Standoff Page 18

“I can imagine. He doesn’t seem to know what it is to be disobeyed.”

“Very true. He was this way even when he was a kid. If you ever need to talk, I want you to know I’m here. I mean that. The rest of my sisters are wonderful as well. Tracy is in Portland but she’ll like you immediately and Layla, well, Lay is the most like Cade of all the siblings. I think you and she will really hit it off.”

The two of them walked back into the small dining room area and Cade immediately came to her and enfolded her in his arms. Comfort washed through her system as she breathed him in, sinking into his body and their link.

After everyone had left, Cade pulled her body to his, already spoiled by her presence in bed with him. “I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t think. I just wanted to share the good news.”

What pissed him off so much is how he rejoiced for Lex and what a f**ked up response he got from them. They made his woman hurt and their reaction was selfish. He’d never actually been more hurt by Nina than earlier during that call. Even when she hated him after the fight at the Pack house that’d transformed her into a wolf he hadn’t been so disappointed in her.

“Cade, you had to expect something like that. I don’t like it but I’m well aware of how people react to my last name.”

He turned her and she had an exasperated expression on her face. He kissed her because there was nothing else he could do when he saw the scrunched up nose. “Don’t be so matter-of-fact about my brother and his wife snubbing you.”

“I’m not. Believe me, Cade, I am not pleased about it and I really don’t like the idea of living with them at this point. But what I do accept is that my brother has hurt so many people, the name Pellini will raise suspicion and ire.”

The low burn of her anger reached through the link. He hated it. Hated that she felt bad when she should only feel joy.

“And you, stop it. You can’t control everything, Cade.” The link worked both ways.

“I can’t help it. I was made to make you happy. I want that. It’s not happening.”

She nipped his shoulder and his body roared to life.

“I’m very happy. And by the feel of it, so are you.”

“It’s been a long day. I’ve taken you twice as it is.” Even as he said it, he pressed his c**k into her, into that fragrant, soft skin.

“Third time’s a charm,” she said softly, opening up to him like he was meant to be there.

And he was.

Chapter Six

“So, Jack, do you have a girlfriend? Someone who’s going to be upset about this?” Grace placed a cup of coffee before Jack Meyers, the man she’d be f**king within the hour.

It wasn’t that he wasn’t appealing. Jack Meyers was incredibly handsome. Hot even. Surfer boy good looks, tanned, muscled, pale blue eyes and blond hair bleached by the sun. He looked as if he’d be more at home in Newport Beach rather than Boston’s Back Bay.

“I had a human girlfriend but we broke up just before war was declared. As for wolves…” he shrugged, “…you know how it goes. By the time we get to my age, everyone is focused on finding their mate. Not a lot of dating, just a lot of f**king. I suspect the only person who’ll be upset about this is Cade.” He winked at Cade who snorted grumpily.

He’d been testy all morning long. She understood it, she was terribly unhappy that she’d have to come face to face with his anchor that very evening. But still, it wasn’t like she was jonesing to have sex with a total stranger either. Even one who was as delicious as Jack was.

“Let’s be honest, shall we? This is uncomfortable for both of you, I know that. But it’s what we do. It’s what wolves do. Our parents did, their parents did, and so on. I’m not going to lie and say I regret this. Grace, you’re a beautiful wolf who’s done something extraordinary. I admire that, hell I find all that courage very sexy. And I like you. I can respect a woman who’ll be my anchor bond and that’s the whole point, right?”

Cade nodded and reached out to squeeze Grace’s hand.

“I live in Boston. You two will live in Bellevue, it’s not like we’ll see each other every day and when I meet my mate, I’m sure she’ll be glad of it.” He laughed and Grace wanted to groan. “How would you prefer we did this? Grace and me alone? All three of us? It’s up to you two.”

“I haven’t known Grace very long or I’d just go away for half an hour but I don’t like the idea of not being here, of not seeing what happens.” Cade’s agitation jittered through the link.

Grace stood and went to the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Jameson’s. Their metabolism would work fast to overcome the alcohol but it would take the edge off and goodness knew they all had enough edge at the moment.

She poured two stiff shots for herself and handed one to Cade and refilled it. He grinned and shrugged, taking the second and then a third.

“You don’t have to drive. You want one, Jack?”

He laughed, a rich, warm sound. “I have a driver too so why not? I must say before that though, I don’t need it. I’m plenty relaxed.”

“Incorrigible. All male wolves when they know they’re getting sex are just incorrigible,” Grace muttered.

Jack laughed, drank the shots, unbuckled his belt and freed his cock.

She blinked and he sent her a grin so wicked it turned her knees to rubber.

“That’s better. Enough talking, let’s get to it, shall we? I was thinking, Grace, that you would look very sexy on top. So petite and lovely. But you’re not ready just yet I wager so I think Cade and I need to take care of that.”

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