but there was no mistaking the threat.

Seth shifted as though he wanted to take Dean down, his hands flexing at his sides. Through gritted teeth he said, “Heather, I’m calling security.”

“No!” She did not want security there. “No, just…let me take care of it my way. I have it under control.” As if saying it could make it true.

“Yeah, it certainly looks that way.”

“Who is this ass**le anyway?” Dean’s be sweet tactic was gone, replaced with be a dickhead. “Your bodyguard? Why doesn’t it surprise me that you’re f**kin’ around at work? You sure did live up to be the trashy slut you promised to be.”

Seth took a step toward Dean. “What the f**k did you say to her?”

“She heard me.”

Dean had to be coked up. Or stupid. Or both. Because he showed not an ounce of anxiety about the fighting gleam in Seth’s eyes and Seth could take the scrawny Dean out in one blow.

There was no denying that part of her would love to see that. Would love to see Dean lying on the floor in misery, a payback for all the misery he’d put her through.

But violence would bring an even bigger scandal. The scene was already embarrassing—her drugged out father, she and Seth still wet from a shower. Gossip columns would go crazy.

She stepped between Seth and Dean, Seth’s warm rage radiating on her back. “Daddy, I’m not a slut. And I’m not trash. I moved out of the parks and got where I am by myself.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Real hard work, wasn’t it? You’re paid to let men all over the world f**k you with their eyes. What an accomplishment.”

Seth stepped around her. “It’s time you left.”

“You gonna make me?”

“I’m sure as hell happy to—”

Heather slammed her hand down on the counter. “Shut up! Both of you!” She bent down and opened a low cupboard that hid the small safe where she stowed her purse. After entering the code, she fished around for her checkbook and a pen. She filled in the blanks, adding another hundred thousand to the amount Dean had requested, and scribbled her name before standing again.

“Here,” she said, handing the check to her father who snatched it away with a greedy swipe. “Take this. Leave. Forever. I don’t want to see you again.” Another tear rolled down her cheek. “I mean it this time, Daddy. Next time I’ll press charges.”

“Heather.” From behind her, Seth’s hands settled on her arms, his breath tickling at her neck. “You don’t have to give him anything.”

“Stay out of this, pretty boy.” Dean folded the check and stuffed it in his back pocket. “Thank you, baby doll. Your mama will be right proud.”

Dean leaned down to kiss her cheek, but Heather ducked away. “Just leave.”

“I’m going, I’m going.”

Just like when Heather left the trailer all those years ago, Dean didn’t look back. The trailer door bounced behind him, not latching. If only he could stay as gone as he was right at that moment.

“Heather…” Seth rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He was strength, a pillar she longed to cling to, a warmth she wanted to bury herself in until the chill was gone from her bones.

But before she could fall into him, she’d have to explain. And she wouldn’t do that. She couldn’t.

She wiped the moisture from her cheeks and shrugged out of his hands. Seth’s presence was like a too hot electric blanket. She wanted it, wanted him, but he was too warm to endure. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

“I know, princess.” He reached for her hand and massaged her palm with his thumb. The pressure and heat of it felt so good, so inviting that she almost abandoned her shield.

Seth prodded on, his tone gentle. “Why did you let him bully you like that? He’s not bigger than you, you know.”

Dean was bigger than her. Black hole size big. How could she expect Seth to understand? She didn’t. That was why she wasn’t going into it with him. Not now. Not ever.

“I said I don’t want to talk about this.” She pulled her hand out of his, immediately missing the sliver of comfort it had given her. Hiding behind her wall of shame wasn’t her first choice. It was her only choice.

She wrapped her arms tightly around herself, wondering if she’d ever be able to let anyone in, fearing the answer was no.

Just like that, she’d closed him off.

Less than twenty minutes before, Seth had been in the shower with Heather, had been inside her. She’d conceded to a date. They’d made progress—she finally seemed to have placed some faith in him.

Then, in an instant, it was gone.

Seth shook his head, not sure what his next move should be. As it was, they were at a standoff, eyes fixed on each other, miles of distance between them. He wavered between leaving and crushing her to him. But what did she want? He decided to ask. “Do you want me to go?”

She opened her mouth, her chest shaking as she took a ragged breath to speak.

Before she could say anything, the trailer door banged open. A young woman with short curly brunette hair, blood red nails, and a nose ring appeared with fire in her eyes. “Heather, what the f**k? You’re late for wardrobe.”

The woman—not much more than a girl, really—scanned the trailer. Seth felt her assess the situation, saw her features mold in concern when she spotted the actress with tear-stained cheeks. “What’s wrong?” She glanced at Seth, then back at Heather.

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