Sacrifice Page 11

Her hips strained against the impalement, pushing them deeper as her hands gripped the short strands of his hair and fought to hold him to the straining bud of her clit.

He growled against her flesh, feeling her flinch with the impending orgasm a second before he went lower. His tongue rimmed the convulsing entrance to her pussy a second before he began to push it slowly inside her.

One gentle thrust, then another, he filled the entrance, pressed against the tightened muscles and felt her unravel beneath him. Her climax exploded through her, sending her sweet cream rushing to his mouth as the tight tissue surrounding his thrusting fingers began to quiver in response. She shook apart, burning like a flame as she erupted in her pleasure.

Jared didn’t give her time to ease down from the storm riding her. Before she could pulse in yet another explosion, he was on his knees, his fingers spreading a thick coating of the lubrication over his cock as he lifted her feet to his shoulders, tucked his cock at the rear entrance and began to press forward.

Kimberly was lost in the orgasm that continued to shudder through her as she felt the thick width of Jared’s cock begin to press against her anal entrance. Fire shot through the nerve endings there as pleasure and pain converged, swamping her senses and pushing higher despite the release that still shook her body.

She was only barely aware of him donning the condom before he began entering her, but it in no way affected the sensations ripping through her.

Fiery heat filled her anus as the flared head of his cock opened her ass wide and began to push deeper, deeper inside her. She could feel every vein, every thick inch pushing inside her, caressing sensitized tissue, sending electrical shards of sensation ripping through her body to explode in sizzling bursts of hunger deep inside her pussy.

Her hands gripped his wrists where he held her thighs open, her feet resting on his broad shoulders as he stared down at her intently. She could feel the tension gathering in her body, in his body, as slowly, inch by torturous inch he filled her to overflowing.

“God, I’m worse than a kid with his first woman,” he panted above her as his cock throbbed imperatively within the tight clasp of her anus.

“Jared.” The excruciating pleasure/pain building within her was more than she could bear. As though the excess juices that flowed from her pussy was desensitizing her yet driving her higher, hotter. She needed more to climax now; she needed the sharp, painful sensations to drive over that furthest edge.

“I know, baby,” Jared groaned as he lifted the vibrating butterfly from the bed.

With quick, expert movements, he attached the straps to her thighs before positioning the powerful little device over her clit.

“Get ready, baby.” He smiled down at her as she watched him with wide, innocent eyes. She had no idea where she was about to fly.

He flexed his hips, dragging his cock back to the entrance of her tight ass before he flipped the vibrator to its highest setting and plunged inside her again. He knew the sharp, electrical pulses that would attack her sensitive bud would send her screaming toward climax as he raided the hot back channel.

It did just as he anticipated. Her entire body stiffened for a second as her anal muscles locked on his thrusting cock. Then her scream rocked his soul as her release tore through her. Over and over she clenched and jerked against him, the rhythmic milking of her ass on his cock destroying his own control until he plunged inside her one last time and spilled his seed into the latex covering he had barely remembered to don.

His chest heaving for breath, his release shuddering through him, Jared collapsed over Kimberly’s shuddering body, groaning in regret as he forced himself to ease from the tight clasp and dispose of the latex protection.

Weakly, he released the stras to the butterfly and removed it from her quivering body. The restraints came next. He pushed the strap back and pulled Kimberly gently into his arms. His hands smoothed down her back, soothing the shuddering tremors, the little whimpers she emitted every so often.

“Okay?” he panted as he whispered a kiss over the top of her head.

“…dead…” she muttered. “Shuttup and let me rest in peace.”

He chuckled. A rough, exhausted sound that refused to be held at bay.

“Rest, baby,” he grunted, jerking the comforter from the foot of the bed and drawing it over them before collapsing against the pillows.

He would get her up for a shower soon. For now, he wanted just this. Kimberly sleeping against him, holding her tight in his arms, the scent of her filling his senses. His eyes closed, his body relaxed against her and followed her quickly into sleep.

Chapter Thirteen

Keeping up with Jared on the farm would have been an impossible task if he hadn’t been willing to let her keep up with him. By afternoon, she was dragging with exhaustion and all she had done was follow from one point to another as he oversaw what she was learning was a vast operation.

Was there anything he didn’t do?

First thing that morning he was meeting with some poor farmer who was convinced that the sperm of a prize bull Jared owned was worth more money than Kimberly made in a month. She had sat and listened in amazement as a deal was reached, a check was written out, and some misguided fool left with a test tube of cow soldiers for a price that should have been illegal.

“Highway robbery,” she accused Jared under her breath as the happy little man left with a broad smile on his face.

“Do you have any idea how much I paid for that bull?” He arched a brow as he stared down at her in amusement. “Trust me, sweetheart, Mr. Cunningham got a good deal, and he knows it.”

Kimberly snorted. “I saw a lot of cows on my way here, Jared,” she said, fighting to hold back her laughter. “He could have stopped on the way, jacked one off and gone home without losing a fortune. No wonder farms are failing across the nation; you guys don’t let the poor critters breed the natural way.”

He swatted at her rear, laughing as she jumped out of his way and tossed him a saucy grin in reply.

“Woman, you’re a menace,” he had growled, catching her to his chest and dropping a quick kiss to her lips. “Come on, I have to check on the horses before we head back to the house for lunch. I have a ton of paperwork waiting on me.”

Kimberly was still waiting for lunch. She propped her foot on the lower rail of the corral and watched at he talked to the foreman. His sun-bronzed face was creased into a thoughtful expression, his sensual, slightly fuller lower lips had tightened, the five o’clock shadow had come early to his chin, giving him a dangerous, sexy look. She wanted to drag him back to bed, run her hands over his body, and lick him from head to toe.

She had nearly accomplished that task earlier that morning. Unfortunately, she made it as far as the thick length of his cock and became sidetracked by the power and promise in that hard flesh.

She propped her hands on the upper rail of the fence, rested her chin on them and wondered what the hell she was going to do now. She was falling in love with him. Hell no, she wasn’t. She was already in love with him; had been for nearly a year now and had refused to admit to it.

Was it his smile that first invaded her heart? That quirky, crooked little smile that he seemed to have for her alone? Or was it his eyes, a stormy gray one minute, a soft, gentle slate the next? No, it was all of him—his teasing, his gentleness, the many ways he had found to make their meetings special, to give them an air of fun no matter how crazy he made her. There was something about him; as hard and dangerous as she sensed he could be, she could also see the soft, inner core of him.

The buzzing of the cell phone at her waist jerked her quickly out of her thoughts and back to reality. Jerking the little device from its holder at her side she quickly checked the caller display and grimaced in distaste before flipping the receiver up and connecting to the call.

“I’m on assignment,” she said coolly. “What do you want?”

There was a moment of silence across the line.

“Typical response.” Her father’s voice was as righteous and prim as ever. “Are you ever not on assignment, Kimberly?”

“Not if you’re calling,” she assured him.

“You should be here at home, where I can see you properly protected,” he snapped. “I should have known better than to expect you to take a reasonable course of action. Thankfully, Carolyn’s son might be a pervert, but he is trained where you’re lacking.”

Boy, was that the truth. Kimberly grinned at the sensual knowledge, though she knew her father was talking about an entirely different matter.

“Yes, I’m alive. Jared is alive. The bad guys haven’t won yet. Anything else?”

There were days she felt a flare of guilt for the animosity she showed the man who should have been her father. His caustic attitude and sniping tone never failed to dissuade her from the feeling though.

She heard the shuffle of papers through the phone line, felt the tension that suddenly invaded it.

“Stay out of his bed, Kimberly.” His voice, when he spoke again was hard and icy cold. “I’ll never approve a marriage to him and I doubt seriously that a man of Jared’s temperament will be willing to wait the required five years. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can play him as easily as you think you can play everyone else.”

Why did it still hurt? For a moment, she was amazed at the ever-present slice of pain that struck her chest whenever he revealed his contempt of her.

“Did you receive the doctor’s report last week?” she asked him rather than answering his accusation.

“Of course,” he snarled. “They are sent directly to me.”

“Then I will assume you are aware I am still a virgin,” she said sweetly. “Until the reports say otherwise, anything I do and whoever I do it with is none of your concern. Correct?”

The blatant, falsely sweet tone of her voice would have his face turning red, his hazel eyes nearly bulging. She felt a flare of satisfaction at that thought.

“You think this is about no more than the tests?” he raged. “You are as corrupt…”

“Don’t say it.” She couldn’t bear to hear it. Not now. “I’ll hang up the second you do. If you don’t have anything pertaining to this assignment to say, then I’ll hang up so fast you won’t know what’s hit you.”

“He shares his women, Kimberly, shares them with his friends and God knows who else. No daughter of mine will be part of that.”

She wished she wasn’t his daughter. It would have made things much easier on her.

“When you’re ready to be a father, rather than a moral barometer, be sure to let me know.”

She disconnected the call slowly as she stared across the corral at Jared. He was staring back at her with a frown, one that didn’t ease when she sent him a quick smile. Her father’s accusations flitted through her mind, reminding her of who and what Jared was. A member of The Club. A man whose sexuality was so far advanced, so out of any other male’s league, that the sheer scope of it sent her pulse racing.

Yes, if he possessed her, he would share her. He would pick a third, just as the other members of The Club did, and he would share her, stroke her every fantasy and give her a freedom to enjoy it that most women could only dream about.

Did it make her love him less? It made her love him more. It made her hurt more, because no matter how she might dream, or how often she assured herself that five years wasn’t that long, she knew better. It could be a lifetime.

“Kimber.” He stood on the other side of the fence now, watching her worriedly, his brow furrowed into a concerned frown. “Everything okay?”

“Fine.” She swallowed tightly as she stemmed the tears and the knowledge of everything she was being denied. “Are you hungry yet? Lunch was an hour ago, Jared. I think I’m starved, it’s been hours since breakfast.”

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