Star Struck Page 37

He pulled the suds through her hair in long strokes. Was it her imagination or had his movements grown tense? She didn’t mind. If felt wonderful. So much so that she lost herself in the pleasure of it, barely caring that he’d yet to respond to her comment on his tardiness.

Seth positioned her under the showerhead and tangled his fingers through her hair as he rinsed the suds in the steaming hot water with the same attention he’d given to washing it. After several pleasurable minutes, he put his arm around her and tugged her toward him, out of the stream of water. Keeping one hand at her back, he dabbed her eyes with a washcloth from the towel rack.

When her eyes were clear of soap and water, she opened them and met his intense gaze.

Washcloth still in hand, he moved to cup her cheek. “I would have been here early if I could have been, princess.”

Her breath caught. This thing with Seth was just sex, wasn’t it? An examination of her sexual desires. A chance to try something new.

But the way he was looking at her, the way he was touching her—it made her chest tighten and her tummy feel all fluttery. She leaned up and brushed her lips against his. “What kept you, then?”

He closed his lids then opened them. “Stupidity,” he said softly. He broke her gaze, and nodded toward the shampoo shelf. “Conditioner?”

“No. My hair is too fine. It makes styling more difficult.” The moment from before lingered and she knew she could forget words altogether and concentrate only on Seth. Except, his answer had left her intrigued. “Stupidity, huh? Are you going to explain?”

He pulled her to him firmly and she felt his erection pressed against her belly. “Is that really what you want me to be doing with my lips right now?”

That was all he had to say and the time for talking was over. She lifted her mouth toward his and ran her tongue along his bottom lip. With lightning speed, he captured her tongue with his mouth, sucking at it fiercely as his teeth raked along the bottom. It was the moment of his unleashing—the moment she realized the extent of the self-control he’d demonstrated as he’d scrubbed her clean.

While one hand held her at the nape, the other hand found her cl*t without detour. Splaying his fingers across her lower belly, he circled his thumb and stroked her into a frenzy. She was wet and more than ready when a few short minutes later, he urged her thighs apart with his knee and rammed his stiff c**k inside her.

Heather gasped at the initial shock of his entry. He was rough and didn’t wait for her to adjust to fit him before pulling out and ramming in again. It was brutal and delicious and unlike any sex she’d had before. It fulfilled so much of what she craved that she felt near orgasm before he’d plowed into her a third time.

The hand that had held her neck moved to lift her thigh around him, his fingers digging into her skin.

“Are you ever gentle when you f**k?” she asked as he plunged in again, deeper this time with the new angle.

“No, I’m not.” He picked up his rhythm as if emphasizing his point. “Is that a problem?”

“No. It’s not.” It wasn’t a lie. His savagery, the way he pulled at her hair, manhandled her body…it was a huge turn on mentally. And physically, he did the job in a way that no one ever had. Seth’s blunt jabs hit a spot at the very end of her—a spot that rippled with pure electricity every time his tip slammed against it.

It was short moments before she was clamping down around him, her orgasm moving through her in a brutal burst. She fell limply against Seth’s chest. When he had completely rubbed out her cl**ax, he pressed her tighter against the wall. “Grab the towel rack,” he commanded. His hands gripped her h*ps and angled her upward.

Fuck. She was spent, completely spent. But in this position he reached even deeper, rubbing against the upper wall of her vagina in such a way that she knew another orgasm would soon follow. It did, building through her with an aching slowness, like an impending sneeze or a gathering storm. Then it released in a similar fashion—rolling over her with such intense longevity. Even her hands lost feeling, her hold on the rack slipping. If it weren’t for being trapped between Seth and the wall, she would have fallen to the shower floor in a heap.

Just as her second cl**ax began to cease, Seth’s rhythm picked up and three strokes later he joined her release, groaning as he did.

It felt like decades passed before their breathing returned to a somewhat normal pace, before Heather had feeling in her lower limbs.

“Seth?” she said when she could speak. Not because she had anything to say or ask. She just needed to say his name, needed to know he’d been as affected as she’d been.

And somehow he understood. “I know,” he said. “Me too.”

When she could stand by herself, he pulled away enough to reach for the body wash. She laughed as he soaped her inner thighs and private parts. “There. Now you’re clean.”

Except now, she sort of felt dirty. But for once, it didn’t bother her. It was an amazing kind of dirty. Freeing and naughty and exactly okay.

Seth turned off the shower and stepped out of the stall. He grabbed a towel from the linen shelf and held it open for her. “Your towel, my princess.”

She swat at him. “Stop it.” Her protest was halfhearted. She liked his nickname for her. It made her feel special—singled out in his universe. Assuming she was the only one he called that, anyway.

“Never.” He wrapped the white fluffy towel around her and pulled her in for another kiss. This one was slow and languid—their tongues dancing to an unheard adagio. In its warmth, any last fragment of doubt she had about Seth melted away. He wasn’t her past. What he could be, though, was her future.

When the kiss ended, he spoke first. “About that date—”

“Yes. I want to go out on a date with you.” A fresh wave of heat filled her cheeks. She’d cut him off—maybe he’d changed his mind. “That is if you’re still offering.”

He laughed. “I just f**ked you mindlessly. In your shower. In the middle of a working day. You think I’m not going to offer? Hell yeah, I want to take you out. Repeatedly, if you’ll let me. Even if only half of our dates end in sex.”

It was a mystery how her skin could spot with goose bumps when she felt so warm. “Why would only half of our dates end in sex?”

He laughed again as he secured a towel around his waist. Heather frowned to see his beautiful body covered up. “I’m not suggesting that only half would.”

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