Standoff Page 40

“You smell good. And yes, they did and I sent them straight over but eat that first. Everyone knows not to touch a thing until you arrive.”

“You want anything?”

“No I’m good. I ate after you went back to sleep and I’ve eaten my weight in cookies.” He paused and she grinned. “Yes, I baked earlier. You know, some men get lap dances when they’re stressed. You should be grateful I bake.”

She turned in his arms and looked up at him. “I love that you bake cookies when you’re stressed. And some men don’t have wives who’d tear their throats out if they ever let another female grind their feminine parts over their husband’s wedding tackle. You do.”

He leaned down and nipped her bottom lip. “You know it makes me hot when you’re violent, right?”

“You can collect your carnal due later on tonight. I have work to do.” Getting up on her tip-toes, she kissed him quickly and turned back to her sandwich.

Cade sat back and watched her dive in to her work at the lab. He also didn’t fail to miss the way the wolves showed her even more deference and respect. News of what she’d done to save Megan had spread quickly. People saw it in two ways. First as a commentary of what Pellini was capable of but secondly, proof their new Alpha was worthy of her position.

No doubt he was relieved. It hurt him to see anyone in the Pack snub her. He knew she felt it, even if she’d protested that she understood it. And in a selfish way, it made him feel better to know the wolves in Cascadia understood the worth of his mate.

She moved through the lab, wearing a white coat and carrying a notebook. Occasionally, she’d stop at a microscope or a computer terminal for a bit. He made phone calls but never let her out of his sight. Nearly losing her was too raw to get past at that stage.

She didn’t waste a single movement. He’d realized over the time she’d been in his life how economical everything about her was. She didn’t waste words or movement. If she said it, it needed to be said and it came from her heart. He liked that precision about her, found it sexy. Well, he found everything about her sexy excluding that whole nearly dying thing.

After two hours had passed he waited for her to notice him. But she was focused, her face a mask of concentration as she sat at a computer terminal.

“Grace?” He approached quietly, working as hard as he could not to touch her even though he wanted to.

“Hmm?” she answered absently without even looking up.

“Two hours is up. About twenty minutes ago.”

Dragging her eyes from her screen, she turned to him and took his measure. He didn’t want to stop her work, he knew it was important but damn it, she’d nearly died just the day before!

He lowered his voice and pulled up a chair. “I know you’re busy and this is all very important, but you promised. You need to rest.”

“I’m only just hours away from a few answers. I’m not a virologist and I’ve had to re-learn a lot of stuff but this data from Warren’s lab is huge.”

“Grace, I respect that. I do. After a good night’s sleep you’ll be even more able to concentrate and chase those answers.” Giving in to his desire, he brushed the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip.

“That’s not fair.”

“What isn’t?” He held back a smile, barely. If he had to use sex to get her in line, he would. When it came to her well-being he wasn’t above doing whatever he had to do.

“I’m going to get even with you.”

He laughed, satisfied when she turned and began to turn off her computer. “I can’t wait.”

Grace leaned into Cade as he opened her car door and she slid in after kissing his shoulder. As much as she liked the Wardens and being so accepted by their large warm embrace, she wouldn’t have complained if her living room wasn’t always full of people and noise.

Still, all the people filled her up, made the Alpha wolf inside her calm and gentle against the agitation of finding a vaccine, of the frustration of not being able to protect her people as fully as she wanted right when she wanted.

But living with all those people underfoot curbed her ability to just be with Cade. To be Cade and Grace rather than the Alpha couple or relatives or whatever. It got tiring to be on all the time.


He turned to her, his face lit by the yellow glow of the exterior lights of the secured lot. “Yes?”

“Can we go to dinner?”

“Are you hungry? I’m sure there’s a full fridge at home. I’ll make you something when we get back. I’m sorry I didn’t even think about that.”

Dave looked at her in the rearview, she realized he understood what she meant.

“Yes, yes I’m hungry but well…” She paused seeking the right words. “I just want some time alone with you.” Couple time where she didn’t have to share him with a dozen other people.

He was quiet and she waved it away. “Never mind. Dave, let’s go home.”

Cade touched her face as Dave pulled away from the lot. “Are you unhappy at the house?”

“No. No it’s not like that. I…it’s just that I have to share you all the time. I realize it’s who you are, who we are but I realized earlier we don’t have much time just you and me.”

“I’m sorry you’re not happy. It’s just this war and I have so much to deal with.”

“I didn’t say I was unhappy. I’m not. I’m happy.” She shook her head. “Never mind. Really. I’m fine. I’m sure you’re right and after this we’ll have time.”

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