Rock Chick Rescue Page 53

Smithie gave me an unhappy look. “Steer clear of Marcus. He’s f**kin’ bad news with a capital Fuck.” I nodded. I had every intention of steering clear of Marcus.

I started to put my drinks on the tray but Smithie caught my wrist.

“Got a friend, a brother, owes me a favor. I ask, he’d keep you safe and outta sight until your trouble clears and he’s the kinda guy no one messes with. If Marcus is involved in this f**kin’ shit, I’m ready to pul that favor. I’m guessin’ your cop boyfriend has you covered. The minute I think he’s fal in’ down on the job, you’re takin’ a f**kin’


I felt that strange warmth again as I looked at Smithie.

“Thanks Smithie, but I can’t go away, I have Mom to worry about.”

“Your Mom wil go to LaTeesha’s.”

LaTeesha was one of Smithie’s women. I’d met her on a several occasions and liked her. She was a nurse’s aide at an old folks home. By al reports, she loved her job and the oldies loved her. This was proved with her regular wage enhancements when the oldies would die and put a little sum for her in their wil s.


His hand went up.

“No f**kin’ discussion. I’m keepin’ an eye on you.” Then he dropped my wrist and moved away.


The night stayed busy and as peaceful as a night could be at a strip joint. Indy, Al y, Daisy, Tod and Stevie cal ed in a steady round of drinks, were nearing three sheets to the wind and frequent bursts of laughter could be heard from their table. They were more entertainment for the customers; even ful y clothed, Indy, Al y and Daisy weren’t hard to look at.

It was nearing closing when I dropped a round of drinks on a table at the farthest edge of the stage. I’d never liked that corner, even when my life wasn’t chaos. It was shadowy and always seemed somehow disconnected from the club.

I turned and nearly ran right into Vince Fratel i.

I froze, my heart stopped and I looked up at him.

“I been watchin’, know you have a bodyguard and I know you have Chavez’s protection,” he said, his eyes hard.

“There’l be a time when you aren’t protected and I want you to know, come that time, I’l be there.”

My heart started pounding and my eyes flew beyond his shoulder. Richie was close but he wasn’t paying attention, he was watching Indy’s table.

“Look at me when I’m talkin’ to you, bitch.” My eyes went back to Vince and fear closed my throat at his tone.

“Been spendin’ my time thinkin’ about what to do to you.

You think you’re safe: Chavez’s piece. You should know, Marcus and Chavez, they hate each other. Marcus’l give me a bonus; I f**k with you, no matter what Daisy says.

Anything to stick it to Chavez. Anything. Even war with Nightingale.”

I was rooted to the spot.

I wanted to run, to scream, but my body wasn’t functioning.

My mind had total y shut down.

“Al fours,” he said, leaning into me, “I’m gonna do you doggie-style and you’re gonna beg for it, even if I have to put a gun to your head.”

I thought, for a second, I would faint but then he was gone. Just as quickly as he came, he melted into the crowd and disappeared. I leaned against the wal , hugged my tray to my chest and took deep breaths to try to calm down.

This was now official y out of hand.

I wanted to tel someone, I wanted someone to protect me, to make me safe.

I didn’t know Eddie that well but I was getting to know him real quick. I had a feeling that if I told him that hot-blooded streak would come out and he’d lose his ever-lovin’ mind. If I told Smithie, I’d be going on “vacation” and I couldn’t afford vacation. If I told Indy, she’d tel Lee and he’d tel Eddie and war would break out. I wasn’t sure I knew what war meant but war was war and I didn’t want Eddie or Lee involved in any type of war, especial y not because of me.

Even in a packed strip club I’d never felt so alone and scared. Never in my whole life.

My mind re-engaged when I saw Tanya, walking funny, with a man I’d never seen close to her back. She was heading toward the dancer’s hal , where their dressing room was. The waitresses rarely went back there during shift and the customers never went back there.

I looked closely and saw he had a gun held to her back.

Oh… dear… Lord.

What now?

For some reason, I didn’t think I just acted. I didn’t want to bring attention to Tanya and the guy and I didn’t want to waste any time. I had to admit I hoped Richie would fol ow me. It was his job, even though he’d never been real y good at it.

As quickly as I could, I fol owed them, straight to the dancer’s dressing room.

dancer’s dressing room.

I heard the guy say, “Out.” And before I entered the room, the dancers were hustling out, faces pale, jostling me.

“Tel Smithie,” I whispered to JoJo as she passed. She nodded.

I entered the room, trying to be calm and casual.

“Hey Tanya, what’s up? Table ten is asking for drinks.” Tanya’s face was a mask of terror and my stomach lurched at the sight.

The guy’s head turned to her. “Tanya?” he asked, “I thought you were Jet.”


Fuck, f**k, f**k.

And it was a multi f-word moment, let me tel you.

I said, “I’m Jet.” At the same time Tanya yel ed, “Don’t!” The guy turned to me. He was white, tal , brown-haired and had an ugly scar running from the corner of his mouth down to his jaw. My heart was hammering in my chest but it tripped and faltered when he turned the gun to me.

“Leavin’ a message for Ray,” he said to me. “Steal from me, somebody pays. That’d be you.”

Then, without hesitation, he fired.

My luck took a turn and he missed. I dove to the side, my tray flying in the opposite direction.

Tanya pul ed free and dove to the side too.

I did my tuck and rol as shots rang out. Then I stood, my mind a blur except for the fact that I was pissed, right the hel , off.

I mean, real y.

Enough was enough.

I charged him, bent double and hit him in the bel y with my shoulder. We both went down, me grappling for the gun.

Another shot was fired and I vaguely sensed activity in the room.

Soon, I was joined by others, wrestling, a pack of arms and legs and lots and lots of nails.

JoJo had joined the tangle, wearing nothing but a g-string, the pasties long gone. Tanya was there too, obviously feeling the need to get hers back. A couple of other strippers jumped into the fray, the gun was wrenched free and we ended up with me straddling the guy’s stomach, my hands pushing down his shoulders. JoJo had her knees on one of his wrists, Tanya holding down the other arm with both hands and Meena, another stripper, was laying flat out on both of his thighs.

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