Runaway Heiress Page 27

“Trenton is fine. He was shot in the stomach, but it missed all major organs. He came out of surgery a couple hours ago and your family has been going back and forth between your room, your brother’s, and your father’s. The hospital is filled with Andersons,” he finished with a small smile.

“I feel sorry for the staff,” Bree said with an attempt at humor.

“Yes, they may go on strike at any moment if Joseph doesn’t calm down.”

“You’re awake,” Joseph said as he stepped into the room and nudged Chad out of the way so he could get closer to Bree. “I’ve been so worried about you. Your father is beside himself.”

“I’m fine, Uncle Joseph. Really, I am,” Bree assured him.

“You’ve been through so much. I’m sorry, baby girl.”

“I’m not a baby, Uncle,” she said, but there wasn’t any bite to her words. Joseph leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

“Chad, I don’t know how I could ever express my gratitude to you,” Joseph told him.

“You know that’s not necessary, Joseph. Your family has always been there for me, and I’m more than happy to do anything at all for you,” Chad responded.

“Does that apply to me, too? I have a few things I’d like for you to do for me,” Bree said with a wink. She got immense satisfaction at the look of shock on his face.

“I’d go to the ends of the earth for you,” Chad replied. Bree couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. At times, she just couldn’t read him at all.

“Thank you for saving my life. You are everything I’d ever wish for as a father to my child. Strong, passionate, fierce, and the greatest man I know,” Bree said. She loved him so very much. She still hadn’t had the opportunity to tell him she had her memory back, yet.

“Only because you make me that way,” he replied as he bent down and kissed her gently.

“I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” he asked.

“I should’ve said something sooner, but everything has kept happening. My amnesia’s gone,” she finally said.

Bree watched as Chad’s eyes rounded. She could see the nervousness in him, but didn’t understand why. She would think he’d be happy she had her memories back.

“That’s great, baby,” he finally said, though he still looked upset.

“I have another confession,” she said, her stomach rolling over.

“There’s nothing you can say that would upset me,” he told her.

“I love you, Chad. I love you so much that the thought of not being with you kills me,” she whispered as she looked at him with rounded eyes.

Chad stared at her in wonder for several moments, before his face split in a huge grin. He leaned down and took her mouth with his, kissing her with all of his love and passion. He brought his hand up and caressed her face, loving her so much, he felt close to bursting.

“I’m all for happy moments, but I think I’ll leave the two of you alone,” Joseph said with a chuckle, then they heard the door quietly close behind him.

“I love you, too, Bree. So much so that the thought of not having you in my life is unbearable. I can’t stand the thought of not being with you, not even for one night. You’ve slowly but surely carved a place in my heart, and now, there’s no going back.”

All talking ceased as he gently stretched his body out next to hers on the bed and kissed her so intensely, her monitors started going off.

They had to stop when the nursing staff rushed in, thinking something was wrong.

“This is highly inappropriate, Mr. Redington,” the nurse scolded while making him climb out of her bed.

“I’m sorry,” Bree murmured. The nurse gave her a stern look before leaving the room.

“That was mortifying,” Bree admitted.

Chad began laughing before he bent down and gave her one last gentle kiss.

“I’m going to find out how soon I can get you out of here. I want to take you home,” Chad said as he rushed from the room to find the doctor.

Bree laid there and wondered how something that had started out so terrifying could end so well. She’d gained her independence only to find she didn’t need it. She had a wonderful family she greatly loved and who would always be overprotective, which now didn’t seem so bad. She also had a wonderful man who had walked into her life and taken her by complete surprise. Her life had gone from one extreme to the other and that was just fine with her.

It didn’t take long for her family to rush through her doors, surround her bed and ask her dozens of questions about her health. She smiled, loving every second of it.

“We’ve been so worried about you,” Jennifer exclaimed as she bent down and gave her a hug.

“You have got to quit getting in shootouts,” Amy added with a smile.

“Yes, there are better ways to get a day of pampering other than getting admitted to a hospital,” Cassie added.

“I’m thinking a spa would be supremely more comfortable than in here,” Jessica joined in with a giggle.

“You know what? I think you’re all right. As soon as these people realize I’m fine, you can cart me away for a day of pampering. I think I’ve earned it,” Bree said. She adored her cousins and in-laws. They were wonderful women. She realized the men were starting to get outnumbered at least, with all the marriages and babies being born. She finally didn’t feel like the minority.

The men eventually left the women to chat and Bree felt herself relax, enjoying catching up on the latest family gossip.

A little while later, Chad stepped through the door carrying a huge bouquet of mixed flowers and a large bag of chocolate. Ah, a man after her own heart. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of the room full of women. Bree had to fight the giggle wanting to escape at his look of panic.

“I can come back in a while,” he said as he set the vase on her nightstand.

“Nonsense, you can be here, too,” Jennifer spoke up.

“I’ll wait. I want to talk to Bree alone.”

“You know she’s just going to tell us anything you say, so you might as well talk to her with us here. It saves time,” Cassie said with her trademark smile.

Chad looked at each of the women, then at Cassie. He squared his shoulders, then dropped to his knee next to her bed. Bree’s eyes widened as she realized what he was doing. The room became instantly silent as all eyes moved from Chad to Bree and back again.

“Brianne Lynn Anderson, I know I asked before, and not in the best way, but circumstances have now changed. I love you with all my heart and I want you by my side each and every day. I want to watch your beautiful body change with the growth of our child, and then I want to do it all over again as many times as you want. I’ll treat you like royalty, worship you day and night. I love you and it would be the greatest honor if you’d agree to be my wife,” Chad asked. His voice became a bit choked at the end.

Bree didn’t even try to stop the tears that were falling down her face. He was everything she could have ever wanted and so much more. She’d never let him get away. From his pocket, Chad retrieved a small box and opened it, showcasing a beautiful solitaire diamond nestled in an exquisite setting.

“Yes, nothing would make me happier,” she answered.

Chad gripped her hand, his own slightly shaking as he slipped the ring on her finger. She looked at their joined fingers and knew that’s how their life would be.

There was a round of applause and many congratulations as everyone beamed at the happy couple.

“Did I just hear we have a wedding to plan?” Joseph said as he stepped in the room. Bree turned stunned eyes on her uncle. He could be a thousand miles away and hear the word wedding if it was spoken by one of his family members.

“Yes, Uncle Joseph, we’re getting married,” Bree said as she beamed at him, then lifted her hand to show him her beautiful ring.

“Ah, that makes me so happy,” he said. “I’m going to go see your father. We have much to do… much to do,” he muttered, his head already in planning mode. Bree laughed as he exited the room.

“Do you want to run to Vegas?” Chad asked, only partially kidding. He knew what Joseph was like.

“We could never start our marriage that way. You’ll just have to deal with my family,” she said, knowing he was man enough for the challenge.


“I knew we could do it, even with your daughter fighting us the entire way,” Joseph said as he filled his brother in on Bree’s upcoming nuptials.

“I hate being confined to this stinking bed. These doctors are being ridiculous,” George pouted.

“I’m with the doctors on this one, brother. You gave us all a good scare,” Joseph said with suspiciously bright eyes.

“Don’t you start in on that,” George choked.

“We’ve only had our family back together for a couple years. I don’t want anything happening now. We have a wedding to plan,” Joseph said while taking his brother’s hand in his.

“And we still have one child to marry off,” George added, the twinkle back in his eye.

“I have a feeling that will be an easy task. Cassie’s friend, Kinsey has been here all day, and sparks are still flying between her and Austin. I think the two of them just need a little push. They’re running scared, and I think I have the perfect plan in place to give them the shove they both need,” Joseph said with delight.

“Don’t keep me hanging, Joseph. I need something to do other than watch this terrible television and stare at my monitors,” George demanded.

Joseph leaned in and let the planning begin.
