Shadowland Page 87

“Ever?” The voice is clipped, urgent, and definitely belongs to Ava. “Ever, I need you to listen, there’s no time to explain.” I stand there, numb, shell-shocked, still staring at Jude as she says, “Something’s happened to Haven—she’s in trouble—barely breathing—we’re—we’re gonna lose her if you don’t get to Roman’s right away.”

I shake my head, trying to make sense of it. “What’re you talking about? What’s going on?”

“I just need you to get here—now—hurry—before it’s too late!”

“Call nine-one-one!” I shout, hearing a muffled sound, a struggle of sorts, then Roman’s smooth voice moves in.

“There’ll be none of that, luv,” he purrs. “Now be a good sport and get over here quick. Your friend wanted to see a fortune-teller, and now, unfortunately, her future’s not looking so bright. She’s hanging by a thread, Ever. A thread, I tell you. So do the right thing and come over. Seems it’s time for you to solve the riddle.”

I drop the phone and make for the gate, Jude following behind, begging me to explain. And when he makes the mistake of grabbing my shoulder, I turn and smack him so hard he flies through the yard and crashes into the lounge chairs.

Gaping at me in a tangle of limbs and outdoor furniture, struggling to stand as I glance over my shoulder and say, “Grab your stuff and get out of here. I don’t want to see you when I return.”

Plunging through the gate and breaking into a run, hoping I can reach Haven before it’s too late.

Chapter Forty-Eight

I run.

Past cars, houses, stray dogs and cats. Legs moving, muscles pumping, carrying me forward with hardly a thought. My body moving like a well-oiled machine with shiny new parts. And even though it’s only seconds, it feels like hours.

Hours since I last saw Haven.

Hours ’til I’ll see her again.

And the second I get there I see him. Arriving at the same time as I do.

The mere sight of him causing everything to fade—of no possible consequence now that he’s standing before me.

My heart caving as my mouth goes dry, overcome with such longing, I can’t even speak—gazing upon my sweet, wonderful Damen—more glorious than ever under the glow of the street-lights. The sound of my name on his lips, so charged, so loaded, it’s clear he feels the same.

I move toward him, pent-up emotions rising to the surface, bubbling over, I’ve so much to tell him, so much to say. The words fading the second we meet and my body’s overtaken by tingle and heat—wanting only to melt into him, to never be separated again—

His hand at my back, propelling me closer, as Roman opens the door, glances between us, and says, “Ever, Damen, so glad you could make it.”

Damen charges the door, pinning Roman to the wall as I slip right past and head for the den, eyes seeking Haven only to find her stretched out across the couch, pale, unmoving, and from what I can tell, barely breathing.

I rush toward her, dropping to her side as I grasp her wrist, fingers seeking her pulse like I once did at Damen’s.

“What did you do to her?” I glare at Ava who’s crouched right beside her, knowing she’s working with Roman, they’re on the same team. “What. Did you. Do?” I repeat, knowing a swift kick to her root chakra, the center for vanity and greed, would take her down in an instant if it should come to that. Wondering if Damen’s already done the same, plunging his fist into Roman’s sacral center, and no longer caring if he did.

Not after what they’ve done to my friend.

Ava looks at me, face pale against her wavy auburn hair, brown eyes wide and pleading, reminding me of something—something I’ve no time to grasp—when she says, “I didn’t do anything, Ever. I swear. I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true—”

“You’re right, I don’t believe you.” My focus back on Haven, pressing my palm to her forehead, her cheek, her skin cold and dry as her aura grows dimmer, darker, and her life-force energy slips away.

“It’s not what you think—they booked me for a reading—said it was for a party—and when I showed up—this is what I found—” She gestures toward Haven and shakes her head.

“But of course you showed up! It’s your dear friend Roman after all.” I gaze at Haven, searching for signs of abuse, but I can’t see a thing. She looks peaceful, unaware, clueless to the fact that she’s not long for this world. Well on her way to the next one, the Summerland, unless I can stop it.

“I tried to help—tried to—”

“So why didn’t you? Why’d you call Jude instead of nine-one-one?” I glare at her as I reach for my bag, my phone, remembering too late that I came here without it, manifesting a new one just as Roman storms into the room.

I look past him for Damen, my heart lurching when I don’t find him.

But Roman just laughs, shaking his head as he says, “Moves a bit slower than me. He is older, you know!” Snapping the manifested phone out of my hand when he adds, “Trust me, luv. It’s well beyond that. Seems your friend had herself a very potent cup of belladonna tea—” He motions toward a fine china cup on the table, its contents recently drained. “Also known as deadly nightshade in case you’re not familiar, and she’s so far along, she’s way beyond medical help. No, the only one who can save her now is you.”

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