Standoff Page 15

“Your body is so hard and muscled. I like that,” she told him between kisses down his abdomen.

“It’s hard to reply when your mouth is, oh yeah, Christ,” he hissed when she grabbed his c**k by the root and took him into her mouth. She was so freaking small against his body, the overwhelming need to protect her was simply more when he saw her like that. It wasn’t that she was tiny, just petite. Still, so many women in his life were so big, big presences, tall, statuesque and here was his heart, just over five feet and yet, what she’d done with her brother was the bravest thing he’d known. For no other reason than because it was right.

Fate had chosen well for him, he only hoped he could be as good for her as she was for him.

Cade Warden was the most delicious banquet she’d ever tasted. One hundred percent Alpha male. Confident. Sexy. Intelligent and oh-so-powerful. Add to that ridiculously handsome with a very handy cock, a mouth that knew its business and hands just the right size to do whatever he wanted with her and Grace Pellini was one happy female.

The taste of him, the cocktail of hormones and musk, the smooth skin of his c**k and the heaviness of his balls in her palm as she sucked and licked the crown and head of him—all worked to draw her into him deeper.

She wished she had more experience with o**l s*x. She’d only done it a handful of times, but the way he responded to her made her want to do it more, make him feel even better.

There’d be more time for this, more time to learn him with hands and mouth, more time for everything.

“Stop, Grace, honey, I’m close. I want to be inside you.” His hands tightened in her hair, enough to pull her back.

“I liked that, Cade.”

“This?” He pulled her hair, just this side of pain and shivers ran through her.

“Mmmm, that’s not what I meant but that was nice too. I like having you in my mouth.”

He moved her body the way he wanted her. There was something about it that made her all tingly. Any other man and she’d have slapped his hands for using his size but the way Cade did it was sexy.

“I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.” He situated himself between her thighs and she wrapped her calves around him.

“That’s very sweet.” She reached down and inched her way closer until she could guide him to her gate. “But in case you forgot, I’m a werewolf. And because we’re mates and all, I’m pretty strong. Put your damned dick in me!”

A flex of his hips and he slid into her pu**y. She sucked in a breath.

“You’re bossy.” He grinned.

“You just keep working and I’ll continue. As I was saying, you’re an Alpha, your mate would be one too. Meaning just because I’m short doesn’t mean I’m a pushover or weak. I know I’m quiet and I’ve been told I’m mousey by that idiot brother of mine. But don’t test me. I can kick ass and take names or however the heck you say it. I can certainly take a nice bout of healthy sex. Your doo-dad isn’t so gargantuan you’d split me in half or anything.” She snorted and he laughed, dipping down to kiss her.

“You know, the more I’m with you, the more I like you. Check, I’m not going to hurt you and you just said I had a small dick.”

“Oh good gracious.” She arched. He crouched on his knees between her thighs, probably to keep from crushing her and he was quite a bit taller so he had a point. “Are you fishing? I quite like your dick and it’s very large, thankyouverymuch. Now, stop whining and do your job.”

“I’d be glad to, ma’am.”

She could do little more than writhe beneath him as he thrust into her body. If she’d had bigger boobs, they might have jiggled sexily or something but it didn’t matter. What mattered was how good it felt to be with him. How happy he made her feel, the way he took away the fear and replaced it with something wholly wonderful.

He caught her ni**les between each thumb and forefinger and shards of pleasure shattered through her.

“I love your ni**les, so juicy and puffy. They’re like a conduit straight to your clit, aren’t they?”

She pressed into his touch with a soft moan. If he didn’t care that they were so small, why should she?

For so long she’d had no connection to anything but her job. She thought she’d never live in a Pack again, much less find her mate. The beauty of what he was to her, not just her man but the return of her full, whole life was staggering. Oh and that really nice dick.

A giggle escaped and soon she was laughing so hard she couldn’t stop. Her eyes watered and Cade simply raised one eyebrow as he watched her laugh.

“I’m glad I amuse you.” He leaned down to nip at her shoulder and the change in his angle brought the entire line of his c**k over her clit.

Her giggle died on an intake of air as she gasped.

“Ahhh, let’s see to that, shall we?”

He kept his angle, moving from her shoulder to her nipple, his tongue flicking and tracing around first one and then the other as the friction from his c**k on her clit grew in intensity.

Grace grasped at his shoulders, her nails digging into his muscles as orgasm shot through her body and he continued to f**k her, hard and harder, his breath shorter and shorter.

“Damn, you feel so good,” he murmured as he shoved himself deep, his fingers gripping one nipple as he spoke around the other one and came.

Cade fell to the side, and she snuggled in behind him, keeping one arm around his waist as he caught his breath. “I don’t think a woman has giggled at me during sex in, well, ever.”

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