Rock Chick Rescue Page 82

How do you take the worry?”

Clearly not thinking I was nosy, she shrugged, “I love him.”

Simple as that.

Though, I guess that would do it.

We went to Eddie’s to dump my bag, Lee doing the walk-through/al -clear thing again.

I pul ed out what I was going to wear that night and then we went to Indy and Lee’s.

Indy and I got dol ed up together in their bedroom. Lee silently brought us a spiced rum and Diet Coke, then disappeared. The way he did it, I was beginning to realize why she loved him (other than the fact he was hot). Not because he got her a drink (which was nice), but the way he got her a drink. He didn’t ask, he didn’t make a big deal about it and it was a sweet thing to do. It was tremendously cool and, deep down inside, I hoped for something like that for myself one day. A lot closer to the surface, I liked Indy and I was glad she already had it.

While we got ready, we talked and giggled and I swear, it felt like I was back in high school getting ready to go to a dance in the gym.

I didn’t have anything sparkly so Indy loaned me some glitter dust to put on my col arbone and some cream that made my cheekbones glisten. It wasn’t a lot of sparkle, but it would have to do.

I wore a silky, deep-purply-gray tunic, with a low slash at the throat, which if I turned right could give a hint of cle**age. Other than that, it was kind of perfectly demure (I bought it myself), with long sleeves that got ful er down the length. The thing that made it kind of demure rather than total y demure was that it had two slits at the sides which were about two inches higher than they real y needed to be and therefore, they showed some skin.

This topped jeans and black flats (just in case I had to make a run for it). I went heavy on the makeup, not exactly Smithie’s but not my everyday look either and I did the deep part, sultry-thing with my hair.

I thought I looked al right, though nothing to write home about. I felt safe in the jeans and hoped Daisy wouldn’t quibble.

See, jeans were multi-purpose in Denver. An invitation could say “semi-formal” and there would be people at the party wearing jeans. It was just the way of the Rockies. A true Denverite would wear jeans to meet the Queen of England and somehow pul it off.

Once we exited the bedroom, we found that Lee not only disappeared, Lee disappeared, leaving a note. So we headed over to Tod and Stevie’s and Daisy was already there having a cocktail, playing with Chowleena and you could only just barely see the black eye under her concealer.

More proof that Daisy was the shit, I’d never be able to conceal a black eye and stil look as good as she did.

Stevie and Tod were both flight attendants and Stevie was out on a flight and not due back until the wee hours which meant Tod was stag.

When I walked in, Tod’s eyes got huge.

“Girlie, you are Queen Chameleon. Every time I see you, you look different.”

I smiled. “Is that good?”

“Fuck yeah, it’s good. You are workin’ that shirt and you’re only in my living room. The world wil stop when you walk out the door.”

Daisy smiled at me. “See?” she asked, as if Tod’s approval proved a point.

“He’s g*y,” I said.

Tod looked between me and Daisy.

“What’s my sexuality got to do with anything?” Tod asked.

Daisy turned to him. “She doesn’t think she’s al that.

Thinks she’s plain Jane and boring.”

Tod swung his wide eyes to me, “Good. You’re workin’

that too and you don’t even know you’re workin’ it.” Daisy’s tinkly-bel laugh sounded. “Damn straight, Sugar!”

Then they high-fived.

Dear Lord.

“Who’s designated driver?” Indy asked.

“I’ve only had one rum and coke, it can be me.” I said.

“I don’t think so,” Daisy said. “You need liquid courage for a face-down with your Daddy. This’l be my last one, I’l drive.”

Lottie showed up. We introduced her to Daisy and Daisy and Lottie formed a deep bond in five minutes while sharing breast enhancement surgery stories.

We ordered Chinese, we ate Chinese, we drank and we waited.

We didn’t want to show up at the scene of our last crime too early and Shirleen told Daisy that Dad wasn’t normal y early to the table.

At eleven thirty, we started to rol out but then Tod stopped dead in the kitchen.

“Un-unh, I tried, I real y tried, but can’t do it. Be back.” Then he ran up the stairs.

We al stood in the kitchen staring at each other. He came down with a pair of burnished silver stilettos with a pointed toe and a thin ankle strap that crossed at the back as well as a matching belt. He handed the belt to me and then knelt at my feet.

“What are you doing?” I asked when he lifted a foot, took off my black flat and threw it into the living room.

Chowleena was standing in the door to the kitchen, she watched my shoe fly over her head, gave a bark, then settled on her ass.

Tod slipped the pump on in its place.

“I do not worship at the altar of Sarah Jessica Parker and al things Sex and the City to go out with a hot-lookin’

girlie in black flats. You wear black flats when you’re eight and ninety-eight, not anytime in between.”


“Huh!” he snapped, giving me The Hand.

I knew better than to argue with The Hand.

So, if something went down and I couldn’t run, at least I’d die dressed to the nines from top to toe.

* * * * *

We went straight to the bar when we got there and I scanned the crowd for any sign of Darius or angry black women.

Luckily, the coast was clear.

The bartender came right up to us. “Shirleen said to wait until she gives you the high sign,” he told Daisy and Daisy nodded.

Then she turned to me. “You ready for this, Sugar?” No. I wasn’t ready for it. I had a lot of things to say to Dad but had no idea how to say them. And what would it matter anyway? Vince was stil going to be after me. I was just going to have to go with the moment.

“Ready as I’l ever be,” I told her

She squeezed my arm. “That’s my girl.”

The troop turned to the bar to order drinks and I stood just outside the clutch.

“Buy you a drink?” I heard a man ask and I turned to look.

My eyes hit a well -defined col arbone and muscular throat above a navy henley so I looked up.

Mace was standing there.

“Say yes and then look like you’re flirting with me,” he ordered in a soft voice.

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